Beng Tiong Trading v Maria Janda: Setting Aside Default Judgment on Property Rights

In Beng Tiong Trading, Import and Export (1988) Pte Ltd v Maria Janda Achmad Bin Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias Maria and Others, the Singapore High Court heard an application by the 1st, 9th, 10th, and 12th defendants to set aside a default judgment. The default judgment declared that the plaintiffs were entitled to the rights, interests, benefits, and entitlements of the defendants in certain immovable properties. The court allowed the application, setting aside the order of court to the extent that it referenced the applicants, based on arguments concerning the nature of the beneficiaries agreement and the applicability of section 35 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Act.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court

1.2 Outcome

Application allowed; order of court set aside to the extent that references in paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 therein are made to the applicants.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Singapore High Court case regarding an application to set aside a default judgment concerning rights to immovable properties. The court allowed the application.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Beng Tiong Trading, Import and Export (1988) Pte LtdPlaintiffCorporationOrder of court set aside to the extent that references in paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 therein are made to the applicantsLostStanley Wong Hoong Hooi
Maria Janda Achmad Bin Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias MariaDefendant, ApplicantIndividualApplication allowedWonGeorge Lim Teong Jin
Abd Rahim bin Awad bin Achmad Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias abd. Rahim Awad WachdinDefendantIndividualNeutral
Abd. Rachman bin Ali bin Achmad Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias Abd. Rachman ali WachdinDefendantIndividualNeutral
Salim bin Hasan bin Achmad Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias Salim Hasan WDefendantIndividualNeutral
Ishak Bin Saad Bin Achmad Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias Ishak Wachdin BeDefendantIndividualNeutral
Quresh bin Muchsin bin Achmad Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias Quraisj Wahidin S.H. alias Quresh Muchsin WachdinDefendantIndividualNeutral
Abubakar bin Achmad bin Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias Abubakar WahdinDefendantIndividualNeutral
Abd Azis bin Achmad bin Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias abd. Aziz WahdinDefendantIndividualNeutral
Wachin bin Achmad bin Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias Dr. H. Wachdin AchmanDefendant, ApplicantIndividualApplication allowedWonGeorge Lim Teong Jin
Harith bin Achmad bin Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias Harits Ahmad WahdinDefendant, ApplicantIndividualApplication allowedWonGeorge Lim Teong Jin
Abd. Malik Muhammad Wachdin alias H. Abdul Malik Dr.DefendantIndividualNeutral
Futum binti Achmad bin Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias FutumDefendant, ApplicantIndividualApplication allowedWonGeorge Lim Teong Jin
The Public Trustee of SingaporeDefendantGovernment AgencyNeutral
Jak Alhadad & Co Pte LtdDefendantCorporationNeutral

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Dawn Tan Ly-Ru ARARYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
George Lim Teong JinWee, Tay & Lim
Stanley Wong Hoong HooiJing Quee & Chin Joo

4. Facts

  1. The applicants sought to set aside an order of court declaring the plaintiffs entitled to their rights in immovable properties.
  2. The applicants are beneficiaries of an estate under a will dated 3 September 1938.
  3. In August 1993, the beneficiaries entered into an agreement with the plaintiffs to sell the properties for $8.26 million.
  4. The beneficiaries received $240,000 as consideration.
  5. The beneficiaries applied to appoint private trustees, but later sought to repudiate the agreement.
  6. The plaintiffs instituted an action claiming specific performance of the beneficiaries agreement.
  7. A declaratory judgment in default of appearance was entered against eight beneficiaries on 19 July 1999.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Beng Tiong Trading, Import and Export (1988) Pte Ltd v Maria Janda Achmad Bin Abdullah Wachdin Basharahil alias Maria and Others, Suit 1255/1996, [2003] SGHC 232

6. Timeline

Will dated
Shaik Ahmad passed away
Public Trustee appointed sole trustee of the will
Agreement dated
Beneficiaries entered into an agreement with the plaintiffs
Meeting with some of the beneficiaries
Declaratory judgment in default of appearance was entered
Originating Summons No 1030 of 2000
Plaintiffs’ appeal vide registrars’ appeal 600020 of 2003 was dismissed
Decision Date

7. Legal Issues

  1. Setting Aside Default Judgment
    • Outcome: The court allowed the application to set aside the default judgment to the extent that references in paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 therein are made to the applicants.
    • Category: Procedural
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Failure to serve order of court
      • Lack of understanding of legal proceedings
      • Delay in challenging the order of court
    • Related Cases:
      • [2000] 4 SLR 559
      • [1986] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 221
      • [1995] 1 SLR 484
      • [2000] 2 SLR 233
      • [2002] 4 SLR 578
      • [1960] MLJ 47
      • [1987] 2 MLJ 37
      • [1982] 1 MLJ 242
      • [1992] 2 SLR 254
  2. Interpretation of Beneficiaries Agreement
    • Outcome: The court found that there was a real prospect of success in arguing that the subject of the beneficiaries agreement was the sale of properties and not inheritance rights.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Sale of properties versus conveyance of personal inheritance rights
      • Condition precedent regarding appointment of trustees
      • Enforceability of the agreement
    • Related Cases:
      • [2000] 4 SLR 559
  3. Applicability of Section 35 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Act
    • Outcome: The court found that there was a real prospect of success in arguing that section 35 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Act applied and the proposed sale would never have received court sanction.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Court sanction for the sale of property
      • Fairness of the sale price

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Setting aside the order of court
  2. Declaration of rights
  3. Specific performance of the beneficiaries agreement

9. Cause of Actions

  • Specific Performance

10. Practice Areas

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Trusts and Estates
  • Real Estate Law

11. Industries

  • No industries specified

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Lee Siong Kee v Beng Tiong Trading, Import and Export (1988) Pte LtdCourt of AppealYes[2000] 4 SLR 559SingaporeCited for background facts and the Court of Appeal's statement that the proposed sale of the properties by the estate to the plaintiffs was “fatally impinged.”
Alpine Bulk Transport Co Inc v Saudi Eagle Shipping Co, Inc; The Saudi EagleCAYes[1986] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 221England and WalesCited for the principle that the court's discretionary power to set aside a default judgment is unfettered and that the strength of the putative defence should be balanced against the excusability of the defendant’s conduct.
Abdul Gaffer v Chua Kwang YongN/AYes[1995] 1 SLR 484SingaporeFollowed Alpine Bulk Transport Co Inc v Saudi Eagle Shipping Co, Inc; The Saudi Eagle regarding the principles for setting aside a default judgment.
Zulkifli Baharudin v Koh Lam SonN/AYes[2000] 2 SLR 233SingaporeFollowed Alpine Bulk Transport Co Inc v Saudi Eagle Shipping Co, Inc; The Saudi Eagle regarding the principles for setting aside a default judgment.
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd v Measurex Corp BhdN/AYes[2002] 4 SLR 578SingaporeApplied Alpine Bulk Transport (supra) and stated that it was not sufficient for the applicants to show that they had an “arguable” defence: they must go further and show that the defence had a “real prospect of success” and “carried some degree of conviction.”
Aberfoyle Plantations Ltd v ChengN/AYes[1960] MLJ 47N/ACited as the locus classicus for the definition of a condition precedent.
Chiang Hong (Pte) Ltd v Ong Boon Pok Realty (Pte) LtdN/AYes[1987] 2 MLJ 37N/AApplied the holding of Aberfoyle Plantations Ltd v Cheng regarding condition precedent.
Chiang Hong (Pte) Ltd v Ong Boon Pok Realty (Pte) LtdN/AYes[1982] 1 MLJ 242N/AReversed in [1987] 2 MLJ 37.
Singapore Gems Co v The Personal Representatives for Akber Ali (dec’d)N/AYes[1992] 2 SLR 254SingaporeCited for the principle that the absence of good reasons for allowing judgment to go by default would entail a more rigorous examination of the merits of the defence.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
Rules of Court Order 13 rule 8

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Conveyancing and Law of Property Act (Cap. 61)Singapore
Conveyancing and Law of Property Act (Cap. 61) s 35Singapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Beneficiaries agreement
  • Default judgment
  • Condition precedent
  • Personal inheritance rights
  • Immovable properties
  • Public Trustee
  • Trustees
  • Estate
  • Conveyancing
  • Originating summons

15.2 Keywords

  • default judgment
  • property rights
  • beneficiaries agreement
  • setting aside
  • trustees
  • estate
  • conveyancing

16. Subjects

  • Civil Procedure
  • Trusts
  • Property Law
  • Setting Aside Default Judgment

17. Areas of Law

  • Civil Procedure
  • Trust Law
  • Property Law