Practice Areas

Showing 4,420 practice areas

No.Practice AreaJudgments
1419 Fraud1
2ATM Fraud1
3Abandonment of Easement1
6Abetment by Aiding1
7Abetment by conspiracy5
8Abetment by instigation1
9Abetment of Cheating1
10Abetment of Culpable Homicide1
11Abetment of Trafficking2
13Abetting Unlicensed Moneylending1
14Abnormality of Mind4
16Abridgement of Time2
17Absence of consideration1
18Absolute Privilege3
20Abuse of Authority1
21Abuse of Children2
22Abuse of Court Process3
23Abuse of Power4
24Abuse of Process116
25Abuse of Trust10
26Abuse of domestic help1
27Academic Dishonesty1
28Academic Misconduct5
30Access Orders4
31Access to Children108
32Accessory liability13
34Accident Insurance1
35Accident Insurance Law1
36Accident Law3
37Accident Reconstruction3
38Accidental Drowning1
39Accomplice Evidence1
41Account Mandate1
42Account of Profits14
43Account of Share of Profits1
44Account stated4
45Accountancy Law5
46Accountants Liability9
48Accounting Irregularities9
49Accounting Records2
50Accounting Services1
51Accounting Treatment2
52Accounting and Inquiry13
56Acknowledgement of Debt2
58Acknowledgment of Debt6
60Action in rem10
61Actual Authority15
62Actual and apparent bias4
63Actuarial Science1
64Actuarial Tables2
65Actus Reus3
66Acupuncturist Law1
67Ad Hoc Admission35
68Ad Hoc Arbitration Agreement3
69Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duties1
70Additional Evidence1
71Adducing fresh evidence9
72Adducing fresh evidence on appeal2
73Adduction of Further Evidence4
74Adduction of new evidence6
77Adjudication Determination12
78Adjudication Determinations3
79Administration of Assets9
80Administration of Estates4
81Administration of Insolvent Estates4
82Administrative Appeals1
83Administrative Convenience Class1
84Administrative Detention1
85Administrative Discretion1
86Administrative Error1
87Administrative Hearings0
88Administrative Law933
89Admiralty Jurisdiction5
90Admiralty Jurisdiction and Arrest11
91Admiralty Law7
92Admiralty and Maritime Law212
93Admiralty in Rem Writ1
95Admissibility of Statements1
96Admissibility of evidence123
97Admission of Advocates and Solicitors3
98Admission of Liability5
99Admission of Queen's Counsel1
100Admission to the Bar16
101Admissions of fact5
103Adult offenders1
105Advance Fee Fraud1
106Advance Payment Guarantees1
108Adverse Inference13
109Adverse Possession23
110Adverse inferences26
111Advertising Expenses1
112Advertising Law1
113Advertising and Marketing2
114Aerospace Industry1
115Aesthetic Clinic1
116Aesthetic Medicine2
117Aesthetics Doctor1
120Affirmative Action0
121Affordable Housing0
123Agarwood Investment2
124Agency Agreements7
125Agency Law337
126Agency and Distributorships22
127Agency by estoppel7
128Agent Provocateur1
129Agents and Brokers Liability1
130Aggravated Outrage of Modesty6
131Aggravated Rape11
132Aggravated Sexual Assault by Penetration2
133Aggravating factors2
134Agreement to Lease1
135Agreements for leases8
136Agreements to stifle prosecution4
137Agricultural Law0
138Aiding and Abetting1
139Air Crash Investigation1
140Air Law1
141Airbag Injury0
142Aircraft Accident1
143Aircraft Leasing1
144Aircraft Sales and Leasing2
145Airline Agreements1
146Airplane Crash Litigation0
147Alcohol Intoxication1
148Alcoholic Beverages0
149Algorithmic Trading3
151Alienation of Affections1
152All Risks Insurance1
153All moneys clause2
154Allotment Agreement6
156Alteration of Charge2
157Alteration of Position1
159Altered Consent Form1
160Alternative Dispute Resolution8
161Alternative Investment Disputes0
162Alternative Pleadings3
163Alzheimer’s disease1
165Amendment of Charges8
166Amendment of Pleadings30
168Americans with Disabilities Act0
169Amusement Park Liability0
171Anaesthetic procedure1
172Ancillary Matters7
173Ancillary Orders5
174Ancillary Proceedings10
175Ancillary disclosure order8
176Ancillary disclosure orders7
177Ancillary powers of court2
178Animal Import/Export Regulations7
179Animal Law5
180Animal Rights0
181Animus Possidendi4
182Annual Value6
183Annual Value Assessment4
185Annulment of bankruptcy order3
186Anterograde Amnesia2
187Anti-enforcement injunction4
188Anti-setoff clause1
189Anti-suit injunction60
190Anti-suit injunctions3
191Anticipatory Breach12
192Antitrust and Trade Regulation3
193Anton Piller Order6
194Anton Piller Orders7
195Apparent Authority6
196Apparent bias16
199Appellate Intervention1
200Appellate Litigation17
201Appellate Practice178
202Appellate Procedure1
203Applicable Law2
204Applicable test for interlocutory injunctions giving effect to restraint of trade clauses2
205Application for Adjournment3
206Appointment of Receivers2
207Appointment of receiver2
208Appointment of therapist2
209Apportioning Liability2
211Apportionment of Liability8
212Apportionment of assets2
213Approbation and Reprobation3
214Appropriate method of distributing funds1
215Appropriate sanction3
216Appropriation of Payment1
218Arbitral Tribunal Powers2
219Arbitral procedure2
221Arbitrator's Fees2
222Architect's Certificate1
224Architects Liability3
225Architects and Engineers Liability19
226Architects, Engineers and Surveyors3
227Architectural Engineering4
228Architectural Services5
229Armed Forces Offences1
230Armed Robbery1
231Arms Offences6
232Arms Offences Act4
233Arrest of Vessel21
234Arrived ship2
235Arsenic Poisoning2
237Art Law4
238Articles of Association1
239Artificial Intelligence Law0
240Asbestos Litigation0
241Ascertainment of goods1
243Assault and Battery1
245Assessment of Costs2
246Assessment of Damages95
247Assessment of Legal Costs44
248Assessment of Profits3
249Asset Dissipation2
250Asset Management8
251Asset Protection16
252Asset Recovery179
254Assignment Law30
255Assignment and attachment of money held by bank2
256Assignment and attachment of money held in bank3
257Assignment and novation of arbitration agreement3
258Assignment of Contractual Rights14
259Assignment of Patents2
260Assignment of Receivables1
261Assignment of Tenancy2
263Assisted Reproduction1
264Assisting Unlicensed Moneylending1
265Association Law4
266Assumption of Risk1
268Attachment Order1
269Attachment of Debts3
270Attempt to Murder5
271Attempt to Pervert the Course of Justice3
272Attempt to commit culpable homicide1
273Attempted Murder5
274Attempted Rape10
275Attempted Statutory Rape3
276Attempted Theft1
277Attempted culpable homicide2
279Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder2
280Attorney-Eyes Only Order1
283Audited Accounts3
285Auditing Law2
286Auditing Negligence2
287Auditing Standards6
288Auditor's Duties1
289Auditor's liability1
290Authenticity of Documents1
291Authority of Agent7
292Authority to Sue2
294Automatic Crystallisation1
295Automobile Accidents280
296Automobile Dealership1
297Automobile Insurance5
298Automobile Law1
299Automobile Repair Business1
300Automotive Products Liability0
301Auxiliary Police Regulations2
302Aviation Law11
303Aviation Litigation3
304Avoidance of transactions19
305Avoidance of transfer32
306Award procured by fraud2
307BVI Law1
308Back charges6
310Backdating of Sentence2
311Bad faith3
313Bail Review7
315Bank Guarantee9
316Banker Customer Relationship2
317Banker's Books1
318Banker's Guarantee3
319Banker’s set-off3
321Banking Facilities4
322Banking Facility1
323Banking Law239
324Banking Litigation21
325Banking Relationship2
326Banking Secrecy5
327Banking Transactions1
328Banking and Finance484
330Bankruptcy Act1
331Bankruptcy Chapter 113
332Bankruptcy Chapter 131
333Bankruptcy Chapter 70
334Bankruptcy Discharge2
335Bankruptcy Order4
336Bare licence1
337Bare right to litigate2
338Bareboat Charter4
339Bareboat Charters1
340Bareboat charterparties2
341Bars to rescission18
342Benchmark Sentences3
343Beneficial Interest5
344Beneficial Ownership30
346Beneficiaries Rights6
347Beneficiary principle2
348Benevolence Principle5
349Benzene Exposure1
351Beryllium Exposure1
352Best Efforts Clause59
353Best Endeavours Clause5
354Best Particulars1
355Best commercial endeavours4
356Best effort obligations3
357Best interests of infant3
358Betting Act2
359Betting Law1
360Betting, Gaming and Lotteries4
362Bias and Prejudice1
363Bifurcation of Proceedings1
364Bifurcation of Trial1
365Bilateral Investment Treaties2
366Bilateral Investment Treaty3
367Bill of Lading1
368Bill of costs2
369Bills of Costs3
370Bills of Exchange12
371Bills of Exchange Act4
372Bills of Exchange Law11
373Bills of Lading24
374Bills of Lading Act34
375Bills of Lading Disputes3
376Bills of Lading Law2
377Bills of Sale2
379Birth Injuries0
380Black Lung0
382Blanket Authorisation5
383Blockchain Law1
384Blocking orders1
385Boating Accidents0
387Bona Fide Purchaser6
388Bona Fide Purchasers2
389Bona vacantia1
392Bonus Disputes1
393Border Enforcement2
394Border Enforcement Measures1
395Borrowing Costs1
396Bought-Sold Note1
398Breach of Assurance3
399Breach of Confidence88
400Breach of Contract1880
401Breach of Contractual Terms28
402Breach of Contractual Warranties15
403Breach of Court Order36
404Breach of Discharge Order1
405Breach of Discovery Order2
406Breach of Duty47
407Breach of Duty of Care58
408Breach of Employment Contract1
409Breach of Express Warranties4
410Breach of Fiduciary Duty21
411Breach of Fiduciary duties5
412Breach of Guarantee13
413Breach of Mandate1
414Breach of Mareva Injunction3
415Breach of Mercantile Agency Agreement2
416Breach of Professional Ethics7
417Breach of Promise4
418Breach of Solicitors' Accounts Rules12
419Breach of Statutory Duty23
420Breach of Tenant’s Covenants2
421Breach of Trust74
422Breach of Undertaking3
423Breach of Warranty5
424Breach of condition16
425Breach of director's duties11
426Breach of director's duty1
427Breach of duties1
428Breach of duty of confidentiality3
429Breach of duty of fidelity6
430Breach of duty of full and frank disclosure1
431Breach of duty to perform due diligence2
432Breach of natural justice7
433Breach of negative covenant2
434Breach of oral agreement9
435Breach of statutory duties1
436Breach of unless order7
437Breaches of directors’ duties of care and skill2
438Breathalyser Test1
441Brokerage Agreement3
442Brokerage Fee4
443Building Agreement3
444Building Construction3
445Building Contract16
446Building Contracts4
447Building Control Act1
448Building Defects3
449Building Industry2
450Building Maintenance2
451Building Management12
452Building Management and Strata Management Act2
453Building Plans2
454Building Regulations2
455Building Sub-Contract1
456Building Surveying1
457Building and Construction4
458Building and Construction Contract1
459Building and Construction Contracts157
460Building and Construction Industry2
461Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act71
462Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 200414
463Building and Construction Law27
464Building and Construction Related Contracts6
466Bunker Fuel2
467Bunker Supply3
468Bunker Supply Agreement7
469Bunker Trading1
470Bunkering Business1
471Burden of proof31
472Business Acquisition1
473Business Consultancy1
474Business Enterprises2
475Business Formation12
476Business Interruption Claims0
477Business Law63
478Business Litigation128
479Business Management Consultancy1
480Business Planning0
481Business Registration1
482Business Trust2
483Business Trust Law6
484Business interruption policies1
485Buying and Selling of Businesses0
487CFR Contracts2
488COE Rebate1
489COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 20203
490COVID-19 Measures2
491COVID-19 Pandemic2
492COVID-19 Policies1
493CPF Contributions3
494CPF Monies1
495CPF Nomination13
496Calderbank Offer4
497Calderbank letter2
498Call and Put Option Agreement1
499Call on performance bond1
500Cannabis Law20
501Canon Law1
502Capacity of parties1
503Capacity to grant tenancies1
504Capital Markets0
505Capital Punishment5
506Capital allowance4
507Car Park Systems1
508Car Rental Scam1
509Carbon Monoxide Poisoning1
510Carbon Trading1
512Cardiothoracic Surgery1
513Care and Control76
514Care and Control of Children3
515Care and protection orders2
516Caregiver Stress2
517Careless Driving5
518Cargo Claims1
519Cargo Damage1
520Cargo Insurance2
521Cargo Operations2
522Carnal Intercourse2
523Carnal Intercourse Against the Order of Nature1
524Carriage by Air3
525Carriage of Goods2
526Carriage of Goods by Air and Land3
527Carriage of goods by sea17
528Case Management8
529Case Management Stay4
530Case management stay of proceedings1
531Cash Back Arrangement1
532Cashless Payment Systems1
533Casino Control Act1
534Casino Law1
535Casino Management Contract2
536Casinos and Gambling20
538Causation of Loss2
539Cause of action estoppel4
540Causing Hurt2
541Causing hurt by means of poison1
542Causing loss by unlawful means2
544Caveatable Interest4
546Central Provident Fund2
547Central Provident Fund Act4
548Central Provident Fund Law4
549Cerebral Palsy12
550Certainty of terms10
551Certificate of Entitlement (COE)1
552Certificate of Inheritance3
553Certificate of costs for three solicitors2
554Certificate of registration of charge2
555Certification of Work1
556Cervical Spinal Injury2
557Cervical Whiplash1
558Chain of Custody2
559Chain of Evidence1
560Challenge against arbitrator1
562Champerty and maintenance3
563Chancery and Equity144
564Change of Mailing Address1
565Change of Name2
566Change of Use1
567Change of position11
569Charitable Giving12
570Charitable Trust2
571Charitable purpose trusts2
572Charitable trusts3
573Charities Governance1
574Charity Law3
575Charter Agreement3
576Charter Parties4
580Charterparty Disputes12
581Chattel Mortgage2
583Cheating at Play2
584Cheating by Personation2
585Cheque Truncation System1
588Child Abuse2
589Child Abuse Allegations1
590Child Abuse and Neglect24
591Child Access10
592Child Custody332
593Child Maintenance12
594Child Sex Tourism1
595Child Sexual Abuse2
596Child Sexual Abuse Allegations1
597Child Support222
598Child Therapist Appointment4
599Child Welfare6
600Child Witness2
601Child Witness Testimony1
602Children and Young Persons Act34
603Children's Maintenance20
604Children's Welfare184
605Chinese Customary Law3
606Chinese Drywall1
607Choice of Law15
608Choice of Remedies3
609Choice of jurisdiction3
610Choses in Action4
611Circumstantial Evidence1
613Civil Appeals6
614Civil Contempt24
615Civil Litigation350
616Civil Penalties1
617Civil Practice1121
618Civil Procedure2486
619Civil Restraint Order1
620Civil Rights8
621Civil Service Appeals0
622Civil Unions0
623Civil and Engineering Services1
624Claim Construction2
625Claim for wasted expenditure2
627Claims by sub-contractor4
628Claims by subcontractor3
629Clang of the prison gates principle5
630Class Actions0
631Classification of creditors2
632Classification of scheme creditors2
633Clean Hands Doctrine3
634Clemency Process1
635Clerk of Works Duties1
636Client confidentiality1
637Clinical Depression2
638Closely Held Business Law0
639Cloud Computing1
640Club Law8
641Club Rules3
642Club Rules and Regulations2
643Co-broking agreement2
646Cocoa Trading2
648Collaborative Family Law0
649Collateral Benefits4
650Collateral Contract7
651Collateral Contracts7
652Collateral Estoppel3
653Collateral Management1
654Collateral Warranties2
656Collective Sale7
657Collective Sales30
658Collective Sales Agreement2
660Collision Claims2
661Collision Law1
663Colore Officii1
665Comity of Nations2
666Commercial Arbitration6
667Commercial Banking0
668Commercial Bankruptcy0
669Commercial Blackmail1
670Commercial Bribery2
671Commercial Crime2
672Commercial Disputes1070
673Commercial Financing Arrangement1
674Commercial Fraud64
675Commercial Insurance3
676Commercial Law454
677Commercial Leasing34
678Commercial Litigation167
679Commercial Mediation0
680Commercial Morality2
681Commercial Property2
682Commercial Real Estate7
683Commercial Sex4
684Commercial Tenancy3
685Commercial Transactions7
686Commingling of bank accounts1
688Commission Agreement3
689Commission Agreements2
690Commission Contracts1
691Commissioner for Oaths0
692Commissioning Contract1
694Committal Proceedings2
696Commodities Trading4
697Commodity Trading1
698Common Gaming House Act1
699Common Gaming Houses Act6
700Common Intention Constructive Trust12
701Common Interest Privilege5
702Common Law Rectification12
703Common intention10
704Common intention constructive trusts5
705Common law derivative action6
706Common object8
707Communication of choice to affirm contract in clear and unequivocal terms15
708Communications and Media3
709Community-based sentencing options3
710Commutation of Sentence1
711Companies Act168
712Company Law1707
713Compensation Fund2
714Compensation Law1
715Compensation Order1
716Compensation Payable2
717Compensation Principle1
718Compensation and costs2
719Compensation for delays4
721Complaints to Magistrates1
722Completion Accounts1
723Completion Contracts8
724Complex Litigation1
725Complex Regional Pain Syndrome2
726Complex and Multi-District Litigation1
727Compliance Issues1
728Compliance and Regulatory0
730Composition of tribunal not in accordance with agreement4
732Compromise Agreement16
733Compromise Order1
734Compulsory Acquisition11
735Compulsory Land Acquisition1
736Compulsory Liquidation1
738Computation of Time2
739Computer Misuse3
740Computer Misuse Act3
741Computer System Contract1
742Computers and Software13
743Concession Agreements2
744Concessionaire Agreements1
745Concluded Agreement1
746Conclusive Evidence Clause3
747Condition Precedent10
748Conditional Award2
749Conditional Stays2
750Conditions Precedent11
751Conditions of Sale1
752Conditions to be imposed3
753Condominium Law0
754Conduct of Arbitration3
756Confession and avoidance defence3
759Confidential Information2
761Confidentiality Agreement1
762Confidentiality Breach1
763Confidentiality Clause7
764Confidentiality Obligation1
765Confidentiality Orders1
766Confidentiality Undertaking3
767Confiscation and forfeiture6
768Conflict of Interest19
769Conflict of Interests1
770Conflict of Laws105
771Conflicts with earlier marks2
773Consent Judgement8
774Consent Judgment10
775Consent Order20
776Consent Orders18
777Consent of Public Prosecutor34
778Consent to Death1
779Consent unless order1
780Consequences of Prosecution’s non-disclosure7
781Consequential losses1
782Conservation Areas1
783Conservation Law1
785Consignment Agreement1
787Conspiracy by Unlawful Means211
788Conspiracy to Defraud10
789Conspiracy to Import Drugs1
790Conspiracy to Injure1
792Constitutional Law267
795Construction Accidents3
796Construction Adjudication4
797Construction Contract16
798Construction Contract Law1
799Construction Contracts37
800Construction Defects12
801Construction Disputes5
802Construction Industry3
803Construction Insurance1
804Construction Law525
805Construction Litigation17
806Construction Project2
807Construction Torts5
808Construction Worker Injury1
809Construction Works1
810Construction of Barges1
811Construction of Clauses1
812Construction of Contract35
813Construction of Contracts26
814Construction of Contractual Terms3
815Construction of Insurance Policy3
816Construction of Workover Pulling Unit1
817Construction of back-to-back provision1
818Construction of contractual term1
819Construction of deed3
820Construction of statute8
821Construction of terms2
822Construction of undertaking14
823Constructive Delivery1
824Constructive Dismissal5
825Constructive Total Loss1
826Constructive Trust79
827Constructive trustee1
828Constructive trusts26
829Consular Law0
830Consultancy Agreement7
831Consumer Banking0
832Consumer Bankruptcy0
833Consumer Fraud0
834Consumer Law12
835Consumer Protection1
837Contamination and Pollution1
838Contempt in the face of the court3
839Contempt of Court116
840Contentious Business Agreement5
841Contentious Business Agreements9
842Contested Wills3
843Contextual approach2
844Contingency Fee Agreement3
845Contingent Claim1
846Contingent Liability1
847Contra Proferentem Rule9
848Contract Law4931
849Contract of Affreightment2
850Contract of Carriage2
851Contract of service7
852Contractors’ All Risk Policy2
853Contractors’ duties7
855Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act32
856Contracts for sale and supply of goods10
857Contracts of indemnity20
858Contracts procured by bribery9
859Contractual Buy-Back Scheme1
860Contractual Disputes10
861Contractual Duties9
862Contractual Indemnity1
863Contractual Interpretation46
864Contractual Licence3
865Contractual Lien7
866Contractual Remedies24
867Contractual Variation15
868Contractual discretions15
869Contractual entitlements upon termination of employment2
870Contractual estoppel16
871Contractual terms165
873Contribution Agreement1
874Contribution and Average1
875Contributory negligence63
876Controlled Drugs6
879Conversion of Shares2
880Convertible Bond Agreement1
881Convertible Bonds3
882Convertible Loan2
883Convertible Loan Agreement2
884Convertible Loan Agreements5
885Convertible Loan Stock Agreement1
886Convertible notes1
889Conveyancing Law12
890Conveyancing Practice2
891Conveyancing and Law of Property Act1
892Conveyancing work1
893Cooperative Housing Law0
894Cooperative Law1
895Copyright Infringement4
897Coroners Law1
898Corporate Advisory3
899Corporate Benefit3
900Corporate Commercial Law6
901Corporate Debt Restructuring2
902Corporate Disclosure1
903Corporate Disputes7
904Corporate Finance24
905Corporate Governance87
906Corporate Governance Disputes10
907Corporate Guarantees4
908Corporate Insolvency20
909Corporate Law639
910Corporate Litigation141
911Corporate Notes1
912Corporate Opportunity1
913Corporate Restructuring24
914Corporate Restructuring Services2
915Corporate Secretarial Services10
916Corporate Takeover1
917Corporate Taxation1
918Corporate Veil5
919Corporate self-representation2
920Correction of commencement date1
921Corroboration Warning1
922Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act10
924Corruption Offences1
925Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act45
926Cost Cutting Measures1
927Cost Order1
928Cost of Cure1
931Costs against non-party2
933Counterfeit Currency1
934Counterfeit Goods5
936Course of Dealings4
937Court Dispute Resolution2
938Court Judgments1
939Court's power to sanction proposed scheme of arrangement1
940Court-to-Court Communication1
941Courts and Jurisdiction10
942Court’s powers over release of security after final award5
943Covenant for quiet enjoyment1
945Crane Operation1
946Crane Operation Safety2
947Creation of tenancy1
948Creative accounting1
949Credibility of Witness5
950Credibility of witnesses1
951Credit Agreement3
952Credit Card Fraud3
953Credit Facilities3
954Credit Fraud0
955Credit Repair0
956Credit and Security102
957Credit-linked notes2
958Creditors Rights9
959Creditors' Meeting1
960Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation3
961Creosote Exposure0
962Crime of Passion2
963Criminal Appeals14
964Criminal Breach of Trust27
965Criminal Case Disclosure3
966Criminal Intimidation12
967Criminal Law2000
968Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act2
969Criminal Misappropriation4
970Criminal Procedure1618
971Criminal Procedure and Sentencing25
972Criminal References2
973Criminal Review16
974Criminal Revision263
975Criminal Trespass1
976Criminal conspiracy56
977Criminal force and assault2
978Criminal motions9
979Cross Border Transactions1
980Cross Liability1
981Cross-Border Insolvency32
983Cross-border disputes4
986Cruise Ship Injuries0
989Cryptocurrency Law9
990Cryptocurrency Trading1
991Cryptocurrency Transactions1
992Culpable Homicide99
993Cumulative Scald Injury1
994Curative powers of court16
995Curial Law2
996Currency Conversion1
997Currency Exchange Platform2
998Currency Speculation1
999Custody of Children28
1000Customer Confidentiality4
1001Customer Relationship1
1002Customer-Banker Relationship2
1003Customs Act19
1004Customs Law2
1005Customs and Excise1
1009DNA Evidence1
1010DUI and DWI0
1011Damage to Equipment1
1013Damages Assessment119
1014Damages for defects3
1015Dangerous Driving2
1016Dangerous Goods2
1017Data Compliance0
1018Data Evidence3
1019Data Leak1
1020Data Protection1
1021Data Protection Law5
1022Datio in solutum1
1023De Facto Controller1
1024De facto director12
1025Death Penalty0
1029Debt Claims2
1030Debt Issuance1
1031Debt Recovery55
1032Debt Relief0
1033Debt Repayment Scheme4
1034Debt Restructuring2
1035Debtor and Creditor9
1036Debtor's duties3
1039Deceitful Practice1
1041Declaration of Invalidity2
1043Declaratory relief7
1044Deductibility of Expenses1
1045Deed Poll3
1046Deed Poll Structure2
1047Deed of Family Arrangement9
1048Deed of Gift1
1049Deed of Guarantee4
1050Deed of Indemnity5
1051Deed of Personal Guarantee2
1052Deed of Separation6
1053Deed of Settlement6
1055Deeds of Agreement1
1056Deeds of Arrangement2
1057Deeds of Assignment3
1058Deeds of Consent1
1059Deeds of Debenture1
1060Deeds of Family Arrangement4
1061Deeds of Gift1
1062Deeds of Guarantee4
1063Deeds of Indemnity1
1064Deeds of Release2
1065Deeds of Renunciation4
1066Deeds of Separation5
1067Deeds of Settlement7
1068Deeds of Settlement and Release2
1069Deeds of Understanding2
1070Deeds of Undertaking16
1071Deeds of Variation8
1072Deep Linking1
1073Deep Vein Thrombosis0
1075Defamation Law16
1076Defamatory Statements2
1077Default Interest1
1078Default Interest Rate1
1079Default Judgement1
1080Default Judgment4
1081Defect Claims3
1082Defect liability provisions1
1083Defective Construction2
1084Defective Goods3
1085Defective Title2
1086Defective Work1
1087Defective Workmanship2
1088Defective Works12
1089Defective consent of Public Prosecutor16
1090Defective equipment1
1093Defence of necessity1
1094Defence of payment3
1095Deferred Demand1
1096Deficient Construction1
1097Deficient Legal Services1
1099Delay in Construction1
1100Delay in completion8
1101Delegation of Duties5
1102Delegation of Powers1
1103Delivery of cargo against presentation of bills of lading3
1104Demeanor of Witnesses1
1105Demise Charter3
1107Dental Malpractice0
1108Dentistry Law1
1109Dentistry and dental practice3
1110Dependency Claim13
1111Dependency Claims2
1114Deposits Law4
1117Deputyship Applications2
1118Derivative Actions6
1119Derivative Arbitral Proceedings2
1120Derivative Proceedings2
1121Derivative action26
1122Derivatives Law2
1123Derivatives Trading2
1126Design Contracts2
1127Design Infringement1
1128Design Law1
1129Design and build contract10
1130Destruction of Evidence3
1132Detention of Cargo1
1133Deterioration of Car1
1134Determination of question of law or the construction of a document6
1137Deviation from parties’ agreed procedure2
1139Differential Premium Assessment1
1140Digital Assets1
1141Digital Payment Token1
1142Digital Penetration2
1143Diminished Responsibility55
1144Diminution in Share Value8
1145Diminution in Value1
1146Diplomatic Clause2
1147Diplomatic Relations3
1148Direct payments3
1149Directional Offence2
1150Director Disqualification3
1151Director Liability4
1152Director's Authority3
1153Director's Disqualification6
1154Director's Duties194
1155Director's Liability59
1156Director's Misappropriation1
1157Director's Report1
1158Director's Resignation2
1159Director's Resolution5
1160Director's Rights4
1161Directorial Misfeasance1
1163Directors Powers4
1164Directors and Officers Liability13
1165Directors' Fees3
1166Directors' Liabilities6
1167Directors' Remuneration2
1168Disappearance of Evidence1
1171Discharge Voucher6
1172Discharge of Counsel6
1173Disciplinary Action2
1174Disciplinary Committee1
1175Disciplinary Procedures7
1176Disciplinary Proceedings129
1177Disciplinary Proceedings (Accountants)2
1178Disciplinary Proceedings (Lawyers)7
1179Disciplinary Proceedings (Medical)13
1180Disciplinary Proceedings (University Staff)1
1181Disciplinary Tribunal1
1182Disciplinary Tribunals2
1184Disclosure Obligations15
1185Disclosure Order2
1186Disclosure Requirements1
1187Disclosure of Assets10
1188Disclosure of Bank Statements1
1189Disclosure of Evidence1
1190Disclosure of Information5
1191Disclosure of documents61
1192Disclosure of material facts1
1194Discount on minority shares1
1196Discovery Obligations15
1197Discovery of Evidence1
1198Discovery of documents26
1200Dishonest Intention4
1201Dishonest Misappropriation3
1202Dishonest Taking2
1203Dishonest assistance19
1204Dishonest assistance of breach of trust1
1205Dishonest receipt of stolen property2
1206Dishonestly receiving stolen property2
1208Dishonoured Cheque3
1209Dishonoured Cheques2
1210Disobedience of order of court2
1211Disorderly Behaviour1
1212Disposal Inquiry2
1213Disposal of Property5
1214Disposition in writing3
1215Disposition of Property2
1217Dispute Resolution28
1218Disputed Debt4
1221Disqualification orders1
1222Dissipation of Assets1
1224Dissolution of Marriage6
1225Dissolution of Partnership3
1227Distress Act2
1228Distress for Rent5
1229Distribution Agreement7
1230Distribution of Proceeds2
1231Distribution of assets12
1232Distributorship Agreement12
1233Distributorship Agreements1
1235Diving Accident1
1237Division of Assets250
1238Division of Family Assets18
1239Division of Matrimonial Assets86
1240Division of Matrimonial Home3
1241Division of Matrimonial Property98
1242Division of Property19
1244Divorce Law1
1245Divorce Proceedings1
1246Doctor's Liability2
1247Doctrine of laches1
1248Document Examination3
1249Document of Title2
1250Documentary Credit2
1251Documentary Credits14
1252Documentary evidence6
1254Dog Bites0
1255Domain Name Disputes2
1256Domestic Disputes2
1257Domestic Helper Abuse6
1258Domestic Maid Abuse23
1259Domestic Maids2
1260Domestic Partnerships0
1261Domestic Violence24
1262Domestic worker abuse1
1264Donatio Mortis Causa1
1265Dormitory Business1
1266Double Identity4
1267Double Insurance5
1268Double Jeopardy2
1269Double Recovery7
1270Double Rent2
1271Double Separability6
1272Double Taxation Agreements1
1273Double Taxation Avoidance1
1274Drag-along Rights8
1275Drainage Works1
1277Dredging and Reclamation Works1
1278Drilling Contracts2
1279Drilling Machine1
1280Drink Driving20
1281Drink-driving Offence2
1282Drivers License Suspension0
1283Driving offences1
1284Driving under Disqualification1
1285Driving without a valid license3
1286Drug Abuse1
1287Drug Consumption5
1288Drug Crimes40
1289Drug Dependence1
1290Drug Importation6
1291Drug Offences9
1292Drug Overdose2
1293Drug Possession7
1294Drug Trafficking75
1295Drug and Medical Device Litigation0
1296Drug-related Sexual Assault3
1297Drunk driving3
1298Due Diligence3
1299Due Process2
1300Due inquiry1
1303Duties and liabilities2
1304Duties of Court Bailiffs1
1305Duties of Legal Profession2
1306Duties of Solicitors1
1307Duties of interim judicial manager2
1308Duty as to materials and workmanship4
1309Duty of Candour127
1310Duty of Care21
1311Duty of Mortgagee1
1312Duty of Pledgee1
1313Duty of confidence2
1314Duty of disclosure8
1315Duty of fidelity7
1316Duty of full and frank disclosure5
1317Duty of solicitor to client1
1318Duty to Account144
1319Duty to Warn1
1320Duty to Wind Up1
1321Duty to cooperate2
1322Duty to design4
1323Duty to make full and frank disclosure1
1324Duty to provide reasons2
1325Dynamic Currency Conversion4
1326Dynamic Currency Conversion System1
1327E Coli Contamination0
1331Early Dismissal3
1332Earnest Money3
1333Earning capacity10
1336Easement Law1
1337Easement by Prescription1
1339Ecclesiastical Law1
1340Economic Duress23
1341Economic Loss2
1342Education Law1
1344Effect of Illegality of Related Contract5
1345Effect of amendment of statement of claim on in rem writ and warrant of arrest2
1346Effect of bankruptcy1
1347Effect of bankruptcy on directorship3
1348Effect of counterclaim11
1349Effect of setting aside bankruptcy order2
1350Effective Cause2
1351Effects of illegitimacy2
1352Effluxion of Time1
1353Elder Law1
1354Election Law2
1355Election of Remedies3
1356Election or Affirmation1
1357Election, Campaign and Political Law1
1358Electrical Engineering3
1359Electricity Act4
1360Electronic Discovery7
1361Electronic Engineering1
1362Electronic Monitoring Scheme1
1363Electronic Records1
1364Electronic Transactions Act1
1365Electronic banking1
1366Electronic funds transfer1
1367Elements of crime5
1369Emergency Arbitrator2
1370Emergency Interim Award2
1371Eminent Domain12
1372Employee Benefits1
1373Employee Share Incentive Scheme2
1374Employees’ Duties4
1375Employer's Liability2
1376Employers’ duties5
1377Employment Agencies Act2
1378Employment Agency1
1379Employment Agency Law1
1380Employment Agreement4
1381Employment Contract2
1382Employment Contracts6
1383Employment Injury1
1384Employment Law272
1385Employment Pass1
1386Employment Scam1
1387Employment of Foreign Manpower Act20
1388Employment of Foreign Workers1
1389Employment of Foreign Workers Act1
1390En Bloc Sale2
1391En Bloc Sales10
1392En-bloc Transfer1
1395Endangered Species Act1
1396Endangered Species Law9
1398Energy Regulation0
1399Enforceability of Contract4
1400Enforceability of restraint of trade clauses2
1402Enforcement of Arbitral Award3
1403Enforcement of Arbitral Awards14
1404Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements1
1405Enforcement of Consent Orders2
1406Enforcement of Court Orders3
1407Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards20
1408Enforcement of Foreign Judgments94
1409Enforcement of Guarantee9
1410Enforcement of Judgments10
1411Enforcement of Maritime Claims1
1412Enforcement of Monetary Judgments2
1413Enforcement of Order16
1414Enforcement of Provisional Award1
1415Enforcement of Security1
1416Enforcement of Undertaking1
1417Enforcement of negative covenant1
1418Engine Maintenance1
1419Engineering Consultancy1
1420Engineering Services3
1421Enhanced Punishments2
1422Entertainment Law0
1423Entire Agreement Clause18
1425Entrustment of property2
1426Environmental Cleanup0
1427Environmental Damage2
1428Environmental Law3
1429Environmental Permitting0
1430Environmental Pollution Control Act1
1431Environmental Public Health Act1
1432Environmental Regulation0
1433Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)0
1435Epileptic Seizures1
1436Equal Protection1
1437Equal protection of the law5
1438Equality of Arms1
1439Equine Law0
1440Equipment Finance and Leasing0
1441Equipment Rental2
1442Equipment Storage1
1443Equipment Supply1
1444Equitable Accounting9
1445Equitable Allowance1
1446Equitable Assignment4
1447Equitable Charge2
1448Equitable Compensation16
1449Equitable Duties3
1450Equitable Estoppel3
1451Equitable Execution4
1452Equitable Interest4
1453Equitable Lease1
1454Equitable Lien4
1455Equitable Mortgage4
1456Equitable Mortgages2
1457Equitable Recoupment2
1458Equitable Rectification12
1459Equitable Relief Against Forfeiture1
1460Equitable Remedies2
1461Equitable Set-Off9
1462Equitable considerations2
1463Equitable jurisdiction2
1464Equitable subrogation2
1466Equity and limitation of actions25
1467Equity of Possession2
1468Equity of Redemption4
1469Erbs Palsy0
1470Erinford Injunction10
1471Escrow Account2
1472Escrow Agreements10
1473Esports Law0
1474Essential issues in arbitration2
1476Estate Administration157
1477Estate Agency Law1
1478Estate Agents (Estate Agency Work) Regulations 20101
1479Estate Agents Act4
1480Estate Costs1
1481Estate Duty2
1482Estate Law22
1483Estate Litigation1
1484Estate Planning2
1485Estate and Gift Taxation0
1487Estoppel by Convention19
1488Estoppel by Representation1
1489Estoppel in defiance of statute18
1490Ethical impropriety1
1491Events Management1
1493Evidence Admissibility3
1494Evidence Law757
1495Ex Turpi Causa1
1496Ex parte orders1
1497Ex turpi causa non oritur actio1
1498Exaggerated Claims1
1499Exaggerated Injuries1
1500Examination Orders0
1501Examination of judgment debtor8
1502Exceptional Depravity4
1503Exceptional Hardship4
1504Excess of jurisdiction1
1505Excessive Seizure2
1506Excessive judicial interference3
1507Exchange Control Regulations1
1508Exchange of Cheques1
1509Exchange of information2
1510Exclusion Clause3
1511Exclusion Clauses7
1512Exclusion of appellate jurisdiction1
1513Exclusive Jurisdiction Agreement10
1514Exclusive Jurisdiction Clause4
1515Execution Proceedings2
1516Execution of Judgments1
1517Executive Compensation0
1518Executive Share Options Scheme1
1520Executors Duties2
1521Exhaustion of Rights2
1522Exhibition Law1
1523Existence of arbitration agreement7
1524Existence of debt1
1525Expectation Damages1
1526Expeditious Renewal1
1527Expense Claims1
1528Experimentation Results1
1530Expert Determination4
1531Expert Shopping1
1532Expert Testimony1
1533Expert evidence14
1534Expert witnesses4
1536Express Trust5
1537Express trustee’s duty2
1538Express trusts15
1541Extended doctrine2
1542Extended doctrine of res judicata10
1543Extension of Limitation Period2
1544Extension of Time66
1545Extension of Timelines1
1546Extension of Validity14
1547Extension of Validity of Writ1
1548Extension of moratoria4
1549Extension of time and liquidated damages4
1550Extension of time to register2
1553Extradition Law6
1554Eyewitness testimony3
1555FOB Contracts1
1556FX Trading1
1557Fabricating court order1
1558Fabricating false evidence1
1560Face Rage1
1561Facility Letter1
1563Factoring Agreement1
1564Factual Inferences1
1565Factual Possession4
1566Failed Investment Project2
1567Failure of Basis4
1568Failure of consideration22
1569Failure to Diagnose1
1570Failure to complete4
1571Failure to supervise1
1572Fair Criticism1
1573Fair Hearing2
1574Fair Hearing Rule4
1575Fair Housing0
1576False Claim1
1577False Declaration1
1578False Declarations1
1579False Evidence4
1580False Identity1
1581False Imprisonment5
1582False Information4
1583False Report1
1584False Representation2
1585False Trading1
1586False allegation of rape1
1587False statements of fact2
1588Falsification of Accounts8
1589Falsification of Documents16
1590Falsification of Records2
1591Familial Rape6
1592Family Arrangement4
1593Family Assets Distribution8
1594Family Business Law1
1595Family Compact3
1596Family Companies4
1597Family Court3
1598Family Dispute5
1599Family Dispute Resolution5
1600Family Justice Courts5
1601Family Justice Rules6
1602Family Law916
1603Family Mediation0
1604Family Trusts6
1605Family Violence7
1606Family Wealth1
1607Family and Medical Leave Act0
1609Fatal Accidents Act2
1610Fathers Rights0
1612Federal Criminal Law1
1613Fee-sharing agreement1
1616Fertility treatment4
1617Fetishistic Disorder1
1619Fictitious Purchase Scheme1
1620Fidelity and Surety1
1621Fiduciary Duties678
1622Fiduciary Duty45
1623Fiduciary Law9
1624Fiduciary relationships11
1625Filing documents out of time1
1626Films Act6
1627Final Award2
1629Finance Advisory Services1
1630Financial Advisory5
1631Financial Advisory Services1
1632Financial Assistance3
1633Financial Close1
1634Financial Consultancy2
1635Financial Crime6
1636Financial Crisis5
1637Financial Derivatives2
1638Financial Disclosure5
1639Financial Forecasts1
1640Financial Investment Advice2
1641Financial Investor Scheme1
1642Financial Investors’ Scheme (FIS)1
1643Financial Products8
1644Financial Regulation3
1645Financial Relief9
1646Financial Reporting5
1647Financial Reporting Standards7
1648Financial Services3
1649Financial Services Agreement1
1650Financial Services Associate Manager1
1651Financial Services Director1
1652Financial Services Law7
1653Financial and Securities Markets3
1654Financial contribution11
1655Financial relief after foreign divorce2
1656Financial resources10
1657Financing Agreement6
1658Finding of fact3
1660Fintech Regulation0
1661Fire Damage2
1662Fire Insurance1
1663Fire Insurance Policy1
1664Fire Safety3
1665Fire Safety Act1
1666Fire Safety Engineering2
1667Fire Safety Regulations1
1668Fire-rated glass doors1
1670Fish Breeding1
1671Fitness for Purpose Warranty4
1672Fitting-Out Period2
1673Fixed Charges1
1674Fixed Deposit1
1675Fixed term contract2
1677Flight Risk2
1678Floating Charge2
1679Floating Charges2
1680Floating Fish Farm1
1682Floor Area1
1683Food Products Liability0
1684Food, Drug and Cosmetics2
1686Force Majeure13
1687Force Sale1
1689Foreclosure Proceedings1
1691Foreign Divorce3
1692Foreign Employee1
1693Foreign Exchange1
1694Foreign Exchange Contracts1
1695Foreign Exchange Management Act2
1696Foreign Exchange Transactions3
1697Foreign Illegality2
1698Foreign Judgments11
1699Foreign Law78
1700Foreign Manpower Act2
1701Foreign Worker Rights3
1702Foreign arbitral award9
1703Foreign domicile grants2
1704Foreign exchange contract2
1705Forensic Accounting1
1706Forensic Science5
1708Forest Pleadings1
1709Forex Transactions1
1711Forfeiture Order4
1712Forfeiture Proceedings0
1713Forfeiture Provision1
1714Forfeiture of Deposit2
1715Forfeiture of Lease6
1716Forged Instruments1
1717Forged document1
1721Formation of contract91
1722Former prospective client1
1723Formwork System1
1725Forum Non Conveniens64
1726Forum conveniens8
1727Forum election5
1728Forward Freight Agreements (FFAs)1
1729Founder's Benefits1
1730Franchise Agreement1
1731Franchise Agreements7
1732Franchise Law4
1733Franchises and Franchising3
1734Fraud and Deceit662
1735Fraud on the Minority2
1737Fraudulent Acts2
1738Fraudulent Concealment2
1739Fraudulent Conveyance5
1740Fraudulent Evasion4
1741Fraudulent Misuse Counterclaim3
1742Fraudulent Non-Disclosure4
1743Fraudulent Tenancies1
1744Fraudulent Trading9
1745Fraudulent misrepresentation10
1746Freedom of Religion1
1747Freedom of assembly5
1748Freedom of speech13
1749Freezing Injunction1
1750Freezing Order6
1751Freezing Orders1
1753Freight Forwarding7
1754Friendly Loans3
1755Frivolous complaints1
1756Frontal Lobe Syndrome1
1758Frustration of Contract9
1759Fuel Oil2
1760Fuel Oil Supply2
1761Full and Frank Disclosure7
1762Functional Completion1
1763Functions of judge3
1764Functus Officio18
1765Fund Management3
1766Fund Raising1
1767Fundamental Change of Circumstances8
1768Fundamental liberties3
1769Funeral Expenses4
1770Furnishing False Information1
1771Furniture Rebate Plan2
1772Further Arguments1
1773Further and better particulars6
1774Future Medical Expenses4
1775Futures Brokerage1
1776Gambling Debt2
1777Gambling Disorder1
1778Gaming Law4
1779Gaming contract2
1780Gang Crime1
1781Gang Related Crime1
1783Garden Leave2
1784Garnishee Orders3
1785Garnishee Proceedings62
1786Gas Act1
1787Gas Supply Agreement1
1788Gastric Bypass Surgery Malpractice0
1789Gay Divorce0
1790Gay and Lesbian Family Law0
1791Gay and Lesbian Rights0
1792Gender Dysphoria2
1793Gender Recognition1
1794General Average3
1795General Deterrence1
1796General Management Consultancy Services1
1797General Practice0
1798General Principles7
1799General Principles of Insurance2
1800General exceptions3
1801Genetic Affinity2
1802Geographical indications7
1803Geomancy Service1
1804German Law1
1806Gifts Law57
1807Gifts in Matrimonial Context5
1808Global Master Repurchase Agreement1
1809Global Settlement1
1810Global Settlement Agreement2
1811Good Consideration1
1812Good Faith6
1813Good Faith Deposit1
1814Good Faith and Fidelity2
1815Good and Marketable Title3
1816Good seamanship2
1817Goods Sold and Delivered5
1818Goods and Services Tax2
1819Goods and Services Tax (GST)8
1820Goods and Services Tax Act1
1822Government Contracts0
1823Government Proceedings5
1824Government Procurement0
1825Government Relations0
1826Government Subsidies3
1827Grant of letters of administration1
1829Gratuitous bailment1
1830Grave and Sudden Provocation2
1831Green Cards0
1832Grievous Hurt14
1833Gross Indecency1
1834Gross overcharging5
1835Grossly Improper Conduct10
1836Ground for termination of contract15
1837Groundless Threats1
1838Groundless threat9
1839Groundless threat of infringement3
1840Groundless threat of infringement proceedings2
1841Groundless threats of infringement proceedings9
1842Group Restructuring1
1843Group violence1
1845Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract2
1847Guarantees and bonds7
1848Guarantees and indemnities103
1850Guarantor's Liability2
1851Guardian Ad Litems0
1853Guardianship and Conservatorship0
1854Guardianship of Infants1
1855Guardianship of Infants Act19
1856Guerrilla tactics3
1858HDB Flat1
1859HDB Flats1
1860HDB Law1
1861HDB Resale1
1862HUDC Estate1
1863HVAC Systems1
1864Habeas Corpus0
1865Habitual Residence1
1866Hague Convention2
1867Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction4
1868Hague-Visby Rules1
1869Halal Certification1
1870Handwriting Analysis10
1873Harmonious relationship clause1
1874Harta sepencarian (jointly-acquired property)1
1875Hazard Perception1
1876Head Injuries3
1877Head and Spinal Injuries0
1878Health Care7
1879Health Insurance0
1880Health Products Act2
1881Healthcare Law14
1882Healthcare Regulation0
1883Hearing Protocol1
1885Heart Attack1
1886Heavy Machinery1
1887Helicopter Crash Litigation0
1888Henderson v Henderson doctrine10
1889Henna Artistry Business1
1890Hibah and Wasiat0
1892Hire Purchase5
1893Hire Purchase Facility1
1894Hire-Purchase Agreement8
1895Hiring Charges2
1896Hit and Run1
1897Hold Mail Arrangement1
1898Holding Over3
1899Holding out6
1900Home Protection Insurance Scheme1
1901Homemaker Contributions5
1902Homeowners Association Law0
1904Horse Racing2
1905Horse Racing Law2
1906Hospital Law3
1907Hospital Liability2
1908Hospitality Law2
1909Hot-Dip Galvanisation1
1910Hotel Management2
1911Hotel Management Agreement5
1912Hotel Management Agreements3
1913Hotel Operations2
1918Housing Agency1
1919Housing Developers3
1920Housing Developers Rules3
1921Housing Development Board (HDB)1
1922Housing Law10
1923Housing Loan1
1924Housing Loans2
1925Housing and Development Act7
1926Housing and Development Board (HDB)3
1927Housing and Development Board flat1
1928Human Organ Transplant Act1
1929Human Resources Law0
1930Human Rights2
1931Human Sexuality2
1932Human Smuggling1
1934Hybrid arbitration3
1935Hypomanic episode of bipolar disorder2
1936ICC Rules1
1937IT Key Man Dependency2
1938IT Law1
1939IVF Negligence2
1940Identification Evidence5
1941Identification of Assailant1
1942Identity Theft0
1943Ill-treatment of child or young person3
1944Illegal Contracts2
1945Illegal Entry3
1946Illegal Immigration1
1947Illegal distress2
1948Illegal gratification2
1949Illegal importation of controlled drugs7
1950Illegal moneylending10
1952Illegality and public policy76
1953Illegally importing controlled drugs2
1955Illegitimate Children3
1956Illegitimate pressure1
1958Immigration Law3
1959Immigration Offences19
1960Impairment of Security2
1961Impeaching witnesses’ credibility1
1962Impecunious judgment debtor2
1963Impersonating a police officer2
1964Implied Admission10
1965Implied Consent2
1966Implied Retainer9
1967Implied Terms36
1968Implied Terms of Contract2
1969Implied Undertaking1
1970Implied authority of agent10
1971Implied contract16
1972Implied contracts14
1973Implied term4
1974Implied term of mutual trust and confidence3
1975Import and Export Law7
1976Import and Export Regulations1
1977Import of illegal items1
1978Importation of Drugs15
1979Importation of controlled drugs8
1980Impossibility of Performance7
1981Impossible attempt1
1982Improper Conduct2
1983In Personam1
1984In Rem1
1985In Rem Action1
1986In Rem Proceedings2
1987Inadequate Legal Assistance3
1988Incentive Compensation1
1990Incitement to Violence1
1991Income Tax1
1992Income Tax Board of Review1
1993Income taxation65
1994Incomplete Gifts2
1995Inconsiderate Driving4
1996Inconsistencies in Testimony1
1997Inconsistency between arbitration agreement and jurisdiction clause4
1998Inconsistent positions4
1999Inconsistent rights1
2000Incorporation by reference3
2001Incorporation of Terms13
2002Incorporation of arbitration agreement1
2003Incorporation of companies5
2004Incorporation of main contract terms10
2007Indefeasibility of Title4
2010Indemnity costs15
2011Independent Adjudication1
2012Independent Contractor Liability1
2013Independent contractors2
2014Indian Contract Act11
2015Indian Gaming Law0
2016Indian Law2
2017Indians and Native Populations0
2018Indirect Contribution3
2019Indirect contributions ratio10
2020Individual Voluntary Arrangement1
2021Indoor management rule1
2023Inducement of Breach of Contract122
2024Inducing Breach of Contract24
2025Industrial Accident5
2026Industrial Boiler Maintenance1
2027Industrial Building Allowance1
2028Industrial application1
2029Industry Practice3
2030Industry Reference Check System1
2031Inevitable Accident1
2032Infectious Diseases Act1
2034Information Privacy0
2035Information Technology Law2
2036Informed consent15
2037Infra petita7
2039Inherent Jurisdiction4
2040Inherent Power of the Court29
2041Inherent Powers of Court5
2042Inherent jurisdiction to supervise conduct of solicitors2
2043Inherent powers12
2045Inheritance (Family Provision) Act2
2046Inheritance Certificate1
2047Inheritance Law5
2048Initial Demand1
2049Initial Public Offerings0
2050Injunction to Restrain Winding-Up Petition1
2052Injurious Falsehood1
2053Innocent Infringement3
2054Innocent Misrepresentation3
2055Input Tax Refunds2
2057Inquiry Committee1
2058Inquiry as to damages1
2059Insider Trading7
2060Insider reverse piercing3
2062Insolvency Law410
2063Insolvency Practice2
2064Insolvency Set-off5
2065Insolvent Liquidation1
2066Insolvent Trading4
2067Inspection of Accounting Records4
2068Instant messaging2
2069Instruments liable to ad valorem duty1
2071Insurance Bad Faith31
2072Insurance Broking1
2073Insurance Claims2
2074Insurance Defense0
2075Insurance Intermediaries Act1
2076Insurance Law22
2077Insurance Litigation5
2078Insurance Policies3
2079Insurance Policy Interpretation2
2080Insurance moneys1
2081Insurer Concerned1
2082Intellectual Disability1
2083Intellectual Property2
2084Intellectual Property Law73
2085Intellectual Property Licensing0
2086Intellectual Property Litigation1
2087Intellectual Property Rights3
2088Intellectually disabled offenders1
2089Intention of Parties31
2090Intention to Possess4
2091Intention to create legal relations13
2092Inter vivos14
2093Inter vivos gift14
2094Inter-spousal Gift5
2095Inter-spousal Gifts2
2097Interest Rate Swap Agreements1
2098Interest Rates3
2099Interest in land14
2100Interim Administration1
2101Interim Certificate1
2102Interim Injunction2
2103Interim Judicial Management5
2104Interim Maintenance7
2105Interim Mandatory Injunction1
2106Interim Measures1
2107Interim Order5
2108Interim Orders2
2109Interim Payment4
2110Interim Preservation Order2
2111Interim injunctions16
2112Interim payments3
2113Interior Design Contracts1
2114Interline Agreements1
2115Interlocutory Appeals2
2116Interlocutory Applications2
2117Interlocutory Judgment1
2118Interlocutory Orders2
2119Interlocutory injunction13
2121Intermittent Explosive Disorder4
2122Internal disputes2
2123International Agreements3
2124International Arbitration116
2125International Arbitration Act116
2126International Arbitration Law21
2127International Calling Services1
2128International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)1
2129International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)6
2130International Child Abduction3
2131International Comity13
2132International Commercial Arbitration133
2133International Commercial Contracts22
2134International Commercial Court5
2135International Commercial Court Practice6
2136International Commercial Disputes1
2137International Commercial Law80
2138International Commercial Transactions11
2139International Commodity Trading1
2140International Family Law3
2141International Financial Centre1
2142International Law93
2143International Price Range1
2144International Rubber Association Contract (IRAC)1
2145International Sale Contracts1
2146International Sovereignty1
2147International Tax Cooperation9
2148International Trade16
2149International Trade Finance2
2150International Trade Law24
2151International Treaties and Conventions2
2152International taxation1
2153Internet Law6
2154Internet Piracy1
2155Internet Sex Crimes1
2157Interpleader Relief1
2159Interpretation of Agreements2
2160Interpretation of Consent Order1
2161Interpretation of Contract21
2162Interpretation of Contracts44
2163Interpretation of clause in deed1
2164Interpretation of contractual terms80
2165Interpretation of trust deeds2
2169Intestate succession14
2172Invalid service of payment claim1
2174Invalidity of arbitration agreement4
2176Inventive Steps1
2177Inventive step4
2179Inverse Passing Off1
2181Investment Advice2
2182Investment Advisory1
2183Investment Agreement8
2184Investment Disputes11
2185Investment Fraud7
2186Investment Funds0
2187Investment Holding1
2188Investment Law1
2189Investment Linked Policies1
2190Investment Management1
2191Investment Management Agreement1
2192Investment Portfolio2
2193Investment Schemes1
2194Investment Treaty Arbitration5
2196Investor-State Arbitration4
2197Invoice Discounting2
2198Invoice Financing2
2200Involuntary Bailment3
2201Irrational or capricious reasoning2
2202Irregular Judgment1
2203Irregularities in proceedings14
2205Islamic Law2
2206Islamic Law of Hibah1
2207Islamic Law of Inheritance2
2208Issue Estoppel20
2209Japanese Law1
2210Jet Grout Pile Method1
2212Joinder Applications2
2213Joinder of Parties8
2214Joinder of similar offences4
2215Joint Account2
2216Joint Accounts6
2217Joint Criminal Enterprise2
2218Joint Tenancy37
2219Joint Venture23
2220Joint Venture Agreement15
2221Joint Venture Disputes4
2222Joint Venture Law5
2223Joint Ventures1
2224Joint and Several Guarantee1
2225Joint and Several Liability7
2226Joint and several liability for costs2
2227Joint bank accounts2
2228Jones Act0
2230Judgment Debt1
2231Judgments and Orders332
2232Judicial Conduct2
2233Judicial Immunity2
2234Judicial Interference3
2235Judicial Interviewing of Children2
2236Judicial Management53
2237Judicial Mercy3
2238Judicial Policy2
2239Judicial Review95
2240Judicial Settlements3
2241Judicial comity4
2242Judicial sale of vessel2
2244Jurisdiction Challenge2
2245Jurisdiction Clause4
2246Jurisdiction Objections1
2247Jurisdiction of Arbitral tribunal11
2248Jurisdiction of Tribunal1
2250Juvenile Delinquency1
2251Juvenile Law6
2252Kadar Disclosure Obligations2
2254Kidnapping Act1
2255Killer litter1
2258Knowing Receipt30
2260Korean Debtor Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy Act1
2261Korean Law2
2262LGBT Law0
2263LPA Revocation1
2264Labor and Employment2
2265Labour Supply1
2266Labuan Companies Act2
2268Lack of proper notice7
2270Land Acquisition5
2271Land Acquisition Act1
2272Land Hoarding1
2273Land Law61
2274Land Title2
2275Land Title Registration1
2276Land Titles5
2277Land Titles Act9
2278Land Valuation2
2279Land disputes2
2280Landlord and Tenant Disputes6
2281Landlord and Tenant Law88
2282Landscape Design1
2283Lasik Surgery Malpractice0
2284Lasting Power of Attorney5
2285Late Trading2
2286Latent Ambiguity1
2287Lathe Machine1
2288Law Corporations2
2289Law Enforcement2
2290Law of Pleadings50
2291Law of Wills4
2292Law of confidence2
2293Lawful Holder2
2294Lawful means conspiracy4
2295Lawsuit Funding0
2297Lead Poisoning0
2298Learning Disorder2
2299Lease Agreement12
2300Lease Agreements1
2302Leases and Leasing0
2304Leasing Agreements2
2305Leasing Contract1
2307Leave for review3
2308Leave of Court1
2309Leave to Appeal5
2310Leave to commence judicial review2
2311Legal Advice Privilege4
2312Legal Aid6
2313Legal Completion1
2314Legal Compulsion1
2315Legal Costs3
2316Legal Ethics34
2317Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility161
2318Legal Impediments1
2319Legal Malpractice65
2320Legal Personality2
2321Legal Privilege14
2322Legal Profession11
2323Legal Profession Act279
2324Legal Professional Privilege16
2325Legal Representation3
2326Legal Separation0
2327Legal capacity1
2328Legal fees5
2329Legislative Practice0
2331Legitimate Expectation2
2332Legitimate expectations3
2333Lemon Law1
2334Lending and security7
2335Letter of Credit Law21
2336Letter of Demand7
2337Letter of Indemnity8
2338Letter of Indemnity Law2
2339Letter of Intent3
2340Letter of undertaking9
2341Letters of Administration1
2342Letters of Awareness1
2343Letters of Credit11
2344Letters of Credit Law1
2345Letters of Indemnity6
2346Letters of Undertaking1
2347Liability insurance4
2348Liability of Execution Creditor1
2349Liability of co-owner to account2
2351Libel, Slander and Defamation11
2352Licence Agreement1
2354Licensed Electrical Worker Duties2
2356Licensing Agreement1
2357Licensing Agreements2
2358Licensing Regime5
2360Lien clause1
2361Lien over sub-freights and sub-hire2
2362Lien over sub-freights and sub-hires2
2364Life Imprisonment1
2365Life Insurance Policy1
2366Life and Health Insurance0
2367Lifeguard Negligence3
2368Lifting corporate veil48
2369Lifting the Corporate Veil1
2370Lightweight Steel Framing Systems1
2372Limitation Act4
2373Limitation of Actions3
2374Limitation of Liabilities1
2375Limitation of Liability7
2376Limitation of Liability Clauses1
2377Limited Liability Company Law0
2378Liposuction Complications2
2379Liposuction Malpractice2
2380Liquidated Damages43
2381Liquidated Sum6
2383Liquidation Expenses2
2384Liquidation of foreign company1
2386Liquidator Appointment5
2387Liquidator's Duties8
2389Liquidators’ remuneration2
2390Liquidator’s statutory power of sale1
2391Liquor Liability0
2392Liquor Licensing0
2393Lis alibi pendens13
2394Listing Rules1
2397Litigation Funding3
2398Litigation Privilege6
2399Litigation Representative1
2400Living Wills0
2401Loan Agreement12
2402Loan Agreements7
2403Loan Facilities2
2404Loan Modification0
2405Loan Scam1
2406Loan Sharking1
2407Loan refinancing1
2408Loan to Security Ratio1
2409Loan-to-Value Ratio3
2411Loans of money5
2414Local Government Law2
2415Lock-up Agreements2
2416Locus Standi16
2417Long Dual-Income marriages2
2418Long Term Care0
2419Long Term Disability0
2420Long Term Visit Pass1
2421Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act0
2422Loss of Amenities6
2423Loss of Amenity1
2424Loss of Autonomy1
2425Loss of Chance3
2426Loss of Confidence1
2427Loss of Dependency5
2428Loss of Earning Capacity19
2429Loss of Earnings3
2430Loss of Inheritance3
2431Loss of Inheritance Claim1
2432Loss of Memory2
2433Loss of Privacy1
2434Loss of Profit1
2435Loss of Rent1
2436Loss of Rental2
2437Loss of Substratum1
2438Loss of Support1
2439Loss of future earnings14
2440Loss of opportunity1
2441Lottery Law0
2442Lottery Winnings2
2443Lump Sum Maintenance5
2444Lump sum contract9
2445Lung Cancer1
2446Lyft Accidents0
2447MTIC fraud1
2448Maid Abuse7
2450Maintenance (Child)105
2451Maintenance (Wife)122
2452Maintenance and champerty4
2453Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems1
2454Maintenance of Stepchildren2
2455Maintenance of Wife9
2456Maintenance of children6
2457Major Depressive Disorder2
2458Mala Fide2
2459Malaysian Industrial Court Awards1
2460Malaysian Trustee Act1
2461Malicious Falsehood23
2462Malicious Prosecution7
2463Malicious Prosecution of Civil Proceedings2
2465Management Committee1
2466Management Consultancy1
2467Management Corporation3
2468Management Corporation Law2
2469Management Council2
2470Management Councils2
2471Management Deadlock2
2472Management contracts2
2473Management of patient's property1
2474Managing directors1
2475Mandatory Injunction1
2476Mandatory Treatment Order4
2477Mandatory injunctions5
2478Mareva Injunction21
2479Mareva Injunctions57
2480Margin Accounts2
2481Margin Call2
2482Margin Financing Facility Agreement4
2483Margin Loan Facility2
2484Margin Ratio2
2485Margin Trading3
2486Marine Accidents2
2487Marine Bunker Fuel2
2488Marine Cargo Insurance1
2489Marine Coatings1
2490Marine Collision Regulations2
2491Marine Construction1
2492Marine Engineering5
2493Marine Fuel Oil3
2494Marine Industry1
2495Marine Industry Sponsorship Scheme1
2496Marine Insurance13
2497Marine Insurance Claims2
2498Marine Logistics3
2499Marine Paints1
2500Marine Propulsion Units2
2501Marine Salvage1
2502Marine Works1
2503Marital Abuse4
2504Marital Privilege3
2505Maritime Collision1
2506Maritime Labour Convention1
2507Maritime Law3
2508Maritime Personal Injury0
2509Market Manipulation4
2510Market Misconduct3
2511Market Rigging1
2512Marketing Agent1
2513Marriage Agreement6
2514Marriage of Convenience2
2515Mashed Potato Agreement12
2516Mass Torts0
2518Material Change of Circumstances4
2519Material non-disclosure14
2520Matrimonial Assets501
2521Matrimonial Assets Division78
2522Matrimonial Consent Order8
2523Matrimonial Dispute1
2524Matrimonial Home46
2525Matrimonial Law5
2526Matrimonial Proceedings24
2527Matrimonial Property5
2528Matrimonial cases5
2529McKenzie Friend1
2530Measure of Damages209
2531Measurement contracts3
2532Measurement of Construction Work2
2533Mechanical Ventilation Work1
2534Mechanical and Electrical Design1
2535Mechanics Liens0
2538Medical Assessment4
2539Medical Condition1
2540Medical Diagnosis1
2541Medical Disciplinary Proceedings6
2542Medical Ethics28
2543Medical Examination1
2544Medical Expenses5
2545Medical Law26
2546Medical Malpractice65
2547Medical Malpractice Litigation2
2548Medical Misdiagnosis1
2549Medical Negligence69
2550Medical Negligence Law1
2551Medical Procedures1
2552Medical Products Liability1
2553Medical Registration3
2554Medical Registration Act14
2555Medical Reports1
2556Medical Treatment Law1
2557Medical profession and practice20
2558Medicare and Medicaid1
2559Medicines Act1
2561Meetings Law10
2563Memorandum and articles of association4
2564Memorandum of Lien1
2565Memorandum of Understanding4
2566Mens rea7
2567Mental Capacity4
2568Mental Capacity Act6
2569Mental Capacity Applications0
2570Mental Capacity Law49
2571Mental Disability3
2572Mental Disorder2
2573Mental Health1
2574Mental Health Law9
2575Mental incapacity1
2576Mentally disordered offenders23
2577Mercantile Agency2
2578Merchantable Quality1
2579Mergers and Acquisitions2
2580Mergers and Aquisitions1
2581Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures1
2583Metal Commodities Trading1
2584Methamphetamine Crimes1
2585Methamphetamine Withdrawal1
2586Mezzanine Attics1
2587Mezzanine Loan2
2588Military Divorce0
2589Military Law1
2590Minimum Legal Obligation Rule1
2591Mining Law3
2592Mining and Minerals0
2593Ministerial Receipt1
2594Minority Oppression202
2595Minority Oppression Remedy2
2596Minority Shareholder Rights25
2597Minority Shareholders Rights10
2598Minority shareholders10
2600Misappropriation of Assets1
2601Misappropriation of Funds15
2602Misappropriation of Property1
2603Miscarriage of Justice2
2604Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act2
2606Mischief by Fire6
2608Misconduct of arbitrator1
2611Misdelivery of Cargo2
2614Misfeasance in public office1
2615Misleading Information2
2616Misleading Statements1
2619Missing trader intra-community fraud1
2621Mistake of Law5
2622Mistake of fact12
2623Mistaken Payment1
2624Misuse of Drugs Act583
2625Mitigating factors3
2627Mitigation Plea5
2628Mitigation of Damages5
2629Mitigation of Loss10
2630Mitigation of damage14
2631Mixed statement2
2632Modes of severance1
2633Mold Litigation0
2635Monetary Judgement1
2636Money Exchange1
2637Money Laundering12
2638Money Transfer Services1
2639Money and moneylenders40
2640Money had and received8
2641Money-changing and Remittance Businesses Act2
2642Moneylenders Act31
2644Moneylending Business2
2645Moneylending Law9
2646Monies Due and Payable1
2647Monitoring Accountants1
2648Moral turpitude3
2651Moratorium Application1
2653Morbid Jealousy2
2655Mortgage Actions2
2656Mortgage Law133
2657Mortgage Refinancing2
2658Mortgage of Personal Property3
2659Mortgagee in Possession2
2660Mortgagee's duties2
2661Mortgagee's power of sale3
2663Motor Accident Law2
2664Motor Insurers’ Bureau1
2665Motor Traffic Accident3
2666Motor Vehicle Accident Law2
2667Motor Vehicle Accidents3
2668Motor Vehicle Insurance4
2669Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy5
2670Motor Vehicle Law3
2671Motor Vehicles1
2672Motor Vehicles (Third-Party Risks and Compensation) Act3
2673Motor Workshop Instructions2
2674Motor accident5
2675Motor accidents4
2676Motorcycle Accident1
2677Motorcycle Accident Law3
2678Motorcycle Accidents2
2679Motorcycle workshop1
2680Muller Exception1
2681Multi-Level Marketing2
2682Multi-tiered dispute resolution2
2683Municipal Law0
2685Music Publishing1
2686Muslim Law21
2687Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters3
2688Mutual Legal Assistance6
2689Mutual Wills3
2691National Service Offences6
2692Natural Resources0
2693Natural forum73
2694Natural justice129
2695Naval Architecture2
2697Negative Covenant3
2698Negative Pledge2
2700Negligent Advice3
2701Negligent Driving2
2702Negligent design and manufacture1
2703Negligent misrepresentation13
2705Neighbouring Properties2
2706Nervous Shock1
2707Net Tangible Asset1
2708Network Leasing Agreement2
2709Network Marketing Scheme2
2711New Demand1
2712Newton Hearing4
2713Newton hearings4
2714Nigerian Scam1
2715No Case Submission2
2716No Oral Modification Clause4
2717No-Action Clause1
2718No-Assignment Clause9
2719Nominal Plaintiff1
2720Nominal damages6
2722Nominee Agreements2
2723Nominee Director8
2724Nominee Purchase Arrangement3
2725Nominee Shareholder1
2726Nominee's duties3
2727Non approbation and reprobation1
2728Non est factum22
2729Non-Compete Agreement2
2730Non-Compete Clause7
2731Non-Competition Clause4
2732Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)1
2733Non-Recourse Loan1
2734Non-Solicitation Clause8
2735Non-acceptance of goods4
2736Non-assignment clauses2
2737Non-charitable purpose trust2
2738Non-circumvention agreement2
2740Non-contribution clause1
2741Non-delegable duties2
2743Non-disclosure of material facts1
2744Non-financial Contribution2
2746Non-party discovery1
2747Non-recourse Loan Agreement2
2748Non-registration of charges2
2749Non-registration of instrument of declaration1
2750Non-reliance clause13
2752Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations0
2753Norwich Pharmacal Orders2
2754Notice of Assignment1
2755Notice of Disqualification1
2756Notice period2
2757Notice to Complete2
2759Novation Agreement2
2760Novation Agreements5
2761Novation of Contract4
2763Novus Actus Interveniens2
2765Nullity Suit2
2766Nullity of Marriage3
2767Nuncupative Will3
2768Nursing Home Litigation0
2770O18 r 19 Rules of Court2
2771Oaths and Declarations Act2
2772Obligation of confidentiality3
2773Obligation to award academic degree1
2774Obligations imposed3
2777Obstetrics and Gynaecology1
2778Obstructing the Course of Justice4
2779Obstructing, preventing, perverting or defeating course of justice32
2780Obstruction of Justice5
2781Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA)1
2782Occupiers' Liability18
2783Off-shore Banking1
2785Offences Relating to Property5
2786Offences against public servants2
2787Offences relating to race8
2789Offer and Acceptance26
2790Offer to Settle37
2791Offering goods for sale1
2792Offering securities without a prospectus1
2793Offers to Settle2
2794Officer of the Court1
2795Official Assignee3
2796Official Secrecy3
2797Official Secrets Act1
2798Offset Agreement1
2799Offshore Engineering1
2800Offshore Trusts2
2801Offshore case1
2802Offshore case declaration1
2803Oil and Gas0
2804Oil and Gas Concession Project1
2805Oil and Gas Industry1
2806On-board Courier Services1
2807On-demand Bonds1
2808On-demand Guarantee1
2809On-demand bond1
2810One transaction rule1
2811Online Falsehoods2
2812Online Sale and Purchase1
2813Online gaming1
2814Onus of Proof2
2815Open justice3
2816Operational Losses1
2820Oppressive Conduct3
2821Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Technology1
2822Option Agreement1
2823Option Clause2
2824Option to Purchase16
2825Options Trading1
2826Options to purchase4
2828Oral Agreement27
2829Oral Variation of Contract13
2830Oral agreements12
2831Oral contract20
2832Oral contracts5
2833Oral undertaking11
2834Order Bills of Lading2
2835Order for Sale3
2836Order of medical examination1
2837Orders for proceedings to be heard in camera1
2838Orders for protection2
2839Ordinary Course of Business3
2840Organ Trafficking1
2841Originating processes3
2842Orphan Policies1
2843Ostensible Authority18
2844Outrage of Modesty54
2845Outraging Modesty6
2847Overcharging of fees1
2850Overseas Investment Finance Programme1
2851Overseas Test Centres1
2852Overseas Travel2
2855Ownership of Vessel1
2856Ownership of cargo1
2857Ownership of vessels2
2860Paid Sex with a Minor3
2861Pain and Suffering3
2862Paint Application1
2863Painting Contract2
2864Palm Oil Trading2
2865Parallel Import3
2866Parallel Importation1
2867Parallel Imports2
2868Paramount Clause2
2870Parent-Child Relationship6
2871Parental Alienation6
2872Parental Responsibility5
2874Parenting Coordinator3
2875Parenting Styles3
2876Pari Passu1
2877Pari passu principle2
2878Parity Principle3
2879Parliamentary Elections2
2880Parliamentary Law1
2881Parol Evidence Rule7
2882Parole and Probation1
2883Part Performance10
2884Particular causes of action6
2887Partition of Land1
2889Partnership Dispute1
2890Partnership Law48
2891Party Autonomy9
2892Party and party costs1
2893Passenger Sales Agreement1
2894Passing Off70
2895Passing of property1
2896Passport Act1
2897Passports Act3
2898Past consideration2
2899Patent Ambiguity1
2900Patent Amendment2
2901Patent Amendments9
2902Patent Construction1
2903Patent Entitlement1
2904Patent Error1
2905Patent Infringement21
2906Patent Invalidity2
2907Patent Law3
2908Patent Litigation2
2909Patent Priority1
2910Patent Revocation3
2911Patent Specification2
2912Patent Validity8
2913Patent errors1
2916Pathological arbitration clause5
2918Patient Autonomy2
2919Patient Confidentiality16
2921Pawnbrokers Act2
2922Pawnshop's Right2
2924Pay when paid2
2925Pay when paid provisions3
2926Payday Loans0
2927Payment Claims2
2928Payment Gateway Services1
2929Payment Services Act 20191
2930Payment Undertaking2
2931Payment out of proceeds of sale1
2932Paypal Credits Scam1
2933Peaceable Re-entry1
2934Pecuniary loss insurance1
2936Penal Code282
2937Penal statutes3
2939Penalty Clause1
2940Penalty Clauses2
2941Penalty Doctrine2
2942Pension and Profit Sharing Plans0
2943Peremptory Order1
2944Peremptory orders10
2945Performance Bond83
2946Performance Bonds3
2947Performance Guarantee1
2948Performance of Contract114
2949Perils of the Sea1
2950Permanent Court of Arbitration1
2951Permission to continue proceedings1
2952Persistency Ratio1
2953Persistent Vegetative State1
2954Persistent offenders1
2955Personal Cost Order3
2956Personal Data Protection2
2957Personal Equity1
2958Personal Guarantee10
2959Personal Injury653
2960Personal Injury Law6
2961Personal Liability1
2962Personal Property Ownership13
2963Personal Protection Order4
2964Personal injuries cases8
2965Personal liability of solicitor for costs5
2966Personal loan2
2967Personal representative1
2968Personal representatives10
2969Personating a public servant5
2970Petrochemical Patents1
2971Phantom Limb Pain2
2972Pharmaceutical Business1
2973Pharmaceutical Law15
2974Pharmaceutical Patents3
2975Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry1
2976Pharmaceutical Products2
2978Pharmaceuticals Liability2
2979Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) Contract2
2980Piercing corporate veil6
2981Piercing the corporate veil2
2982Piling Works1
2983Pioneer Generation Package1
2985Planning Act2
2986Planning Control1
2987Planning Law1
2988Planning Permission1
2992Pledge of Shares2
2993Pledges and Pawns2
2994Pointe Gourde principle1
2996Police Brutality1
2997Police Impersonation Scam1
2998Police Investigation1
2999Police Misconduct1
3000Police Regulations2
3001Policy Defences1
3002Policy Interpretation3
3003Politically Motivated Prosecution1
3004Polygamous Marriage4
3005Ponzi Scheme1
3006Ponzi Schemes15
3007Port Operations1
3008Portfolio Pumping1
3009Possession for purpose of trafficking1
3010Possession of Drugs4
3011Possession of Unlawful Identity Card1
3012Possessory Lien2
3013Possessory Title1
3014Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder7
3015Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)1
3016Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms1
3017Post-judgment Mareva injunction1
3018Post-operative care2
3019Post-termination provisions1
3020Post-traumatic stress1
3021Post-traumatic stress syndrome1
3022Postal Acceptance Rule5
3023Postal Rule11
3024Posthumous Admission2
3025Postnuptial Agreement3
3026Power of Attorney8
3027Power of Sale4
3029Powers of Attorney5
3030Powers of the court3
3031Practice and procedure of action in rem2
3032Practising certificate1
3033Pre-Effective Date Indemnity1
3034Pre-Packaged Restructuring1
3035Pre-action Disclosure2
3036Pre-action Interrogatories1
3037Pre-action discovery18
3038Pre-arbitral discovery2
3039Pre-contract deposits7
3040Pre-contractual deposits1
3041Pre-emption Rights1
3042Pre-emption right1
3043Pre-emptive Rights1
3044Pre-incorporation acts2
3045Pre-incorporation contracts13
3046Pre-judgment interest8
3047Pre-trial loss of earnings4
3048Preferential Additional Registration Fee (PARF)1
3049Preferential Payments2
3051Premarital Agreements1
3052Premature Application1
3053Premises Liability7
3054Premium Funding Arrangement2
3055Prenuptial Agreement6
3056Prenuptial Agreements3
3057Prescription Regulations2
3058Presidential Clemency1
3059Presidential Election1
3060Presumed Resulting Trust5
3061Presumed Resulting Trusts10
3062Presumption of Advancement26
3063Presumption of Death4
3064Presumption of Knowledge3
3065Presumption of Legitimacy2
3066Presumption of Similarity2
3067Presumption of fact in loans of money3
3069Presumptions against1
3070Presumptions against Resulting trusts1
3071Presumptions against gifts2
3072Prevention of Corruption Act79
3073Prevention of Human Trafficking Act19
3074Prevention principle7
3075Preventive detention9
3076Price Reduction Agreements4
3077Price Reduction Services1
3079Pricing Mechanism1
3080Prima Facie1
3081Prima Facie Case6
3082Prima Facie Defence4
3083Primacy Principle1
3084Primary School Admission2
3086Principle of Parity3
3087Principle of approbation and reprobation2
3088Principle of necessity4
3089Principle of parity of sentencing1
3091Principles for awarding damages1
3092Principles governing extension of time4
3093Principles on forfeiture3
3094Printing Equipment1
3095Prior Art3
3096Prior inconsistent statements1
3098Priorities of Claims1
3099Priority of Creditors3
3100Prison Law7
3101Prison Rules1
3102Prisoners Rights1
3103Prisons Act4
3105Privacy Law7
3106Private Banking5
3107Private Defence8
3108Private Education Law1
3109Private Entrapment1
3110Private International Law85
3111Private Investigation2
3112Private Investigators1
3113Private Prosecution10
3114Private Prosecutions1
3115Private Sector Corruption1
3116Private Trustee1
3117Private nuisance5
3122Privity of contract19
3123Pro Bono Services4
3125Probate Administration3
3126Probate and Administration1
3128Procedural Breaches2
3129Procedural Law36
3130Procedural fairness4
3131Procedural fraud5
3132Procurement Agreement7
3133Product Liability2
3134Product Liability Law1
3135Production of documents13
3136Products Liability6
3137Professional Conduct Rules27
3138Professional Discipline19
3139Professional Engineering Conduct2
3140Professional Ethics103
3141Professional Fees2
3142Professional Fees Assessment2
3143Professional Football1
3144Professional Indemnity2
3145Professional Liability13
3146Professional Medical Ethics2
3147Professional Misconduct45
3148Professional Negligence32
3149Professional Practices1
3150Professional Remuneration4
3151Professional Services2
3152Professional architectural services1
3153Professional communications1
3154Professional conduct62
3155Professional duty3
3156Professional indemnity insurance1
3157Profit Sharing Agreement8
3158Progress Payment Claims4
3159Prohibiting Order2
3160Prohibitory injunctions5
3161Project Finance1
3162Prolongation Costs1
3163Promissory Note3
3164Promissory Notes5
3165Promissory estoppel12
3166Promoter Employment Agreements1
3167Proof of Debt12
3168Proof of contents2
3169Proof of evidence10
3170Proofs of debt1
3171Proper Law5
3172Proper Law of Contract14
3173Proper Notice7
3174Proper Plaintiff Rule1
3176Property Assessment0
3177Property Damage45
3178Property Disputes21
3179Property Insurance5
3180Property Investment1
3181Property Law1098
3182Property Offences1
3183Property Tax17
3184Property Tax Appeals0
3185Property Tax Assessment2
3187Proportionality of Litigation1
3188Proportionality principle1
3189Proprietary Claim3
3190Proprietary Estoppel32
3191Proprietary Injunction4
3192Proprietary Rights1
3193Proprietary injunctions3
3194Proprietary restitution3
3195Prosecution by Attrition7
3196Prosecution failing to disclose material3
3197Prosecution’s duty to assist the court in respect of sentencing4
3198Prosecutorial Delay1
3199Prosecutorial Discretion9
3200Prosecutorial Misconduct7
3201Prosecutorial Powers6
3202Prospect of Success2
3203Prospective Overruling3
3204Prospective Relief1
3205Prospective overruling of court judgments2
3209Prostitution Law6
3210Protection from Harassment9
3211Protection from Harassment Act1
3212Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA)4
3213Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 20191
3214Protection of contractual rights4
3215Protective Writ2
3216Provident Fund1
3217Provisional Award3
3218Provisional Damages3
3219Provisional liquidators5
3221Psychiatric Evidence3
3222Psychiatric Harm1
3223Psychiatric Injury2
3224Psychiatric opinion1
3226Psychiatry Assessment1
3227Psychiatry Practice1
3229Public Entertainment Law2
3230Public Entertainment and Meetings Act1
3231Public Finance0
3232Public Health Law1
3233Public Interest Immunity2
3234Public Interest Privilege1
3235Public International Law4
3236Public Nuisance2
3237Public Order3
3238Public Order Law6
3239Public Order Offences4
3240Public Policy4
3241Public Prosecutor54
3242Public Sector Governance1
3243Public Servant1
3244Public Service2
3245Public Service Law1
3246Public Tranquillity2
3247Public Transport Law2
3248Public Transport Worker Offences1
3249Public Utilities Act2
3250Public decency and morals1
3251Pulmonary Fat Embolism4
3253Purchase Money Resulting Trust4
3254Purchase Price Resulting Trust2
3255Purchaser's Lien2
3256Purchasing Finance Agreement2
3257Pure Economic Loss5
3258Purpose trusts1
3259Purposive Construction1
3260Purposive approach6
3261Put Option2
3262Put and Call Option Agreement2
3263Pyramid Scheme1
3264Pyramid Schemes1
3265Pyramid Selling1
3266Qua member rule3
3267Qualification of rights6
3268Qualified Pleas of Guilt1
3269Qualified Privilege3
3270Qualified Title1
3271Quantification of Damages2
3272Quantity Surveying5
3274Quantum meruit30
3275Quantum of Liability5
3276Quantum of costs10
3277Quashing order1
3281Qui Tam Litigation0
3282Quia timet injunction3
3283Quiet Enjoyment2
3284Quiet Title0
3285Quistclose trust8
3286Quistclose trusts6
3287REDAS Design and Build Conditions of Main Contract4
3289Racking Systems2
3290Radial Nerve Injury1
3293Railroad Accidents0
3295Rash Act2
3296Rash Driving2
3301Ready-Mixed Concrete3
3302Ready-Mixed Concrete (RMC)1
3303Ready-Mixed Concrete Supply1
3304Real Estate125
3305Real Estate Agency2
3306Real Estate Investment Trust1
3307Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)1
3308Real Estate Law3
3309Real Estate Transactions5
3310Reasonable Skill and Care6
3311Reasonable Sum1
3312Reasonable Suspicion4
3313Reasonable costs2
3314Reasonable diligence1
3315Reasonable notice2
3317Reasonableness and Proportionality2
3318Reasonableness of Settlement5
3319Recantation evidence2
3320Receivers and Managers1
3322Receivership and Management1
3323Receiving stolen property5
3324Recipient liability5
3325Reciprocal Enforcement1
3326Reciprocal Enforcement of Commonwealth Judgments Act4
3327Reciprocal Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act2
3328Reckless Driving3
3329Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards51
3330Recognition of Foreign Bankruptcy Trustee1
3331Recognition of Foreign Judgments17
3332Recognition of foreign insolvency proceedings19
3333Recognition of foreign representative1
3334Recognition of foreign solvent liquidation proceedings4
3335Reconciliation Defence1
3336Reconstruction Agreement1
3337Recourse against award93
3338Recovery of Debt2
3339Recovery of Possession4
3341Rectification Costs4
3342Rectification Works6
3343Rectification of Contract5
3344Rectification of Contracts13
3345Rectification of Land Register4
3347Recusal Application1
3348Recusal of Judges3
3349Recusal of appellate judge3
3350Recycling Agreements2
3351Redeemable Preference Shares1
3354Redundancy Agreement1
3355Reef Damage2
3356Referral fees1
3357Reflective Loss2
3358Reflective Loss Principle8
3359Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy1
3360Reformative Training2
3361Refund Guarantees3
3362Refundable initiation deposits1
3363Refurbishment Contract1
3364Registered Design1
3365Registered Designs1
3366Registration criteria2
3367Registration of Charges1
3368Registration of Criminals Act1
3369Registration of Foreign Judgments5
3370Registration of Title5
3371Registration of Trade Mark2
3373Regulatory Law2
3374Rehabilitation Plan1
3375Rehabilitation of Offenders1
3377Reinstatement Costs1
3378Reinstatement of Action2
3379Reinstatement of Originating Summons1
3380Reinstatement on roll of advocates and solicitors1
3381Reinstatement to Roll1
3382Reinstatement to Roll of Advocates and Solicitors4
3384Reinsurance Contracts1
3385Related Party Transaction3
3386Related Party Transactions1
3387Relationship Dispute1
3388Relationship Manager1
3389Release of seized properties1
3390Reliability and accuracy of prior statements1
3391Reliance Damages6
3392Reliance Loss4
3393Relief Against Forfeiture6
3394Religious Institutions0
3395Religious Law1
3397Relocation Application4
3398Relocation Disputes12
3399Relocation of Child8
3400Remedial Constructive Trust5
3406Remittance Services1
3407Remote Gambling Act3
3409Remoteness of Damages2
3410Remoteness of damage14
3411Removal of arbitrator1
3413Remuneration of Administrators1
3414Remuneration of Liquidators2
3415Remuneration of Receiver and Manager1
3416Renewal of Writ1
3417Renewal of sublease1
3419Renovation Contracts9
3421Rent Charges1
3422Rent Review2
3423Rent Review Clause1
3424Rental Agreement2
3425Rental Agreements1
3426Rental Relief1
3427Rental Valuation1
3429Reopening of concluded criminal appeal6
3430Reopening of transactions2
3432Representation of Companies2
3433Representative Actions1
3434Representative Notification Framework1
3435Representative proceedings1
3436Reproductive Rights1
3438Repudiation of contract20
3439Repudiatory breach29
3440Reputational Loss7
3441Reputed Ownership1
3442Requirements for waiver by election15
3443Res Judicata105
3444Res ipsa loquitur5
3446Rescue financing1
3448Resealing of Foreign Grant1
3449Residential Property Act7
3450Residential Real Estate0
3451Resolution Agreement4
3452Resort Timeshares0
3453Resorts and Leisure0
3454Restituo in integrum1
3455Restitutio in integrum1
3457Restitution for wrongs5
3458Restitutionary Damages4
3459Restoration of Company2
3460Restoration of Company Name3
3461Restoration of struck-off company2
3462Restoration to roll of advocates and solicitors1
3463Restraining Orders4
3464Restraint Order4
3465Restraint Orders1
3466Restraint of Proceedings6
3467Restraint of Trade29
3468Restraint of foreign proceedings22
3469Restraint of wrongs3
3470Restricted Share Unit Plan1
3471Restrictive Covenant2
3472Restrictive covenants4
3474Restructuring Arrangement1
3475Restructuring Expenses1
3476Restructuring and Dissolution88
3477Restructuring and Insolvency67
3478Resulting Trust74
3479Resulting Trusts30
3480Retention of Title2
3481Retention of Title Clause2
3482Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)1
3483Retracted confessions1
3484Retraction of Plea4
3486Revenue Law61
3487Reverse Dutch Auction1
3488Reverse Piercing2
3489Reverse Take-Over1
3490Reverse Takeover4
3491Reverse Takeovers1
3492Reversionary damage1
3494Review of Detention2
3495Revision of Proceedings10
3496Revisionary Jurisdiction6
3498Revocation of Driving Licence1
3499Revocation of Will4
3500Revocation of licence1
3501Revocation of patent1
3502Riddick Undertaking9
3503Riddick principle10
3504Right of Pre-emption2
3505Right of Set-Off2
3506Right of Survivorship1
3507Right of Way1
3508Right of first refusal6
3509Right of subrogation1
3510Right to Counsel3
3511Right to Inspect Accounts1
3512Right to contribution1
3513Right to life and personal liberty2
3514Rights Management Information2
3515Rights and Liabilities4
3516Rights of Advocates and Solicitors1
3517Rights of Set-Off1
3518Rights of Support1
3519Rights of agent5
3520Rights of sublessees1
3521Rights of way7
3523Risk Assessment3
3524Road Accident3
3525Road Accident Law2
3526Road Bully1
3527Road Rage8
3528Road Safety2
3529Road Traffic Accident8
3530Road Traffic Accident Claim2
3531Road Traffic Accident Compensation3
3532Road Traffic Accident Law55
3533Road Traffic Accidents3
3534Road Traffic Act128
3535Road Traffic Law23
3536Road Traffic Offences4
3538Robbery with hurt2
3539Role of court assessors1
3541Romantic Relationship3
3543Rule B Attachment1
3544Rule against bias2
3545Rule in Rylands v Fletcher4
3546Rule in Turquand's case2
3547Rule of Law2
3548Rule of Survivorship1
3549Rules 20162
3550Rules in awarding Damages3
3551Rules of Association1
3552Rules of Court 20218
3553Rules of construction29
3554Rules of court20
3555Rules of natural justice7
3556Running Account5
3557Rylands v Fletcher Rule3
3559SEAPA Contract5
3560SIA Conditions of Contract3
3561SIA Standard Conditions1
3562SWIFT message1
3563Safe system of work3
3564Sale Pendente Lite3
3565Sale and Lease Back1
3566Sale and Leaseback2
3567Sale and Leaseback Agreement1
3568Sale and Purchase Agreement13
3569Sale and Purchase Agreements3
3570Sale and Purchase of Shares1
3571Sale and purchase of property1
3572Sale by Description1
3573Sale by Sample1
3574Sale in lieu of partition1
3575Sale of Apartment1
3576Sale of Business1
3577Sale of Fish and Seafood Products1
3578Sale of Flat1
3579Sale of Goods79
3580Sale of Goods Act4
3581Sale of Land29
3582Sale of Petrochemical Products2
3583Sale of Property7
3584Sale of Shares1
3585Sale of Ship1
3586Sale of services2
3587Sale under court order3
3588Sales Confirmations1
3589Sales Representative Agreement2
3590Salesmen’s puff2
3591Salvage Law1
3592Same Sex Marriage0
3593Sanctions Law8
3594Sand Ban2
3595Sanderson order1
3596Satisfactory Quality2
3597Saunders v Vautier1
3598Saunders v Vautier rule2
3599Scaffolding Contract1
3600Scandalising the court7
3601Scandalising the judiciary2
3602Scheme of Arrangement12
3603Scheme of Arrangement and Compromise3
3604Schemes of Arrangement49
3606School Bullying2
3607School Law0
3608Scope of Liability in Negligence1
3609Scope of Works11
3610Scope of agreement5
3611Scope of duties2
3612Scope of submission3
3613Scope of work4
3614Sealing of Court Documents2
3615Sealing order1
3616Sealing orders2
3617Search Warrant1
3618Search Warrants1
3619Search and Seizure4
3620Seat Belt Injury0
3622Secret Commissions1
3623Secret Profit1
3624Secret Profits1
3625Secret Trusts1
3626Secured Convertible Note1
3628Securities Fraud21
3629Securities Industry Act3
3630Securities Law5
3631Securities Offences1
3632Securities Regulation2
3633Securities Trading2
3634Securities and Futures Act9
3637Security Incident1
3638Security Interest2
3639Security Memorandum1
3640Security Services3
3641Security for Costs51
3642Security of Payment11
3643Seizure of Assets2
3644Seizure of Bankrupt's Assets1
3645Seizure of Property3
3646Self Defence2
3649Senior Financial Services Director1
3651Sentencing Appeals17
3652Sentencing Framework16
3653Sentencing Guidelines37
3654Sentencing Powers1
3655Sentencing Precedents3
3656Sentencing Principles35
3657Sentencing Regime1
3658Sentencing considerations applicable to kleptomaniacs1
3660Separability Doctrine18
3661Separate guarantee documents2
3662Separate legal personality6
3663Separation of Powers2
3664Service Agreement5
3665Service Agreements1
3666Service mark1
3667Service of Foreign Summonses1
3668Service of Process3
3669Service of Writ1
3670Service of document6
3671Service of document out of jurisdiction12
3672Service of writ out of jurisdiction1
3673Service out of jurisdiction42
3674Services Rendered4
3676Set-off and Abatement2
3677Setting Aside Arbitral Award39
3678Setting Aside Consent Order3
3679Setting Aside Default Judgement16
3680Setting Aside of Award1
3681Setting aside62
3682Setting aside adjudication determination1
3683Setting aside application2
3684Setting aside arbitral awards6
3685Setting aside default judgment6
3686Setting aside enforcement order4
3687Setting aside leave to enforce3
3688Setting aside of adjudication determination1
3689Setting aside of bankruptcy order2
3691Settlement Agreement49
3692Settlement Agreements10
3693Settlement Conference1
3694Settlement Negotiations6
3695Settlement Reports2
3697Severance Payment2
3698Severance of Joint Tenancy3
3699Severance of adjudication determination1
3700Severance under the Land Titles Act1
3701Sex Crimes16
3702Sex Offences7
3704Sexual Abuse0
3705Sexual Grooming2
3706Sexual Harassment0
3707Sexual Offences177
3708Sexual Offences against Minors5
3709Sexual Penetration4
3710Sexual Penetration of Minor4
3711Sexual assault9
3712Sexual assault by penetration19
3713Shadow director6
3714Shadow directors6
3715Sham Agreement4
3716Sham Agreements18
3717Sham Contract50
3718Sham Defence2
3719Sham Marriage3
3720Sham Transaction22
3721Sham Transactions2
3722Sham Trust3
3723Share Acquisition1
3724Share Acquisition Agreement2
3725Share Acquisition Plan2
3726Share Allotment2
3727Share Buyout1
3728Share Capital2
3729Share Capital Reduction1
3730Share Forfeiture1
3731Share Investment1
3732Share Margin Facility1
3733Share Option Agreement1
3734Share Option Schemes1
3735Share Options3
3736Share Ownership2
3737Share Ownership Dispute1
3738Share Ownership Disputes1
3739Share Pledge9
3740Share Pledge Agreement2
3741Share Purchase Agreement7
3742Share Purchases2
3743Share Sale1
3744Share Sale Agreement6
3745Share Sale Agreements1
3746Share Subscription2
3747Share Subscription Agreement3
3748Share Trading2
3749Share Transactions1
3750Share Transfer7
3751Share Transfer Agreement1
3752Share Transfer Restrictions3
3753Share Valuation27
3754Share buybacks1
3755Share of Profit1
3756Shared Care and Control6
3757Shareholder Agreements9
3758Shareholder Dispute1
3759Shareholder Disputes54
3760Shareholder Liability3
3761Shareholder Loan Agreements1
3762Shareholder Rights9
3763Shareholder's Loans2
3764Shareholder's Meeting5
3766Shareholders Agreement78
3767Shareholders Agreements5
3768Shareholders Disputes12
3769Shareholders Rights17
3770Shareholders’ dispute9
3772Shareholding Disputes5
3774Shares Allotment2
3775Shares Sale and Purchase Agreement2
3776Shares Transfer2
3777Sheriff of Singapore2
3778Sheriff's Expenses2
3779Ship Bunkering2
3780Ship Certificate1
3781Ship Chartering1
3782Ship Design2
3783Ship Finance1
3784Ship Leasing1
3785Ship Management4
3786Ship Management Agreements1
3787Ship Management Contract1
3788Ship Mortgage4
3789Ship Repair5
3790Ship Repair Contracts1
3791Ship Repair Services1
3792Ship Repairing1
3793Ship Sale1
3795Ship-to-ship transfer operation1
3797Shipbuilding Contract6
3798Shipbuilding Contracts10
3799Shipbuilding Disputes3
3800Shipbuilding and Engineering1
3801Shipowner's right of lien1
3803Shipping Agent1
3804Shipping Charges1
3805Shipping Disputes16
3806Shipping Law226
3807Shipping Practice1
3810Short-term Accommodation2
3811Shortfall in funds held on trust for creditors1
3812Show Trial1
3813Show cause action21
3814Show cause hearing3
3815Sick Industrial Companies Act1
3816Side Letter1
3817Signage Works2
3818Similar fact evidence13
3819Singapore Institute of Architects standard form contracts5
3820Singapore International Arbitration Centre8
3821Singapore International Commercial Court4
3822Singapore International Commercial Court Practice3
3823Singapore International Commercial Court Rules4
3824Single Economic Unit1
3825Single economic entity1
3826Sinkhole Claims0
3827Sister Ship1
3828Site Blocking0
3829Slip and Fall0
3830Slot Charterparty3
3831Small Business Law0
3832Small Claims Tribunal3
3833Snatch Theft1
3834Social Media Law1
3835Social Security0
3836Social Security Disability0
3837Social media1
3839Societies Act3
3840Societies Law7
3842Software Contract1
3843Software Patent1
3844Software Piracy1
3845Soil Investigation1
3846Solicitor and Client Privilege2
3847Solicitor's Letter2
3848Solicitor's duties22
3849Solicitor's fees7
3850Solicitor's undertaking6
3851Solicitor-client privilege1
3852Solicitor-client relationship9
3853Solicitors' Accounts Rules7
3854Solicitors' Undertakings3
3855Sovereign Immunity4
3856Special Damages1
3857Special Education0
3858Special Levy1
3859Special Purpose Vehicle1
3860Special exceptions1
3861Specific discovery2
3862Specific performance62
3863Spiked drink defence1
3864Spinal Surgery1
3865Sponsorship Agreement1
3866Sports Arbitration0
3867Sports Law5
3868Spousal Abuse3
3869Spousal Consent2
3870Spousal Support12
3871Springboard injunction3
3872Stakeholder Agreements1
3873Stakeholder Duties3
3876Stamp Duties Act1
3877Stamp Duty7
3878Stamp duties3
3879Standard Operating Procedure1
3880Standard form contract4
3881Standard form contracts8
3882Standard of Care4
3883Standard of Proof4
3884Standard of Proof for Fraud5
3885Standard of Review3
3886Standby letters of credit2
3888Standing to Sue1
3889Stare Decisis3
3890State Entrapment1
3891State Immunity5
3892State Land Law1
3893State Land Rules1
3894State land1
3895Statement of Affairs3
3896Statement of Final Account2
3898Statements of Intention6
3899Statistical Evidence1
3900Statutes and regulations4
3901Statutory Construction2
3902Statutory Demand58
3903Statutory Immunity1
3904Statutory Interpretation300
3905Statutory Lien1
3906Statutory Liens3
3907Statutory Rape4
3908Statutory Right of Set-Off1
3909Statutory derivative action13
3910Statutory illegality6
3911Statutory obligations3
3912Statutory offence5
3913Statutory offences112
3914Stay of Execution34
3915Stay of Proceedings62
3916Stay of court proceedings10
3917Stay of enforcement pending appeal1
3918Step-children's rights1
3920Stimulant-Related Disorder1
3921Stock Broking1
3922Stock Market Manipulation1
3923Stock Options3
3925Stocks and shares6
3926Strata Management8
3927Strata Management Disputes6
3928Strata Title3
3929Strata Title Law63
3930Strata Titles29
3931Strata Titles Board1
3932Strategic Alliances1
3933Strict Liability Offence1
3934Striking Out Applications10
3935Striking Out Pleadings1
3936Striking off defunct companies4
3937Striking out103
3938Striking out notice of appeal2
3939Structured Financial Products2
3940Structured Notes1
3942Sub-Contract Agreement4
3943Sub-Lease Agreement3
3948Subject matter1
3949Subject to contract clause5
3950Subjective Devaluation1
3952Subletting Agreement4
3954Submission to Jurisdiction16
3958Subscription and Option Agreement2
3959Subsequent agreement1
3960Substituted Service7
3961Substituted service out of jurisdiction1
3962Substitutive compensation1
3964Succession Law312
3965Sudden fight10
3966Sufficiency of Disclosure1
3967Sufficiency of consideration18
3969Summary Judgement406
3970Summary Judgment35
3971Super priority3
3972Super-priority financing1
3973Supervision of employees and staff2
3974Supervision of paralegal1
3975Supplemental Agreement1
3976Supply Agreement5
3977Supply Contract1
3978Supply of Goods4
3980Surgical procedure3
3983Surrogacy Law0
3985Suspension of Performance2
3986Sustainable Finance0
3987Swimming Pool Safety3
3988Switch Bills of Lading6
3990Syariah Court2
3991Syariah Law3
3992Taft-Hartley Plans0
3993Tag-along Rights2
3994Takeover Law1
3996Taking of Accounts1
3998Tax Audits0
3999Tax Avoidance4
4000Tax Deduction1
4001Tax Deductions1
4002Tax Evasion7
4003Tax Law1
4004Tax Legislation1
4005Tax Offences2
4006Tax Planning4
4007Tax agent1
4009Taxation Law1
4010Taxation of Costs5
4011Taxation of Legal Costs15
4012Taxation of Legal Fees14
4013Taxi Services1
4014Technology Contracts0
4015Technology and Science0
4016Telecommunications Law8
4017Telecommunications Regulation0
4018Telegraphic transfer1
4019Temple Law2
4020Tenancy Agreement13
4021Tenancy Agreements18
4022Tenancy Law1
4023Tenancy in Common11
4025Tender Process1
4027Termination Agreement2
4028Termination Certificate1
4029Termination of Agreement6
4030Termination of Contract12
4031Termination of Employment7
4032Termination of Employment Contract2
4033Termination of Leases5
4034Termination without notice1
4036Tertiary Education1
4037Tertiary Education Expenses3
4038Tertiary Educational Expenses1
4039Testamentary Capacity30
4040Testamentary Intentions5
4041Testamentary Trust6
4043Thai Law4
4045Therapeutic Arthroscopy1
4046Therapeutic Counselling4
4047Therapeutic Goods Regulations1
4048Therapeutic Products Registration2
4049Therapeutic Products Regulation1
4050Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act1
4051Third Party Claims2
4052Third party liability3
4053Third party proceedings3
4054Third-Party Eye Witness Testimony1
4055Third-party litigation funding2
4056Threshold for leave for judicial review2
4057Tiered Dispute Resolution2
4058Timber Ceiling works2
4059Time Bar Defence1
4060Time Charter3
4061Time Limit Extension1
4062Time bars1
4063Time charterparties1
4064Time for detention1
4065Time limit2
4066Time limitation of guarantor's liability1
4068Time-Fixing Order4
4069Title to Sue4
4070Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act1
4071Tomlin Order3
4072Tomlin Orders2
4073Tonnage limitation2
4075Tort of Conspiracy to Defraud1
4076Tort of Deceit6
4077Tort of Harassment1
4078Tort of conspiracy to injure4
4079Tortious Interference8
4080Tortious liability1
4082Total failure of consideration14
4083Totality principle2
4085Towage Agreement1
4086Towage and Storage Charges2
4087Tower Crane Rental1
4088Town Council Law3
4089Toxic Torts0
4090Traceable proceeds1
4092Trade Finance21
4093Trade Financing2
4094Trade Mark Infringement4
4095Trade Mark Law2
4096Trade Marks2
4097Trade Marks Rules2
4098Trade Secrets8
4099Trade Union Law1
4100Trade names13
4101Trademark Infringement47
4102Trademark Law13
4104Traditional Chinese Medicine1
4105Traditional Chinese Medicine Law3
4106Traffic Accident3
4107Traffic Accident Law13
4108Traffic Collision1
4109Traffic Death Cases3
4110Traffic Incident4
4111Traffic Lights2
4112Traffic Offence1
4113Traffic Offences1
4114Traffic Police Investigation2
4115Traffic Violations21
4117Trafficking in controlled drugs4
4118Trafficking of Drugs3
4119Transaction at Undervalue3
4120Transactions Defrauding Creditors4
4121Transactions at an undervalue13
4122Transfer of Cases30
4123Transfer of appeal3
4124Transhipment Agency2
4126Translation Service Business1
4128Transmission Application1
4129Transnational issue estoppel7
4130Transplant Ethics1
4131Transport Business1
4133Transportation Agreement1
4134Travel and Tourism0
4135Treaty Law1
4137Trespass to Land1
4138Trespass to property1
4139Triable Issues3
4141Tribal Law0
4142Tribunal not dealing with counterclaim2
4143Tripartite Set-off Agreements1
4144Trucking Accidents0
4145Trust Assets4
4146Trust Deed Interpretation3
4147Trust Law677
4148Trust Receipts3
4149Trust for Sale2
4150Trustee Liability6
4151Trustee Powers7
4152Trustee Removal0
4153Trustee de son tort2
4154Trustee's right of indemnity2
4156Trustees Duties6
4157Trustees in Bankruptcy4
4158Trusts and Estates67
4159Trusts — Constructive trusts9
4160Trusts — Express trusts10
4161Tug Contract3
4162Turnkey Contract1
4163UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules1
4164UNCITRAL Model Law24
4165Uber Accidents0
4166Ultra vires5
4167Ultra-hazardous activities1
4168Unauthorised Transactions1
4169Unauthorised person acting as advocate or solicitor3
4170Unauthorised share trading1
4171Unauthorized Trading1
4173Unconscionable transactions5
4174Unconsumed Leave1
4175Undercover Operations1
4177Undertaking as to Damages3
4178Undervalue Sale1
4179Undervalue Transaction8
4180Undisclosed Principal6
4181Undue Influence98
4182Undue Preference3
4183Unfair Competition22
4184Unfair Contract Terms Act13
4185Unfair Dismissal8
4186Unfair Preference3
4187Unfair Trading Practices1
4188Unfair preference payments1
4189Unfair preferences23
4190Unfair, as long as no tit-for-tat behaviour1
4191Unfairly Prejudicial Conduct3
4192Unilateral Offer8
4193Unilateral Pricing Defence1
4194Unilateral mistake12
4195Unilateral mistake rectification4
4196Unincorporated Associations18
4197United Nations Act1
4198United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration3
4199United Nations Law2
4200Units of shares1
4201Unjust Enrichment163
4202Unlawful Interference1
4203Unlawful Pawning2
4204Unlawful assembly18
4205Unlawful means conspiracy3
4206Unlawful stalking2
4207Unlawful trusts2
4208Unless Order7
4209Unlicensed Money Changer1
4210Unlicensed Moneylender4
4211Unlicensed Moneylenders1
4212Unlicensed moneylending4
4213Unnatural Offences2
4214Unnatural Sex1
4215Unnatural Sex (Fellatio)2
4216Unpaid Vendor's Lien1
4217Unpaid Wages2
4218Unprofessional Conduct1
4219Unreasonable Behaviour19
4220Unregistered charges3
4221Unsound mind2
4222Unsoundness of Mind5
4223Upskirt Filming1
4225Use of a sign1
4226User Principle3
4227Utility Law0
4228VAT fraud1
4229Vacancy Refund1
4230Vacant Possession3
4231Vacation of Seat1
4232Vacation of hearing dates1
4234Validity of Patents1
4235Validity of arbitral award8
4236Validity of arbitration agreement1
4237Validity of settlement agreement containing arbitration clause6
4239Valuation Law6
4240Valuation List1
4241Valuation of Aircraft1
4242Valuation of Assets4
4243Valuation of Company1
4244Valuation of Land1
4245Valuation of Property4
4246Valuation of Shares17
4247Valuation of materials1
4250Variation Agreement1
4251Variation of Consent Orders12
4252Variation of Contract19
4253Variation of Order12
4254Variation of Orders3
4255Variation of ancillary orders1
4257Vehicle Forfeiture1
4258Vehicle Insurance Policy2
4259Vehicle Licensing2
4260Vehicle Sales Agreement5
4261Vendor Purchaser1
4262Vendor and Purchaser2
4263Vendor's Lien4
4264Venture Capital2
4265Verbal Agreements3
4266Vessel Lease Contract5
4267Vessel Ownership1
4268Veterans Benefits0
4269Vexatious and oppressive conduct14
4270Vexatious litigants7
4271Vexatious proceedings1
4272Vicarious liability37
4273Video Evidence3
4274Video Link3
4275Vinyl Chloride Exposure0
4276Violence Risk Assessment1
4277Visit Pass1
4278Visitation Rights3
4279Void marriage3
4280Voidable Marriage4
4281Voir Dire0
4282Volenti non fit injuria1
4283Voluntarily Causing Grievous Hurt5
4284Voluntarily Causing Hurt18
4286Voluntariness of Statements7
4287Voluntariness of statement1
4288Voluntary Arrangement7
4289Voluntary Arrangements4
4290Voluntary General Offer2
4291Voluntary Intoxication3
4292Voluntary conveyance to defraud creditors1
4293Voluntary scheme of arrangement1
4294Voyage Charter2
4295Voyage Charterparty3
4296Voyage charterparties9
4298Voyeuristic Offences2
4299Wage Law2
4300Wage and Hour Law0
4301Wagering Contracts1
4303Waiver by election1
4304Waiver of Privilege5
4305Waiver of Right to Forfeiture2
4306Waiver of objections8
4308Wakaf Law3
4309Want of Prosecution1
4310Want of probity1
4312Warehouseman Liability1
4314Warrant of arrest2
4315Warrant to Act2
4319Warranty Law21
4320Warranty Obligations1
4321Warranty of Authority12
4322Warsaw Convention1
4323Wash Out Contracts2
4324Wasted Costs1
4325Wasted Expenditure2
4326Water Damage1
4327Water Law0
4328Wealth Management3
4329Wealth Protection2
4330Weapons Charges5
4331Web Shop1
4332Website Development1
4333Website Infringement1
4334Wedding Services4
4335Weight of evidence1
4336Welding Defects1
4337Welding Rod Litigation0
4338Well Known Trade Marks8
4341Whiplash Injury10
4342Whistleblower Litigation1
4343White Collar Crime36
4344Wholesome Meat and Fish Act1
4345Wildlife Trafficking1
4346Wilful Blindness2
4347Will Execution4
4348Will Interpretation17
4349Will Validity2
4351Wills Act4
4352Wills and Probate237
4353Winding Up423
4354Winding Up Application5
4355Winding Up Petition2
4356Winding Up Proceedings2
4357Winding Up of Companies1
4358Window Dressing1
4359Wine Law1
4360Wire Rope Failure Analysis1
4361Withholding Tax2
4362Without Prejudice Communications1
4363Without Prejudice Privilege11
4364Without Prejudice Rule2
4365Witness Credibility1
4366Witness Tampering2
4367Witness gating3
4369Witnesses' credibility and veracity3
4370Women’s Charter50
4371Work Injury Compensation73
4372Work Permits4
4373Work Visa2
4374Workers Compensation18
4376Workplace Safety6
4377Workplace Safety and Health22
4378Workplace Safety and Health Act7
4379Workplace accident36
4380Worksite Safety2
4381Worldwide Freezing Order1
4382Worldwide Mareva Injunction2
4383Wreck Removal Contracts1
4384Writ in rem3
4385Writ of Distress1
4386Writ of Possession1
4387Writ of Seizure and Sale12
4388Writs of seizure and sale1
4389Wrongful Arrest of Vessel1
4390Wrongful Birth2
4391Wrongful Competition1
4392Wrongful Death44
4393Wrongful Delivery2
4394Wrongful Delivery of Cargo2
4395Wrongful Detention4
4396Wrongful Detention of Cargo1
4397Wrongful Discharge1
4398Wrongful Dismissal17
4399Wrongful Distress1
4400Wrongful Execution1
4401Wrongful Fertilization1
4402Wrongful Gain4
4403Wrongful Interference1
4404Wrongful Interference with Trade5
4405Wrongful Lodgment3
4406Wrongful Loss4
4407Wrongful Repudiation4
4408Wrongful Restraint1
4409Wrongful Retention2
4410Wrongful Termination20
4411Wrongful Termination of Contract8
4412Wrongful Termination of Employment1
4413Wrongful arrest25
4414Wrongful life claim1
4415Wrotham Park damages2
4416York Antwerp Rules3
4417Young Offenders12
4418Youth Court4
4419Youthful Offenders11
4420Zoning, Planning and Land Use2