Rosaline Singh v Jayabalan Samidurai: Division of Matrimonial Assets and Wife's Entitlement to Maintenance

In Rosaline Singh v Jayabalan Samidurai, the High Court of Singapore heard an appeal by Madam Rosaline Singh against the District Judge's decision regarding the division of matrimonial assets and maintenance following her divorce from Mr. Jayabalan Samidurai. The appellant contested the division of matrimonial assets (excluding the matrimonial home) and the denial of her maintenance claim. The High Court dismissed the appeal, upholding the District Judge's orders for a 35% share of the other matrimonial assets and no maintenance for the appellant.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court

1.2 Outcome

Appeal Dismissed

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Appeal regarding division of matrimonial assets and maintenance. The court dismissed the appeal, affirming the lower court's decision on asset division and no maintenance order.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Rosaline SinghAppellantIndividualAppeal DismissedLostJagji Singh Gill
Jayabalan Samidurai (alias Jerome Jayabalan)RespondentIndividualOrders AffirmedWonLee Teck Hai

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Tan Lee MengJudgeYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Jagji Singh GillGurdip and Gill
Lee Teck HaiLee T H and Partners

4. Facts

  1. The appellant and respondent were married on 11 July 1968.
  2. The respondent left the matrimonial home in November 2000.
  3. The appellant instituted divorce proceedings on 20 June 2001.
  4. The parties were divorced on 28 August 2001.
  5. The appellant was awarded 50% of the matrimonial home.
  6. The appellant was awarded 35% of the other matrimonial assets.
  7. The District Judge made no order for maintenance for the appellant.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Rosaline Singh v Jayabalan Samidurai (alias Jerome Jayabalan), Div P 602123/2001, RAS 720067/2003, [2003] SGHC 313

6. Timeline

Appellant and respondent married
Respondent left the matrimonial home
Respondent retired
Appellant instituted divorce proceedings
Parties were divorced
Appeal dismissed

7. Legal Issues

  1. Division of Matrimonial Assets
    • Outcome: The court affirmed the District Judge's decision regarding the division of matrimonial assets, awarding the appellant 35% of the assets excluding the matrimonial home.
    • Category: Substantive
  2. Entitlement to Maintenance
    • Outcome: The court affirmed the District Judge's decision not to order maintenance for the appellant.
    • Category: Substantive

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Larger share of matrimonial assets
  2. Monthly maintenance
  3. Lump sum maintenance

9. Cause of Actions

  • Divorce
  • Division of Matrimonial Assets
  • Claim for Maintenance

10. Practice Areas

  • Divorce Law
  • Family Law Litigation

11. Industries

  • No industries specified

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Lim Choon Lai v Chew Kim HengCourt of AppealYes[2001] 3 SLR 225SingaporeCited for the principle that the division of matrimonial assets is not an exact science and for the broad-brush approach to determining a just and equitable division under s 112(1) of the Women’s Charter.
Lee Yong Chuan Edwin v Tan Soan LianCourt of AppealYes[2001] 1 SLR 377SingaporeCited for the principle that the division of matrimonial assets and the financial resources of the parties can be taken into account when determining the appropriate amount of maintenance.
Ong Chen Leng v Tan Sau PooUnknownYes[1993] 3 SLR 137SingaporeCited in relation to lump sum maintenance being computed on the basis that maintenance was payable until the former wife was 67 years old, but distinguished due to the appellant's age.
Yow Mee Leng v Chen Kai BuanUnknownYes[2000] 4 SLR 466SingaporeCited in relation to lump sum maintenance being computed on the basis that maintenance was payable until the former wife was 67 years old, but distinguished due to the appellant's age.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Women’s Charter (Cap 353) s 112Singapore
Women’s Charter (Cap 353) s 112(2)Singapore
Women’s Charter s 114 (1)Singapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Matrimonial assets
  • Maintenance
  • Division of assets
  • Wife
  • Divorce
  • Financial contribution
  • Non-financial contribution

15.2 Keywords

  • Divorce
  • Matrimonial Assets
  • Maintenance
  • Wife
  • Singapore
  • Family Law

16. Subjects

  • Family Law
  • Matrimonial Assets
  • Maintenance

17. Areas of Law

  • Family Law
  • Division of Matrimonial Assets
  • Maintenance