Rida Global Pte Ltd v Jonathan Lim: Transfer of Employment Claim to High Court for Breach of Duty
In Rida Global Pte Ltd v Jonathan Lim Chuan Ren, the High Court of Singapore heard an application by Rida Global Pte Ltd to transfer proceedings from the Employment Claims Tribunal to the High Court. The application was granted by Choo Han Teck J on 31 January 2023, allowing the wrongful dismissal claim to be tried together with the High Court Suit due to overlapping issues of fact and law.
1. Case Overview
1.1 Court
General Division of the High Court1.2 Outcome
Application allowed for the Employment Claims Tribunal proceedings to be transferred to the High Court and tried together with the High Court Suit.
1.3 Case Type
1.4 Judgment Type
1.5 Jurisdiction
1.6 Description
Application to transfer wrongful dismissal claim from Employment Claims Tribunal to High Court allowed due to overlapping issues with High Court Suit.
1.7 Decision Date
2. Parties and Outcomes
Party Name | Role | Type | Outcome | Outcome Type | Counsels |
Rida Global Pte Ltd | Applicant | Corporation | Application Allowed | Won | Ang Ann Liang |
Jonathan Lim Chuan Ren | Respondent | Individual | Application Dismissed | Lost | Yeoh Jun Wei Derric |
3. Judges
Judge Name | Title | Delivered Judgment |
Choo Han Teck | Judge of the High Court | Yes |
4. Counsels
Counsel Name | Organization |
Ang Ann Liang | Allen & Gledhill LLP |
Yeoh Jun Wei Derric | Donaldson & Burkinshaw LLP |
4. Facts
- Rida Global applied to transfer proceedings from the Employment Claims Tribunal to the High Court.
- Jonathan Lim was an employee of Rida Global from 1 April 2022 to 23 August 2022.
- Rida Global summarily dismissed Jonathan Lim without notice on 23 August 2022.
- Jonathan Lim commenced proceedings for wrongful dismissal against Rida Global in the Employment Claims Tribunal on 17 October 2022.
- Rida Global commenced HC/OC 404/2022 against Jonathan Lim for damages arising from breaches of fiduciary and contractual duties on 22 November 2022.
- Lim is claiming for $20,000, which is the jurisdictional limit of the ECT.
5. Formal Citations
- Rida Global Pte Ltd v Lim Chuan Ren Jonathan, Originating Application No 783 of 2022, [2023] SGHC 21
6. Timeline
Date | Event |
Jonathan Lim Chuan Ren employed by Rida Global Pte Ltd. | |
Rida Global summarily dismissed Jonathan Lim Chuan Ren without notice. | |
Jonathan Lim commenced proceedings for wrongful dismissal against Rida Global in the Employment Claims Tribunal. | |
Rida Global commenced HC/OC 404/2022 against Jonathan Lim for damages arising from breaches of fiduciary and contractual duties. | |
Hearing before Choo Han Teck J. | |
Judgment reserved. |
7. Legal Issues
- Transfer of Proceedings
- Outcome: The court allowed the application to transfer the proceedings from the Employment Claims Tribunal to the High Court.
- Category: Procedural
- Related Cases:
- [2018] 5 SLR 431
- Wrongful Dismissal
- Outcome: The court did not make a ruling on the merits of the wrongful dismissal claim, but noted that the Employment Claims Tribunal must inquire into allegations of breaches by Lim of his employment obligations.
- Category: Substantive
8. Remedies Sought
- Transfer of Proceedings
- Damages
9. Cause of Actions
- Wrongful Dismissal
- Breach of Fiduciary Duty
- Breach of Contractual Duty
10. Practice Areas
- Litigation
11. Industries
- Delivery Services
12. Cited Cases
Case Name | Court | Affirmed | Citation | Jurisdiction | Significance |
DFI Engineering Pte Ltd v Mo Mei Jen | High Court | Yes | [2018] 5 SLR 431 | Singapore | Cited for the guiding principles for what constitutes “sufficient reason” under s 17(1) of the ECA. |
13. Applicable Rules
Rule Name |
No applicable rules |
14. Applicable Statutes
Statute Name | Jurisdiction |
Employment Claims Act 2016 | Singapore |
Employment Act 1968 | Singapore |
15. Key Terms and Keywords
15.1 Key Terms
- Employment Claims Tribunal
- Wrongful Dismissal
- Breach of Fiduciary Duty
- Breach of Contractual Duty
- Transfer of Proceedings
- Due Inquiry
15.2 Keywords
- Employment Claims Tribunal
- Wrongful Dismissal
- Transfer of Proceedings
- Employment Act
- Employment Claims Act
16. Subjects
- Employment Law
- Civil Procedure
17. Areas of Law
- Civil Procedure
- Employment Law