Alexander Kamsany Lee

Alexander Kamsany Lee is a legal practitioner in Singapore. With documented cases from 2019 to 2023. The lawyer has handled 5 cases in Singapore's courts. Associated with 2 law firms. The lawyer demonstrates particular expertise in enforcement of foreign judgments and fraud and deceit. Their track record shows a 60.0% success rate in resolved cases. They have managed 2 complex cases, representing 40% of their total caseload.

Areas of Practice and Expertise

Alexander Kamsany Lee has demonstrated expertise across 42 primary practice areas, with significant experience in arbitration and jurisdiction.

Practice AreaCase Volume
Arbitration5 cases
Jurisdiction4 cases
Contract Law4 cases
Estoppel3 cases
Breach of Contract2 cases
Res Judicata2 cases
Conspiracy by Unlawful Means2 cases
International Commercial Contracts2 cases
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments2 cases
International Law1 cases
Injunctions1 cases
Fraud and Deceit1 cases
Ad Hoc Admission1 cases
International Commercial Arbitration1 cases
Natural justice1 cases
Illegality and public policy1 cases
Service out of jurisdiction1 cases
Reflective Loss Principle1 cases
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards1 cases
International Arbitration Act1 cases
Issue Estoppel1 cases
Costs1 cases
Legal Profession Act1 cases
Civil Procedure1 cases
Summary Judgement1 cases
Appeal1 cases
Mareva Injunction1 cases
Full and Frank Disclosure1 cases
Investor-State Arbitration1 cases
Emergency Interim Award1 cases
Emergency Arbitrator1 cases
Post-termination provisions1 cases
Appellate Practice1 cases
Public International Law1 cases
Asset Recovery1 cases
Bankruptcy1 cases
Business Litigation1 cases
Civil Litigation1 cases
Civil Practice1 cases
Commercial Litigation1 cases
Forum Non Conveniens1 cases
International Arbitration1 cases

Law Firm Affiliations

Alexander Kamsany Lee has been affiliated with 2 law firms. The most active affiliation involves 4 cases.

Case Complexity Analysis

Analysis of Alexander Kamsany Lee's case complexity based on the number of parties involved and case characteristics.

Complexity Overview

Average Parties per Case
Complex Cases
2 (40%)
Cases with more than 3 parties

Complexity by Case Type

Lost25.3 parties avg
Won33.0 parties avg

Complexity Trends Over Time

201915.0 parties avg
202222.0 parties avg
202325.3 parties avg

Case Outcome Analytics

Analysis of Alexander Kamsany Lee's case outcomes, including distribution by type, yearly trends, and monetary outcomes where applicable.

Outcome Distribution

Outcome TypeCases

Monetary Outcomes

SGD7,333.333 cases
USD248,949,708.001 cases

Yearly Outcome Trends

YearTotal Cases

Case History

Displaying all 5 cases

15 Jun 2023
Group Lease Holdings Pte Ltd (Defendant)Lost
04 Apr 2023
CZD (Claimant)Won
06 Oct 2022
CVG (Claimant)Lost
08 Jun 2022
Wong Yong Kai (Respondent)Won
17 Oct 2019
State (Plaintiff)Won