Alvin Tan

Alvin Tan is a legal practitioner in Singapore. With documented cases from 2000 to 2022. The lawyer has handled 21 cases in Singapore's courts. Associated with 4 law firms. The lawyer demonstrates particular expertise in minority oppression and civil practice. Their track record shows a 41.0% success rate in resolved cases. They have managed 15 complex cases, representing 71% of their total caseload.

Areas of Practice and Expertise

Alvin Tan has demonstrated expertise across 137 primary practice areas, with significant experience in contract law and company law.

Practice AreaCase Volume
Contract Law14 cases
Company Law12 cases
Commercial Disputes7 cases
Minority Oppression5 cases
Civil Practice5 cases
Civil Procedure5 cases
Arbitration3 cases
Fiduciary Duties3 cases
Misrepresentation3 cases
Banking and Finance3 cases
Evidence3 cases
Duty of Candour2 cases
Estoppel2 cases
Breach of Contract2 cases
Litigation2 cases
Natural forum2 cases
Patents2 cases
Costs2 cases
Jurisdiction2 cases
Striking out2 cases
Contempt of Court2 cases
Corporate Law2 cases
Winding Up2 cases
Disclosure of documents2 cases
Injunctions2 cases
Fraud and Deceit2 cases
Restraint of foreign proceedings1 cases
Comity1 cases
Vexatious and oppressive conduct1 cases
Illegality and public policy1 cases
Contractual discretions1 cases
Damages Assessment1 cases
Separability1 cases
Waiver of objections1 cases
Consent Orders1 cases
Service out of jurisdiction1 cases
Amendment of Pleadings1 cases
Contentious Business Agreements1 cases
Assessment of Legal Costs1 cases
Setting aside1 cases
Apparent bias1 cases
Foreign arbitral award1 cases
Breach of unless order1 cases
Production of documents1 cases
Civil Contempt1 cases
International Arbitration Act1 cases
Abuse of Process1 cases
Foreign Law1 cases
Pre-judgment interest1 cases
Waiver1 cases
Kompetenz-Kompetenz1 cases
Discovery of documents1 cases
Limitation1 cases
Garnishee Proceedings1 cases
Trust Law1 cases
Witnesses1 cases
Share Valuation1 cases
Lifting corporate veil1 cases
Mistake1 cases
Rescission1 cases
Enforcement of Arbitral Awards1 cases
Time-Fixing Order1 cases
Offer to Settle1 cases
Companies Act1 cases
Duty to Account1 cases
Submission to Jurisdiction1 cases
Guarantee1 cases
Summary Judgement1 cases
Crossclaims1 cases
Peremptory orders1 cases
Transnational issue estoppel1 cases
Show cause action1 cases
Matrimonial Assets1 cases
Conflict of Laws1 cases
Contractual Interpretation1 cases
Setting aside default judgment1 cases
Shareholders Rights1 cases
Stay of court proceedings1 cases
Disputes1 cases
Amendments1 cases
Running Account1 cases
Remoteness of damage1 cases
Lump sum contract1 cases
Rules of construction1 cases
Performance of Contract1 cases
Variation1 cases
Interest1 cases
Early Dismissal1 cases
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act1 cases
Quia timet injunction1 cases
Protection of contractual rights1 cases
Restraint of wrongs1 cases
Rules of court1 cases
Non-compliance1 cases
Quantum of costs1 cases
Interpleader1 cases
Affidavits1 cases
Mareva Injunction1 cases
Best Efforts Clause1 cases
Sham Contract1 cases
Ancillary disclosure order1 cases
Inherent Power of the Court1 cases
Consideration1 cases
Patent Infringement1 cases
Contractual Variation1 cases
Deeds of Guarantee1 cases
Indemnity1 cases
Corporate Governance Disputes1 cases
Securities Trading1 cases
Sovereign Immunity1 cases
Shares Transfer1 cases
Restructuring Arrangement1 cases
Bankruptcy1 cases
Constitutional Law1 cases
Family Law1 cases
Forum Non Conveniens1 cases
Intellectual Property Law1 cases
Judicial Management1 cases
Negligence1 cases
Security for Costs1 cases
Torts1 cases
Review1 cases
Estate Administration1 cases
Evidence Law1 cases
Undue Influence1 cases
Transfer of Cases1 cases
International Commercial Arbitration1 cases
Contractual terms1 cases
Recourse against award1 cases
Lack of proper notice1 cases
Infra petita1 cases
Natural justice1 cases
Admissibility of evidence1 cases
Similar fact evidence1 cases
Adverse inferences1 cases
Sham Agreements1 cases
Anti-suit injunction1 cases

Law Firm Affiliations

Alvin Tan has been affiliated with 4 law firms. The most active affiliation involves 13 cases.

Case Complexity Analysis

Analysis of Alvin Tan's case complexity based on the number of parties involved and case characteristics.

Complexity Overview

Average Parties per Case
Complex Cases
15 (71%)
Cases with more than 3 parties

Complexity by Case Type

Lost55.0 parties avg
Neutral35.3 parties avg
Partial416.3 parties avg
Stayed13.0 parties avg
Won913.2 parties avg

Complexity Trends Over Time

200014.0 parties avg
200127.5 parties avg
200215.0 parties avg
2004315.9 parties avg
2005219.2 parties avg
2006112.0 parties avg
200917.0 parties avg
201018.0 parties avg
201113.0 parties avg
201313.0 parties avg
201612.0 parties avg
201719.0 parties avg
201923.3 parties avg
202014.0 parties avg
202112.0 parties avg
202214.0 parties avg

Case Outcome Analytics

Analysis of Alvin Tan's case outcomes, including distribution by type, yearly trends, and monetary outcomes where applicable.

Outcome Distribution

Outcome TypeCases

Monetary Outcomes

SGD60,373.3315 cases

Yearly Outcome Trends

YearTotal Cases

Case History

Displaying all 21 cases

30 Jan 2022
EFG Bank AG, Singapore Branch (Plaintiff)Won
21 Apr 2021
Sim Eng Tong (Defendant)Won
21 Jan 2020
Sun Electric Pte Ltd (Plaintiff, Respondent)Partial
12 Dec 2019
SCP Holdings Pte Ltd (Defendant)Won
26 Aug 2019
Sun Electric Pte Ltd (Plaintiff, Respondent)Partial
30 Nov 2017
Tan Eck Hong (Plaintiff)Won
15 Dec 2016
Ong Ghee Soon Kevin (Plaintiff)Lost
19 Mar 2013
Gordon Lim Clinic Pte Ltd (Defendant)Neutral
01 Feb 2011
Ho Kang Peng (Defendant)Lost
28 Feb 2010
Tan Eck Hong (Defendant)Neutral
17 Dec 2009
Lim Chee Twang (Plaintiff)Partial
24 Sep 2006
Lim Kha Eng alias Mengalina Halim (Respondent)Lost
09 Nov 2005
Tan Chor Chuan (Defendant)Partial
31 Jul 2005
Lim Kha Eng alias Mengalina Halim (Defendant)Won
16 Nov 2004
Tan Yeow Hiang Kenneth (Defendant)Won
17 Oct 2004
Herbst Ehud (Plaintiff)Won
30 Jan 2004
Tan Kuan Yew (Third Party)Won
27 Nov 2002
Ong Thiam Hong (Third Party)Neutral
18 Nov 2001
Leong Siew Loon (Respondent)Won
25 Apr 2001
PT Bhakti Investama Tbk (Applicant)Lost
07 May 2000
Chu Mei Hu (Defendant, Appellant)Lost