Ammani Mathivanan

Ammani Mathivanan is a legal practitioner in Singapore. With documented cases from 2020 to 2023. The lawyer has handled 7 cases in Singapore's courts. Associated with 3 law firms. The lawyer demonstrates particular expertise in insolvency law and winding up. Their track record shows a 29.0% success rate in resolved cases. They have managed 3 complex cases, representing 43% of their total caseload.

Areas of Practice and Expertise

Ammani Mathivanan has demonstrated expertise across 45 primary practice areas, with significant experience in contract law and civil procedure.

Practice AreaCase Volume
Contract Law5 cases
Civil Procedure4 cases
Arbitration3 cases
Insolvency Law3 cases
Company Law3 cases
Breach of Contract3 cases
Estoppel2 cases
Winding Up2 cases
Bankruptcy2 cases
Misrepresentation1 cases
Jurisdiction1 cases
Moratorium1 cases
Recourse against award1 cases
Natural justice1 cases
Revision of Proceedings1 cases
Shipping Law1 cases
Costs1 cases
Stay of Proceedings1 cases
Duty of Candour1 cases
Agency Law1 cases
Choice of Law1 cases
Judgments and Orders1 cases
Setting Aside Arbitral Award1 cases
Evidence1 cases
Duty to Account1 cases
Guarantee1 cases
Summary Judgement1 cases
Affidavits1 cases
Rules of Court 20211 cases
Construction of Contract1 cases
Assignment1 cases
Interpretation of Contracts1 cases
International Arbitration Law1 cases
Jurisdiction of Arbitral tribunal1 cases
Best Efforts Clause1 cases
Appellate Practice1 cases
Ship Leasing1 cases
Banking and Finance1 cases
Commercial Law1 cases
Commercial Real Estate1 cases
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments1 cases
Litigation1 cases
Schemes of Arrangement1 cases
Restructuring and Dissolution1 cases
Fiduciary Duties1 cases

Law Firm Affiliations

Ammani Mathivanan has been affiliated with 3 law firms. The most active affiliation involves 4 cases.

Case Complexity Analysis

Analysis of Ammani Mathivanan's case complexity based on the number of parties involved and case characteristics.

Complexity Overview

Average Parties per Case
Complex Cases
3 (43%)
Cases with more than 3 parties

Complexity by Case Type

Dismissed15.0 parties avg
Lost32.7 parties avg
Neutral15.0 parties avg
Won22.5 parties avg

Complexity Trends Over Time

202014.0 parties avg
202112.0 parties avg
202212.0 parties avg
202344.4 parties avg

Case Outcome Analytics

Analysis of Ammani Mathivanan's case outcomes, including distribution by type, yearly trends, and monetary outcomes where applicable.

Outcome Distribution

Outcome TypeCases

Monetary Outcomes

SGD2,500.002 cases
USD32,869,114.001 cases

Yearly Outcome Trends

YearTotal Cases

Case History

Displaying all 7 cases

07 Jun 2023
Ollech David (Defendant, Appellant)Lost
07 May 2023
Dextra Partners Pte Ltd (in liquidation) (Defendant)Neutral
03 Apr 2023
DB International Trust (Singapore) Limited (Applicant)Won
09 Feb 2023
Aaquaverse Pte Ltd (Applicant)Dismissed
22 Feb 2022
Tan Hock Keng (Applicant)Lost
19 Jan 2021
CBP (Respondent)Won
12 Jul 2020
Yaw Chee Siew (Defendant)Lost