Amy Seow
Amy Seow is a legal practitioner in Singapore. With documented cases from 2013 to 2023. The lawyer has handled 8 cases in Singapore's courts. Associated with 4 law firms. The lawyer demonstrates particular expertise in disciplinary proceedings and minority oppression. Their track record shows a 25.0% success rate in resolved cases. They have managed 4 complex cases, representing 50% of their total caseload.
Areas of Practice and Expertise
Amy Seow has demonstrated expertise across 197 primary practice areas, with significant experience in disciplinary proceedings and company law.
Practice Area | Case Volume |
Disciplinary Proceedings | 3 cases |
Company Law | 3 cases |
Civil Procedure | 3 cases |
Minority Oppression | 2 cases |
Contract Law | 2 cases |
Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility | 1 cases |
Medical Law | 1 cases |
Medical Malpractice | 1 cases |
Shareholder Disputes | 1 cases |
Winding Up | 1 cases |
Medical Ethics | 1 cases |
Commercial Disputes | 1 cases |
Conspiracy by Unlawful Means | 1 cases |
Assessment of Legal Costs | 1 cases |
Professional conduct | 1 cases |
Costs | 1 cases |
Garnishee Proceedings | 1 cases |
Estoppel | 1 cases |
Agency Law | 1 cases |
Trust Law | 1 cases |
Medical Negligence | 1 cases |
Companies Act | 1 cases |
Shareholders Agreement | 1 cases |
Summary Judgement | 1 cases |
Crossclaims | 1 cases |
Professional Misconduct | 1 cases |
Taxation of Legal Fees | 1 cases |
Bank Guarantee | 1 cases |
Express trusts | 1 cases |
Affidavits | 1 cases |
Bills of Lading | 1 cases |
Professional Ethics | 1 cases |
International Trade Law | 1 cases |
Joinder | 1 cases |
Marine Insurance | 1 cases |
Assignment | 1 cases |
Disciplinary Proceedings (Medical) | 1 cases |
Letter of Indemnity | 1 cases |
Enforcement of Guarantee | 1 cases |
Assessment | 1 cases |
Inducing Breach of Contract | 1 cases |
Guarantees and indemnities | 1 cases |
Warranties | 1 cases |
Sham Contract | 1 cases |
Reputational Loss | 1 cases |
Diminution in Share Value | 1 cases |
Ostensible Authority | 1 cases |
Actual Authority | 1 cases |
Law of Pleadings | 1 cases |
Letter of undertaking | 1 cases |
Breach | 1 cases |
Breach of condition | 1 cases |
Requirements for waiver by election | 1 cases |
Communication of choice to affirm contract in clear and unequivocal terms | 1 cases |
Brokerage Agreement | 1 cases |
Novation | 1 cases |
Proper Law of Contract | 1 cases |
Implied authority of agent | 1 cases |
Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation | 1 cases |
Delivery of cargo against presentation of bills of lading | 1 cases |
Legal Ethics | 1 cases |
Assignments | 1 cases |
Agency Agreements | 1 cases |
Contracts of indemnity | 1 cases |
Sufficiency of consideration | 1 cases |
Indemnity | 1 cases |
Estoppel in defiance of statute | 1 cases |
Bars to rescission | 1 cases |
Corporate Guarantees | 1 cases |
Separate legal personality | 1 cases |
Right of first refusal | 1 cases |
Fiduciary Law | 1 cases |
Inducement | 1 cases |
Unregistered charges | 1 cases |
Lien over sub-freights and sub-hires | 1 cases |
Fraudulent | 1 cases |
Fuel Oil Supply | 1 cases |
Invoice Financing | 1 cases |
Reverse Piercing | 1 cases |
Oral agreements | 1 cases |
Indian Contract Act | 1 cases |
Directors' Liabilities | 1 cases |
Effect of Illegality of Related Contract | 1 cases |
Unconscionable transactions | 1 cases |
Voyage charterparties | 1 cases |
Variation of Contract | 1 cases |
Fraudulent Non-Disclosure | 1 cases |
Postal Rule | 1 cases |
Terms | 1 cases |
Ground for termination of contract | 1 cases |
Marine Collision Regulations | 1 cases |
Admiralty Jurisdiction | 1 cases |
Interest Rates | 1 cases |
Formalities | 1 cases |
Memorandum and articles of association | 1 cases |
Effect | 1 cases |
Marine Engineering | 1 cases |
Business Trust | 1 cases |
Commodities Trading | 1 cases |
Disposition in writing | 1 cases |
Lien over sub-freights and sub-hire | 1 cases |
Non-registration of charges | 1 cases |
Extension of time to register | 1 cases |
Arbitrability | 1 cases |
Commercial Transactions | 1 cases |
Principal | 1 cases |
Voluntariness of Statements | 1 cases |
Guarantees and bonds | 1 cases |
Purchaser's Lien | 1 cases |
Construction of undertaking | 1 cases |
Court’s powers over release of security after final award | 1 cases |
Ship Repair | 1 cases |
Warranty | 1 cases |
Marine Logistics | 1 cases |
Nominee's duties | 1 cases |
Debtor's duties | 1 cases |
Obligation of confidentiality | 1 cases |
Trust Receipts | 1 cases |
Pledges and Pawns | 1 cases |
Admissions of fact | 1 cases |
Validity of arbitral award | 1 cases |
Rights of agent | 1 cases |
Absolute Privilege | 1 cases |
Qualified Privilege | 1 cases |
Justification | 1 cases |
Formation | 1 cases |
Effect of counterclaim | 1 cases |
Charterparty | 1 cases |
Presumption of Knowledge | 1 cases |
Guarantees | 1 cases |
Document Examination | 1 cases |
Settlement Negotiations | 1 cases |
Quantum of Liability | 1 cases |
Letter of Demand | 1 cases |
Implied Admission | 1 cases |
Forfeiture | 1 cases |
Separability Doctrine | 1 cases |
International Commercial Transactions | 1 cases |
Lease Agreement | 1 cases |
Legal Costs | 1 cases |
Promissory Notes | 1 cases |
Moneylending Business | 1 cases |
Trustee de son tort | 1 cases |
Implied contracts | 1 cases |
Licensing Regime | 1 cases |
Shareholder's Meeting | 1 cases |
Director's Resolution | 1 cases |
Blanket Authorisation | 1 cases |
Delegation of Duties | 1 cases |
Restitution for wrongs | 1 cases |
Design and build contract | 1 cases |
Agency by estoppel | 1 cases |
Bunker Fuel | 1 cases |
Oral undertaking | 1 cases |
Derivative Actions | 1 cases |
Privileges | 1 cases |
Pre-incorporation contracts | 1 cases |
Shipbuilding | 1 cases |
Writ in rem | 1 cases |
Banking Facilities | 1 cases |
Factoring | 1 cases |
Deeds of Variation | 1 cases |
Contractual Lien | 1 cases |
Breach of Guarantee | 1 cases |
Insurance Law | 1 cases |
Profit Sharing Agreement | 1 cases |
Assessment of Profits | 1 cases |
Brokerage Fee | 1 cases |
Related Party Transaction | 1 cases |
Mezzanine Loan | 1 cases |
Hire-Purchase Agreement | 1 cases |
Consent Judgement | 1 cases |
Procurement Agreement | 1 cases |
Implied Retainer | 1 cases |
Negligent Advice | 1 cases |
Reasonableness of Settlement | 1 cases |
Allotment Agreement | 1 cases |
Scheme of Arrangement | 1 cases |
Common Interest Privilege | 1 cases |
Enforcement of Judgments | 1 cases |
Carriage of Goods | 1 cases |
Duty to provide reasons | 1 cases |
Marine Bunker Fuel | 1 cases |
Convertible Loan Agreements | 1 cases |
Cross-Default | 1 cases |
Tort of conspiracy to injure | 1 cases |
Non-solicitation | 1 cases |
Springboard injunction | 1 cases |
Freight | 1 cases |
Exclusive Jurisdiction Agreement | 1 cases |
Bunker Supply | 1 cases |
Admiralty and Maritime Law | 1 cases |
In Rem Proceedings | 1 cases |
Breach of Contract | 1 cases |
Civil Practice | 1 cases |
Corporate Law | 1 cases |
Healthcare Law | 1 cases |
Law Firm Affiliations
Amy Seow has been affiliated with 4 law firms. The most active affiliation involves 5 cases.
Law Firm | Cases Handled |
Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP | 5 cases |
Rajah & Tann LLP | 1 cases |
Adroit Law LLC | 1 cases |
Rajah & Tan LLP | 1 cases |
Case Complexity Analysis
Analysis of Amy Seow's case complexity based on the number of parties involved and case characteristics.
Complexity Overview
- Average Parties per Case
- 10.2
- Complex Cases
- 4 (50%)
- Cases with more than 3 parties
Complexity by Case Type
Type | Cases |
Dismissed | 17.0 parties avg |
Lost | 43.8 parties avg |
Partial | 12.0 parties avg |
Won | 215.3 parties avg |
Complexity Trends Over Time
Year | Cases |
2013 | 12.0 parties avg |
2015 | 22.0 parties avg |
2016 | 412.5 parties avg |
2023 | 19.0 parties avg |
Case Outcome Analytics
Analysis of Amy Seow's case outcomes, including distribution by type, yearly trends, and monetary outcomes where applicable.
Outcome Distribution
Outcome Type | Cases |
Dismissed | 1(13%) |
Lost | 4(50%) |
Partial | 1(13%) |
Won | 2(25%) |
Monetary Outcomes
Currency | Average |
SGD | 0.003 cases |
Yearly Outcome Trends
Year | Total Cases |
2013 | 1 1 |
2015 | 2 11 |
2016 | 4 112 |
2023 | 1 1 |
Case History
Displaying all 8 cases
Case |
23 Feb 2023 Soup Empire Holdings Pte Ltd (Defendant, Plaintiff in Counterclaim)Lost |
28 Nov 2016 SCANONE PTE LTD (Respondent, Defendant)Won |
30 Aug 2016 Teleoptik-Ziroskopi (Appellant, Respondent)Dismissed |
28 Jul 2016 Liew Kit Fah (Defendant)Won |
08 Mar 2016 DR SUSAN LIM MEY LEE (Appellant)Lost |
12 May 2015 LIM MEY LEE SUSAN (Respondent)Partial |
27 Jun 2013 LIM MEY LEE SUSAN (Appellant)Lost |