Andrew Tan Tiong Gee

Andrew Tan Tiong Gee is a legal practitioner in Singapore. With documented cases from 2006 to 2008. The lawyer has handled 3 cases in Singapore's courts. Associated with 1 law firm. The lawyer demonstrates particular expertise in partnership law and limitation. Their track record shows a 67.0% success rate in resolved cases. They have managed 1 complex case, representing 33% of their total caseload.

Areas of Practice and Expertise

Andrew Tan Tiong Gee has demonstrated expertise across 23 primary practice areas, with significant experience in contract law and partnership law.

Practice AreaCase Volume
Contract Law3 cases
Partnership Law2 cases
Breach of Contract1 cases
Corporate Law1 cases
Negligence1 cases
Property Law1 cases
Taxation1 cases
Winding Up1 cases
Commercial Disputes1 cases
Fraud and Deceit1 cases
Limitation1 cases
Estoppel1 cases
Trust Law1 cases
Liquidation1 cases
Duty to Account1 cases
Company Law1 cases
Succession Law1 cases
Accounting1 cases
Tax Evasion1 cases
Termination Certificate1 cases
Architects and Engineers Liability1 cases
Building Contracts1 cases
Bankruptcy1 cases

Law Firm Affiliations

Andrew Tan Tiong Gee has been affiliated with 1 law firm. The most active affiliation involves 3 cases.

Case Complexity Analysis

Analysis of Andrew Tan Tiong Gee's case complexity based on the number of parties involved and case characteristics.

Complexity Overview

Average Parties per Case
Complex Cases
1 (33%)
Cases with more than 3 parties

Complexity by Case Type

Lost13.0 parties avg
Won27.5 parties avg

Complexity Trends Over Time

2006112.0 parties avg
200713.0 parties avg
200813.0 parties avg

Case Outcome Analytics

Analysis of Andrew Tan Tiong Gee's case outcomes, including distribution by type, yearly trends, and monetary outcomes where applicable.

Outcome Distribution

Outcome TypeCases

Monetary Outcomes

SGD0.002 cases

Yearly Outcome Trends

YearTotal Cases

Case History

Displaying all 3 cases

20 Oct 2008
Ang Tin Yong (Defendant)Lost
20 Sep 2007
Ow Wah Foong (Defendant)Won
06 Apr 2006
Ang Tin Yong (Defendant)Won