Anil M Changaroth

Anil M Changaroth is a legal practitioner in Singapore. With documented cases from 2003 to 2003. The lawyer has handled 1 case in Singapore's courts. Associated with 1 law firm. The lawyer demonstrates particular expertise in striking out. Their track record shows a 50.0% success rate in resolved cases. They have managed 1 complex case, representing 100% of their total caseload.

Areas of Practice and Expertise

Anil M Changaroth has demonstrated expertise across 189 primary practice areas, with significant experience in arbitration and breach of contract.

Practice AreaCase Volume
Arbitration1 cases
Breach of Contract1 cases
Litigation1 cases
Mareva Injunctions1 cases
Insolvency Law1 cases
Winding Up1 cases
Performance Bond1 cases
Injunctions1 cases
Erinford Injunction1 cases
Unconscionability1 cases
Division of Matrimonial Assets1 cases
Care and Control1 cases
Access to Children1 cases
Matrimonial Home1 cases
Offences relating to race1 cases
Personal Property Ownership1 cases
Gifts Law1 cases
Pharmaceutical Law1 cases
Medical Ethics1 cases
Ponzi Schemes1 cases
Restructuring and Dissolution1 cases
Extension of Validity1 cases
Review1 cases
Fiduciary Duties1 cases
Estate Administration1 cases
Minority Oppression1 cases
Commercial Disputes1 cases
Misrepresentation1 cases
Fraud and Deceit1 cases
Breach of Confidence1 cases
Inducement of Breach of Contract1 cases
Conspiracy by Unlawful Means1 cases
Unfair Dismissal1 cases
Termination1 cases
Patient Confidentiality1 cases
Testamentary Capacity1 cases
Maintenance1 cases
Measure of Damages1 cases
Evidence Law1 cases
Handwriting Analysis1 cases
Corporate Secretarial Services1 cases
Undue Influence1 cases
Non est factum1 cases
Forgery1 cases
Animal Import/Export Regulations1 cases
Ad Hoc Admission1 cases
Receivership1 cases
Share Pledge1 cases
Drag-along Rights1 cases
Minority Shareholder Rights1 cases
Transfer of Cases1 cases
Jurisdiction1 cases
Anti-suit injunction1 cases
Natural forum1 cases
Restraint of foreign proceedings1 cases
Comity1 cases
Vexatious and oppressive conduct1 cases
Illegality and public policy1 cases
Contractual discretions1 cases
Overcharging1 cases
Contentious Business Agreements1 cases
Assessment of Legal Costs1 cases
Prevention of Corruption Act1 cases
Reflective Loss Principle1 cases
Nominee Director1 cases
Setting aside1 cases
Apparent bias1 cases
Foreign arbitral award1 cases
Breach of unless order1 cases
Production of documents1 cases
Striking out1 cases
Apportionment1 cases
Contempt of Court1 cases
Civil Contempt1 cases
Parental Alienation1 cases
Sentencing Guidelines1 cases
Avoidance of transactions1 cases
Unfair preferences1 cases
Interim injunctions1 cases
Prohibitory injunctions1 cases
Mandatory injunctions1 cases
Ancillary disclosure orders1 cases
Stay of Execution1 cases
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards1 cases
International Arbitration Act1 cases
Reliance Damages1 cases
Abuse of Process1 cases
Champerty1 cases
Riddick principle1 cases
Careless Driving1 cases
Drink Driving1 cases
Geographical indications1 cases
Qualification of rights1 cases
Burden of proof1 cases
Translation1 cases
Director's Duties1 cases
Equity and limitation of actions1 cases
Proof of evidence1 cases
Bonds1 cases
Extension of Time1 cases
Offer1 cases
Formation of contract1 cases
Confidentiality1 cases
Privacy1 cases
Implied Terms1 cases
Discharge1 cases
Frustration1 cases
Waiver1 cases
No Oral Modification Clause1 cases
Limitation1 cases
Disclosure Obligations1 cases
Res Judicata1 cases
Discovery1 cases
Intention to create legal relations1 cases
Quantum meruit1 cases
International Commercial Law1 cases
Duress1 cases
Negligent misrepresentation1 cases
Restitution1 cases
Mistake of fact1 cases
Failure of consideration1 cases
Change of position1 cases
Stay of Proceedings1 cases
Breach of Duty1 cases
Breach of natural justice1 cases
Tribunal not dealing with counterclaim1 cases
Essential issues in arbitration1 cases
Irrational or capricious reasoning1 cases
Deviation from parties’ agreed procedure1 cases
Award procured by fraud1 cases
Avoidance of transfer1 cases
Letter of Credit Law1 cases
Duty of Candour1 cases
Legal Profession Act1 cases
Estoppel1 cases
Statutory Demand1 cases
Double Recovery1 cases
Collateral Benefits1 cases
Account stated1 cases
Family Justice Rules1 cases
Agency Law1 cases
Warranty of Authority1 cases
Debt Repayment Scheme1 cases
Remedies1 cases
Indemnity costs1 cases
Certificate of costs for three solicitors1 cases
Breach of Trust1 cases
Recusal of appellate judge1 cases
Disclosure of Assets1 cases
Adverse Inference1 cases
Foreign Manpower Act1 cases
Dentistry and dental practice1 cases
Renovation Contracts1 cases
Breach of Mareva Injunction1 cases
Equitable Accounting1 cases
Functus Officio1 cases
Proprietary injunctions1 cases
Transactions at an undervalue1 cases
Setting Aside Default Judgement1 cases
Substituted Service1 cases
Prima Facie Defence1 cases
Conversion1 cases
Involuntary Bailment1 cases
Force Majeure1 cases
Auditing Standards1 cases
Financial Reporting Standards1 cases
Reasonable Skill and Care1 cases
Sexual Offences1 cases
Financial Advisory1 cases
Trust Law1 cases
Breach of Duty of Care1 cases
Expert evidence1 cases
Admiralty Jurisdiction and Arrest1 cases
Statutory Liens1 cases
Carriage of goods by sea1 cases
Service of document out of jurisdiction1 cases
Contract Law1 cases
Summary Judgement1 cases
Company Law1 cases
Crossclaims1 cases
Disclosure of documents1 cases
Peremptory orders1 cases
Affidavits1 cases
Deeds of Undertaking1 cases
Workplace accident1 cases
Warranties1 cases
Sham Contract1 cases
Ancillary disclosure order1 cases
Restructuring and Insolvency1 cases

Law Firm Affiliations

Anil M Changaroth has been affiliated with 1 law firm. The most active affiliation involves 1 cases.

Law FirmCases Handled
Lim & Lim1 cases

Case Complexity Analysis

Analysis of Anil M Changaroth's case complexity based on the number of parties involved and case characteristics.

Complexity Overview

Average Parties per Case
Complex Cases
1 (100%)
Cases with more than 3 parties

Complexity by Case Type

Partial16.0 parties avg
Won16.0 parties avg

Complexity Trends Over Time

200316.0 parties avg

Case Outcome Analytics

Analysis of Anil M Changaroth's case outcomes, including distribution by type, yearly trends, and monetary outcomes where applicable.

Outcome Distribution

Outcome TypeCases

Yearly Outcome Trends

YearTotal Cases

Case History

Displaying all 1 cases

07 Feb 2003
Nair Sudhir Krishnan (Defendant)Partial