Anil M Changaroth
Anil M Changaroth is a legal practitioner in Singapore. With documented cases from 2003 to 2003. The lawyer has handled 1 case in Singapore's courts. Associated with 1 law firm. The lawyer demonstrates particular expertise in striking out. Their track record shows a 50.0% success rate in resolved cases. They have managed 1 complex case, representing 100% of their total caseload.
Areas of Practice and Expertise
Anil M Changaroth has demonstrated expertise across 189 primary practice areas, with significant experience in arbitration and breach of contract.
Practice Area | Case Volume |
Arbitration | 1 cases |
Breach of Contract | 1 cases |
Litigation | 1 cases |
Mareva Injunctions | 1 cases |
Insolvency Law | 1 cases |
Winding Up | 1 cases |
Performance Bond | 1 cases |
Injunctions | 1 cases |
Erinford Injunction | 1 cases |
Unconscionability | 1 cases |
Division of Matrimonial Assets | 1 cases |
Care and Control | 1 cases |
Access to Children | 1 cases |
Matrimonial Home | 1 cases |
Offences relating to race | 1 cases |
Personal Property Ownership | 1 cases |
Gifts Law | 1 cases |
Pharmaceutical Law | 1 cases |
Medical Ethics | 1 cases |
Ponzi Schemes | 1 cases |
Restructuring and Dissolution | 1 cases |
Extension of Validity | 1 cases |
Review | 1 cases |
Fiduciary Duties | 1 cases |
Estate Administration | 1 cases |
Minority Oppression | 1 cases |
Commercial Disputes | 1 cases |
Misrepresentation | 1 cases |
Fraud and Deceit | 1 cases |
Breach of Confidence | 1 cases |
Inducement of Breach of Contract | 1 cases |
Conspiracy by Unlawful Means | 1 cases |
Unfair Dismissal | 1 cases |
Termination | 1 cases |
Patient Confidentiality | 1 cases |
Testamentary Capacity | 1 cases |
Maintenance | 1 cases |
Measure of Damages | 1 cases |
Evidence Law | 1 cases |
Handwriting Analysis | 1 cases |
Corporate Secretarial Services | 1 cases |
Undue Influence | 1 cases |
Non est factum | 1 cases |
Forgery | 1 cases |
Animal Import/Export Regulations | 1 cases |
Ad Hoc Admission | 1 cases |
Receivership | 1 cases |
Share Pledge | 1 cases |
Drag-along Rights | 1 cases |
Minority Shareholder Rights | 1 cases |
Transfer of Cases | 1 cases |
Jurisdiction | 1 cases |
Anti-suit injunction | 1 cases |
Natural forum | 1 cases |
Restraint of foreign proceedings | 1 cases |
Comity | 1 cases |
Vexatious and oppressive conduct | 1 cases |
Illegality and public policy | 1 cases |
Contractual discretions | 1 cases |
Overcharging | 1 cases |
Contentious Business Agreements | 1 cases |
Assessment of Legal Costs | 1 cases |
Prevention of Corruption Act | 1 cases |
Reflective Loss Principle | 1 cases |
Nominee Director | 1 cases |
Setting aside | 1 cases |
Apparent bias | 1 cases |
Foreign arbitral award | 1 cases |
Breach of unless order | 1 cases |
Production of documents | 1 cases |
Striking out | 1 cases |
Apportionment | 1 cases |
Contempt of Court | 1 cases |
Civil Contempt | 1 cases |
Parental Alienation | 1 cases |
Sentencing Guidelines | 1 cases |
Avoidance of transactions | 1 cases |
Unfair preferences | 1 cases |
Interim injunctions | 1 cases |
Prohibitory injunctions | 1 cases |
Mandatory injunctions | 1 cases |
Ancillary disclosure orders | 1 cases |
Stay of Execution | 1 cases |
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards | 1 cases |
International Arbitration Act | 1 cases |
Reliance Damages | 1 cases |
Abuse of Process | 1 cases |
Champerty | 1 cases |
Riddick principle | 1 cases |
Careless Driving | 1 cases |
Drink Driving | 1 cases |
Geographical indications | 1 cases |
Qualification of rights | 1 cases |
Burden of proof | 1 cases |
Translation | 1 cases |
Director's Duties | 1 cases |
Equity and limitation of actions | 1 cases |
Proof of evidence | 1 cases |
Bonds | 1 cases |
Extension of Time | 1 cases |
Offer | 1 cases |
Formation of contract | 1 cases |
Confidentiality | 1 cases |
Privacy | 1 cases |
Implied Terms | 1 cases |
Discharge | 1 cases |
Frustration | 1 cases |
Waiver | 1 cases |
No Oral Modification Clause | 1 cases |
Limitation | 1 cases |
Disclosure Obligations | 1 cases |
Res Judicata | 1 cases |
Discovery | 1 cases |
Intention to create legal relations | 1 cases |
Quantum meruit | 1 cases |
International Commercial Law | 1 cases |
Duress | 1 cases |
Negligent misrepresentation | 1 cases |
Restitution | 1 cases |
Mistake of fact | 1 cases |
Failure of consideration | 1 cases |
Change of position | 1 cases |
Stay of Proceedings | 1 cases |
Breach of Duty | 1 cases |
Breach of natural justice | 1 cases |
Tribunal not dealing with counterclaim | 1 cases |
Essential issues in arbitration | 1 cases |
Irrational or capricious reasoning | 1 cases |
Deviation from parties’ agreed procedure | 1 cases |
Award procured by fraud | 1 cases |
Avoidance of transfer | 1 cases |
Letter of Credit Law | 1 cases |
Duty of Candour | 1 cases |
Legal Profession Act | 1 cases |
Estoppel | 1 cases |
Statutory Demand | 1 cases |
Double Recovery | 1 cases |
Collateral Benefits | 1 cases |
Account stated | 1 cases |
Family Justice Rules | 1 cases |
Agency Law | 1 cases |
Warranty of Authority | 1 cases |
Debt Repayment Scheme | 1 cases |
Remedies | 1 cases |
Indemnity costs | 1 cases |
Certificate of costs for three solicitors | 1 cases |
Breach of Trust | 1 cases |
Recusal of appellate judge | 1 cases |
Disclosure of Assets | 1 cases |
Adverse Inference | 1 cases |
Foreign Manpower Act | 1 cases |
Dentistry and dental practice | 1 cases |
Renovation Contracts | 1 cases |
Breach of Mareva Injunction | 1 cases |
Equitable Accounting | 1 cases |
Functus Officio | 1 cases |
Proprietary injunctions | 1 cases |
Transactions at an undervalue | 1 cases |
Setting Aside Default Judgement | 1 cases |
Substituted Service | 1 cases |
Prima Facie Defence | 1 cases |
Conversion | 1 cases |
Involuntary Bailment | 1 cases |
Force Majeure | 1 cases |
Auditing Standards | 1 cases |
Financial Reporting Standards | 1 cases |
Reasonable Skill and Care | 1 cases |
Sexual Offences | 1 cases |
Financial Advisory | 1 cases |
Trust Law | 1 cases |
Breach of Duty of Care | 1 cases |
Expert evidence | 1 cases |
Admiralty Jurisdiction and Arrest | 1 cases |
Statutory Liens | 1 cases |
Carriage of goods by sea | 1 cases |
Service of document out of jurisdiction | 1 cases |
Contract Law | 1 cases |
Summary Judgement | 1 cases |
Company Law | 1 cases |
Crossclaims | 1 cases |
Disclosure of documents | 1 cases |
Peremptory orders | 1 cases |
Affidavits | 1 cases |
Deeds of Undertaking | 1 cases |
Workplace accident | 1 cases |
Warranties | 1 cases |
Sham Contract | 1 cases |
Ancillary disclosure order | 1 cases |
Restructuring and Insolvency | 1 cases |
Law Firm Affiliations
Anil M Changaroth has been affiliated with 1 law firm. The most active affiliation involves 1 cases.
Law Firm | Cases Handled |
Lim & Lim | 1 cases |
Case Complexity Analysis
Analysis of Anil M Changaroth's case complexity based on the number of parties involved and case characteristics.
Complexity Overview
- Average Parties per Case
- 6.0
- Complex Cases
- 1 (100%)
- Cases with more than 3 parties
Complexity by Case Type
Type | Cases |
Partial | 16.0 parties avg |
Won | 16.0 parties avg |
Complexity Trends Over Time
Year | Cases |
2003 | 16.0 parties avg |
Case Outcome Analytics
Analysis of Anil M Changaroth's case outcomes, including distribution by type, yearly trends, and monetary outcomes where applicable.
Outcome Distribution
Outcome Type | Cases |
Partial | 1(50%) |
Won | 1(50%) |
Yearly Outcome Trends
Year | Total Cases |
2003 | 2 11 |
Case History
Displaying all 1 cases
Case |
07 Feb 2003 Nair Sudhir Krishnan (Defendant)Partial |