Arivanantham s/o Krishnan
Arivanantham s/o Krishnan is a legal practitioner in Singapore. With documented cases from 2012 to 2022. The lawyer has handled 5 cases in Singapore's courts. Associated with 2 law firms. The lawyer demonstrates particular expertise in landlord and tenant law and unjust enrichment. Their track record shows a 40.0% success rate in resolved cases.
Areas of Practice and Expertise
Arivanantham s/o Krishnan has demonstrated expertise across 37 primary practice areas, with significant experience in contract law and landlord and tenant law.
Practice Area | Case Volume |
Contract Law | 4 cases |
Landlord and Tenant Law | 2 cases |
Summary Judgment | 1 cases |
Fraud and Deceit | 1 cases |
Unjust Enrichment | 1 cases |
Assessment of Legal Costs | 1 cases |
Implied Terms | 1 cases |
Legal Profession Act | 1 cases |
Agency Law | 1 cases |
Civil Procedure | 1 cases |
Judgments and Orders | 1 cases |
Damages | 1 cases |
Guarantee | 1 cases |
Company Law | 1 cases |
Taxation of Legal Fees | 1 cases |
Bank Guarantee | 1 cases |
Affidavits | 1 cases |
Rules of Court 2021 | 1 cases |
Construction of Contract | 1 cases |
Solicitor's fees | 1 cases |
Personal Guarantee | 1 cases |
Acceptance | 1 cases |
Procedural Law | 1 cases |
General Principles | 1 cases |
Best Efforts Clause | 1 cases |
Guarantees and indemnities | 1 cases |
Guarantor | 1 cases |
Restructuring and Insolvency | 1 cases |
Quiet Enjoyment | 1 cases |
Expeditious Renewal | 1 cases |
Subleases | 1 cases |
Rights of sublessees | 1 cases |
Renewal of sublease | 1 cases |
Formation | 1 cases |
Credit and Security | 1 cases |
Effect of counterclaim | 1 cases |
Insurance Bad Faith | 1 cases |
Law Firm Affiliations
Arivanantham s/o Krishnan has been affiliated with 2 law firms. The most active affiliation involves 3 cases.
Law Firm | Cases Handled |
Ari, Goh & Partners | 3 cases |
AGP Law LLC | 2 cases |
Case Complexity Analysis
Analysis of Arivanantham s/o Krishnan's case complexity based on the number of parties involved and case characteristics.
Complexity Overview
- Average Parties per Case
- 2.2
- Complex Cases
- 0 (0%)
- Cases with more than 3 parties
Complexity by Case Type
Type | Cases |
Lost | 12.0 parties avg |
Partial | 22.0 parties avg |
Won | 22.5 parties avg |
Complexity Trends Over Time
Year | Cases |
2012 | 12.0 parties avg |
2017 | 22.0 parties avg |
2022 | 22.5 parties avg |
Case Outcome Analytics
Analysis of Arivanantham s/o Krishnan's case outcomes, including distribution by type, yearly trends, and monetary outcomes where applicable.
Outcome Distribution
Outcome Type | Cases |
Lost | 1(20%) |
Partial | 2(40%) |
Won | 2(40%) |
Monetary Outcomes
Currency | Average |
SGD | 105,194.753 cases |
Yearly Outcome Trends
Year | Total Cases |
2012 | 1 1 |
2017 | 2 11 |
2022 | 2 11 |
Case History
Displaying all 5 cases
Case |
07 Jun 2022 Loganathan Ravishankar (Plaintiff)Partial |
27 Jan 2022 Ice Messaging Pte Ltd (Plaintiff)Won |
10 Jan 2017 Kim Seng Orchid Pte Ltd (Plaintiff)Won |
02 Jan 2012 Teoh Cheng Leong (Defendant)Lost |