T J Systems v Ngow Kheong Shen: Defamation, Fair Comment & Qualified Privilege

In T J Systems (S) Pte Ltd and Others v Ngow Kheong Shen, the High Court of Singapore addressed a defamation claim brought by T J Systems, its directors, and sales staff against Ngow Kheong Shen, who sent an email alleging bribery by T J Systems to a police officer. The court, presided over by Lai Siu Chiu J, found the email defamatory and rejected Ngow's defenses of fair comment and qualified privilege. Interlocutory judgment was granted for five of the plaintiffs, with damages to be assessed by the Registrar. The claims of the remaining plaintiffs were dismissed.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court

1.2 Outcome

Interlocutory judgment for the first, second, third, fourth, and sixth plaintiffs; claims of the fifth, seventh, eighth, and ninth plaintiffs dismissed.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Defamation case involving T J Systems and Ngow Kheong Shen over an email alleging bribery. The court found the email defamatory and rejected defenses of fair comment and qualified privilege.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
T J Systems (S) Pte LtdPlaintiffCorporationInterlocutory judgment for PlaintiffPartialDaniel Koh, Martin Lee
Ting Siew HoodPlaintiffIndividualInterlocutory judgment for PlaintiffWonDaniel Koh, Martin Lee
Leow Chin BeePlaintiffIndividualInterlocutory judgment for PlaintiffWonDaniel Koh, Martin Lee
Wang Yong HongPlaintiffIndividualInterlocutory judgment for PlaintiffWonDaniel Koh, Martin Lee
Lo Ooi YitPlaintiffIndividualClaim DismissedDismissedDaniel Koh, Martin Lee
Foong Kok SengPlaintiffIndividualInterlocutory judgment for PlaintiffWonDaniel Koh, Martin Lee
Leong Wai OnPlaintiffIndividualClaim DismissedDismissedDaniel Koh, Martin Lee
Yew Yeow TiongPlaintiffIndividualClaim DismissedDismissedDaniel Koh, Martin Lee
Seng Kong KeongPlaintiffIndividualClaim DismissedDismissedDaniel Koh, Martin Lee
Ngow Kheong ShenDefendantIndividualJudgment against DefendantLostPeter Chua, Melissa Ann Yeoh

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Lai Siu ChiuJudgeYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Daniel KohCTLC Law Corporation
Martin LeeCTLC Law Corporation
Peter ChuaPeter Chua & Partners
Melissa Ann YeohPeter Chua & Partners

4. Facts

  1. T J Systems is in the business of supplying security systems.
  2. Ngow Kheong Shen is the system sales manager of Cisco Security Technology Pte Ltd, a competitor of T J Systems.
  3. Ngow sent an email to 15 persons within Cisco's organisation alleging that T J Systems was being investigated for bribery.
  4. The email stated that CPIB had 'strong' evidence against T J Systems and that PTD had internally debarred T J Systems.
  5. T J Systems received a copy of the email anonymously.
  6. T J Systems complained that the email was malicious and untrue, causing repercussions.
  7. Ngow refused to apologize for and retract the allegations made in the email.

5. Formal Citations

  1. T J Systems (S) Pte Ltd and Others v Ngow Kheong Shen, Suit 815/2002, [2003] SGHC 73

6. Timeline

T J Systems (S) Pte Ltd incorporated.
T J Systems awarded contract by the police force.
Ting Siew Hood and Leow Chin Bee interviewed by CPIB.
Alleged date of CPIB investigation mentioned in the email.
Ngow Kheong Shen sent the defamatory email.
T J Systems received a copy of the email.
Ngow Kheong Shen's solicitors sent a letter contending qualified privilege.
T J Systems tendered to supply night vision binoculars to the PTD.
T J Systems invited by PTD to tender for the supply of portable handheld explosive vapour and particle detectors.
T J Systems submitted its tender for detectors.
PTD requested T J Systems to provide a sample unit for evaluation.
T J Systems accepted an invitation from PTD to attend a briefing for a new tender exercise.
Decision Date

7. Legal Issues

  1. Defamation
    • Outcome: The court found that the words in the email were defamatory of the first, second, third, fourth and sixth plaintiffs.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Defamatory statements
      • Publication
  2. Fair Comment
    • Outcome: The court rejected the defence of fair comment.
    • Category: Substantive
  3. Qualified Privilege
    • Outcome: The court rejected the defence of qualified privilege.
    • Category: Substantive

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Damages
  2. Apology
  3. Retraction of defamatory allegations

9. Cause of Actions

  • Defamation

10. Practice Areas

  • Defamation Law
  • Civil Litigation

11. Industries

  • Security Systems

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Lee Kuan Yew v Davies & OthersHigh CourtYes[1989] SLR 1063SingaporeCited to support the submission that Ngow's statements, taken in the context of the whole of the e-mail, defamed TJ's two directors and six sales staff.
Knupffer v London Express Newspaper LtdHouse of LordsNo[1944] 1 ALL ER 495England and WalesCited to determine whether the defendants' publication could refer to the plaintiff, who was not specifically mentioned in the article.
Vlasic v Federal Capital Press of AustraliaAustralian Capital Territory Supreme CourtYes[1976] 9 ACTR 1AustraliaCited to support the submission that the defamatory words indeed referred to the second to ninth plaintiffs.
DHKW Marketing v Nature's Farm Pte LtdCourt of AppealYes[1999] 2 SLR 400SingaporeCited to support the submission that the defamatory words indeed referred to the second to ninth plaintiffs.
Mohd Hussein v Chew How Yang EddieHigh CourtYes[1995] 3 SLR 177SingaporeCited to support the submission that the defamatory words indeed referred to the second to ninth plaintiffs.
Chen Chang v Central Christian ChurchCourt of AppealYes[1999] 1 SLR 94SingaporeCited for the definition of qualified privilege.
Adam v WardHouse of LordsYes[1971] AC 309England and WalesCited for the definition of qualified privilege.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Penal Code Cap 224, s 109Singapore
Penal Code Cap 224, s 161Singapore
Prevention of Corruption Act Cap 241, ss 5(b)Singapore
Prevention of Corruption Act Cap 241, s 6Singapore
Official Secrets Act Cap 213, s 5Singapore
Commercial & Industrial Security Corporation Act Cap 47, s 10Singapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Defamation
  • Qualified privilege
  • Fair comment
  • Bribery
  • CPIB investigation
  • PTD debarment
  • Email publication
  • Security systems
  • Cisco
  • T J Systems

15.2 Keywords

  • defamation
  • tort
  • Singapore
  • High Court
  • security systems
  • bribery
  • email
  • qualified privilege
  • fair comment

16. Subjects

  • Defamation
  • Tort Law
  • Civil Litigation

17. Areas of Law

  • Tort
  • Defamation