Trisuryo Garuda Nusa v SKP Pradiksi: Choice of Jurisdiction & Forum Non Conveniens

The Singapore Court of Appeal heard two appeals, CA 112 of 2016 and CA 124 of 2016, concerning whether lawsuits involving Trisuryo Garuda Nusa Pte Ltd (TGN), SKP Pradiksi (North) Sdn Bhd, SKP Senabangun (South) Sdn Bhd, Southern Realty (Malaya) Sdn Bhd, Darren Chen Jia Fu @ Suryo Tan, Hendra Ade Putra, and Christina Suryo should be heard in Singapore or Indonesia. The court allowed Southern Realty's appeal in CA 124 and dismissed TGN's appeal in CA 112, allowing both S 349 and S 252 to proceed in Singapore. The primary legal issue was the appropriate forum for determining the beneficial ownership of shares, considering exclusive jurisdiction clauses and forum non conveniens principles.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

Court of Appeal of the Republic of Singapore

1.2 Outcome

Appeal allowed in part; appeal dismissed in part.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Singapore Court of Appeal judgment regarding choice of jurisdiction and forum non conveniens in a dispute over beneficial ownership of shares.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Trisuryo Garuda Nusa Pte LtdAppellant, DefendantCorporationAppeal DismissedLostChew Ming Hsien Rebecca, Chew Xiang
SKP Pradiksi (North) Sdn BerhadRespondent, PlaintiffCorporationJudgment for PlaintiffWonLing Daw Hoang Philip, Chua Cheng Yew
SKP Senabangun (South) Sdn BhdRespondent, PlaintiffCorporationJudgment for PlaintiffWonLing Daw Hoang Philip, Chua Cheng Yew
Southern Realty (Malaya) Sdn BhdAppellant, PlaintiffCorporationAppeal AllowedWonMolly Lim, Joel Wee Tze Sing
Darren Chen Jia Fu@ Suryo TanRespondent, DefendantIndividualJudgment for PlaintiffLostChew Ming Hsien Rebecca, Chew Xiang
Hendra Ade PutraRespondent, DefendantIndividualJudgment for PlaintiffLostChew Ming Hsien Rebecca, Chew Xiang
Christina SuryoRespondent, DefendantIndividualJudgment for PlaintiffLostChew Ming Hsien Rebecca, Chew Xiang

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Sundaresh MenonChief JusticeNo
Judith PrakashJudge of AppealYes
Tay Yong KwangJudge of AppealNo

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Chew Ming Hsien RebeccaRajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Chew XiangRajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Ling Daw Hoang PhilipWong Tan & Molly Lim LLC
Chua Cheng YewWong Tan & Molly Lim LLC
Molly LimTan Peng Chin LLC
Joel Wee Tze SingTan Peng Chin LLC

4. Facts

  1. TGN was incorporated in Singapore to hold investments.
  2. Southern Realty claims beneficial ownership of TGN's issued share capital.
  3. SKP Companies claim TGN holds shares in Indonesian companies on trust for them.
  4. An oral agreement was made regarding the holding of shares in TGN.
  5. The Deeds contained a clause selecting the District Court of South Jakarta as the common domicile.
  6. Disagreements arose among the directors and shareholders of the PT Companies.
  7. Litigation commenced in both Singapore and Indonesia.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Trisuryo Garuda Nusa Pte Ltd v SKP Pradiksi (North) Sdn Bhd and another and another appeal, Civil Appeals Nos 112 and 124 of 2016, [2017] SGCA 49

6. Timeline

Trisuryo Garuda Nusa Pte Ltd incorporated
TGN allegedly wrote the Trust Letter to Southern Realty
SKP Companies and TGN entered into two deeds in Indonesia
Suryo Tan removed Ms Tan as a director of TGN
Suryo Tan transferred 98 shares in TGN to Mr Hendra
SKP Companies commenced S 252 against TGN
Southern Realty commenced S 349 against Suryo Tan, Mr Hendra and Mrs Suryo
TGN filed a summons seeking a stay of proceedings in S 252
TGN commenced Suit No 270 against SKPS in Indonesia
TGN commenced Suit No 271 against SKPP in Indonesia
S 349 defendants filed a summons seeking a stay of proceedings in S 349
High Court dismissed TGN's application for stay of proceedings in S 252
Suryo Tan and TGN commenced Suit No 381 against Bill Low, Nick Low, SKP and SKPP in Indonesia
High Court granted the stay sought by the S 349 defendants
Court of Appeal heard the appeals
Court of Appeal delivered the grounds of decision

7. Legal Issues

  1. Choice of Jurisdiction
    • Outcome: The court determined the effect and scope of the exclusive jurisdiction agreement, and whether strong cause existed to displace it.
    • Category: Procedural
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Exclusive jurisdiction agreement
      • Strong cause against stay of proceedings
    • Related Cases:
      • [1987] AC 460
      • [1977–1978] SLR(R) 112
  2. Forum Non Conveniens
    • Outcome: The court determined whether Indonesia was clearly or distinctly more appropriate than Singapore for the determination of the equitable claims.
    • Category: Procedural
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Appropriate forum
      • Governing law
      • Public policy considerations
      • Illegality
      • Parallel proceedings
    • Related Cases:
      • [2007] 1 SLR(R) 377
      • [1995] 2 SLR(R) 851

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Declarations of beneficial ownership
  2. Orders for transfer of shares
  3. Damages

9. Cause of Actions

  • Breach of Trust
  • Breach of Contract

10. Practice Areas

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Forum Non Conveniens
  • Jurisdiction

11. Industries

  • Palm Oil
  • Investment Holding

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Spiliada Maritime Corporation v Cansulex LtdHouse of LordsYes[1987] AC 460England and WalesCited for the two-stage analysis for determining whether the forum in which an action has been brought is not an appropriate one.
Rickshaw Investments Ltd and another v Nicolai Baron von UexkullCourt of AppealYes[2007] 1 SLR(R) 377SingaporeCited for the application of the Spiliada principles in Singapore and the importance of the quality of connecting factors in determining the appropriate forum.
Rappo, Tania v Accent Delight International Ltd and another and another appealCourt of AppealYes[2017] SGCA 27SingaporeCited for the principle that the quality of connecting factors is crucial in determining the appropriate forum.
JIO Minerals FZC v Mineral Enterprises LtdHigh CourtYes[2011] 1 SLR 391SingaporeCited for the five factors generally relevant in determining whether a particular jurisdiction is forum non conveniens.
Augustus v Permanent Trustee Co (Canberra) LtdHigh Court of AustraliaYes[1971] 124 CLR 245AustraliaCited for the principle that the general rules for determining choice of law in contracts are applicable in determining the governing law of a trust.
Eng Liat Kiang v Eng Bak HernCourt of AppealYes[1995] 2 SLR(R) 851SingaporeCited regarding issues of foreign public policy and the determination of the appropriate forum.
Peh Teck Quee v Bayerische Landesbank GirozentraleCourt of AppealYes[1999] 3 SLR(R) 842SingaporeCited regarding Singapore's public policy and desire for international comity to respect the public policy of foreign and friendly States.
Virsagi Management (S) Pte Ltd v Welltech Construction Pte Ltd and another appealCourt of AppealYes[2013] 4 SLR 1097SingaporeCited for the principle that the existence of parallel proceedings is a relevant factor in determining forum non conveniens.
Amerco Timbers Pte Ltd v Chatsworth Timber Corp Pte LtdCourt of AppealYes[1977–1978] SLR(R) 112SingaporeCited for the principle that when a contract contains an exclusive jurisdiction clause, the plaintiff bears the burden of showing exceptional circumstances amounting to strong cause to resist a stay application.
Golden Shore Transportation Pte Ltd v UCO Bank and another appealCourt of AppealYes[2004] 1 SLR(R) 6SingaporeCited for the principle that the burden to show strong cause rests with the plaintiff because he should prima facie be held to his contractual commitment.
The Vishva ApurvaHigh CourtYes[1992] 1 SLR(R) 912SingaporeCited for the principle that in deciding whether to refuse a stay of proceedings, the court should not simply undertake a balancing exercise.
The “Eastern Trust”High CourtYes[1994] 2 SLR(R) 511SingaporeCited for the principle that the court's discretion in deciding whether to grant a stay would not be properly exercised unless all relevant circumstances were taken into account.
The “Hyundai Fortune”Court of AppealYes[2004] 4 SLR(R) 548SingaporeCited for the principle that an exercise in determining strong cause cannot be the subject of rigid rules or classification.
Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation and others v Privalov and othersHouse of LordsYes[2007] UKHL 40United KingdomCited for the principle that the construction of an arbitration clause should start from the assumption that rational businessmen are likely to have intended that any dispute arising out of their relationship should be decided by the same tribunal.
Akers and others v Samba Financial GroupCourt of AppealYes[2015] 2 WLR 1281England and WalesCited regarding the existence of trusts under common law jurisdictions.
Akers and others v Samba Financial GroupUK Supreme CourtYes[2017] AC 424United KingdomCited regarding the existence of trusts under common law jurisdictions.
SKP Pradiksi (North) Sdn Bhd and another v Trisuryo Garuda Nusa Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[2016] SGHC 200SingaporeThe High Court decision being appealed in CA 112.
Southern Realty (Malaya) Sdn Bhd v Chen Jia Fu Darren (alias Tan Suryo) and othersHigh CourtYes[2016] SGHC 230SingaporeThe High Court decision being appealed in CA 124.
Foster v Driscoll and othersCourt of AppealYes[1929] 1 KB 470England and WalesCited regarding the principle that an agreement whose object to be attained is a breach of international comity will be regarded by the courts as being against public policy and void.
Ralli Brothers v Compañia Naviera Sota y AznarCourt of AppealYes[1920] 2 KB 287England and WalesCited regarding the principle that England should not assist or sanction the breach of the laws of other independent states.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
O 57 r 9A(5) of the Rules of Court (Cap 322, R5, 2014 Rev Ed)

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Article 33 of Indonesian Law No 25 of 2007 on InvestmentIndonesia

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Trust
  • Exclusive jurisdiction agreement
  • Forum non conveniens
  • Beneficial ownership
  • PT Shares
  • TGN Shares
  • Indonesian public policy
  • Governing law
  • Lis alibi pendens

15.2 Keywords

  • Choice of jurisdiction
  • Forum non conveniens
  • Trust
  • Beneficial ownership
  • Singapore
  • Indonesia
  • Shares
  • Stay of proceedings

16. Subjects

  • Conflict of Laws
  • Civil Procedure
  • Trusts
  • Jurisdiction

17. Areas of Law

  • Conflict of Laws
  • Trust Law
  • Civil Procedure