Lee Swee Chon v Kiat Seng Metals: Workplace Negligence & Contributory Negligence

In Lee Swee Chon v Kiat Seng Metals Pte Ltd, the High Court of Singapore heard a negligence claim by Lee Swee Chon against his employer, Kiat Seng Metals Pte Ltd, arising from a workplace accident. Lee Swee Chon sustained injuries when a stack of aluminium sheets fell on him. The court, presided over by George Wei J, found the defendant negligent in failing to provide a safe work environment but also found the plaintiff contributorily negligent. The court apportioned liability, with the defendant bearing 65% of the loss and damage.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court of Singapore

1.2 Outcome

Judgment for the Plaintiff; Defendant to bear 65% of the loss and damage suffered by the Plaintiff.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type


1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Workplace accident case where Lee Swee Chon sued Kiat Seng Metals for negligence. The court found the defendant negligent but also found the plaintiff contributorily negligent.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Lee Swee ChonPlaintiffIndividualJudgment for PlaintiffPartialHan Hean Juan
Kiat Seng Metals Pte LtdDefendantCorporationLiability for NegligenceLostEu Hai Meng, Lee Jia En Gloria

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
George WeiJudgeYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Han Hean JuanHoh Law Corporation
Eu Hai MengUnited Legal Alliance LLC
Lee Jia En GloriaUnited Legal Alliance LLC

4. Facts

  1. Plaintiff was employed by the Defendant as a lorry driver and deliveryman.
  2. On 5 December 2014, a stack of aluminium sheets fell on the Plaintiff at the Defendant's warehouse.
  3. The Plaintiff was helping a co-worker retrieve an aluminium sheet from a leaning stack.
  4. The aluminium sheets were about 2.44m in length and 1.22m in width, and ranged from 3mm to 1cm in thickness.
  5. The Plaintiff suffered injuries to his left thigh and back as a result of the accident.
  6. The Defendant did not have a safety rack to store the aluminium sheets.
  7. The Defendant instructed employees to use a forklift for support when retrieving sheets.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Lee Swee Chon v Kiat Seng Metals Pte Ltd, Suit No 1076 of 2016, [2018] SGHC 22

6. Timeline

Accident occurred at the workplace.
Plaintiff commenced negligence action against the Defendant.
Trial on liability began.
Trial on liability continued.
New date fixed for Hassan to testify.
Judgment reserved.
Judgment issued.

7. Legal Issues

  1. Breach of Duty of Care
    • Outcome: The court found that the Defendant breached its duty of care to the Plaintiff by failing to provide a safe work environment.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Failure to provide a safe work environment
      • Unsafe storage of materials
      • Failure to implement safe work procedures
    • Related Cases:
      • [2014] SGHC 177
      • [2010] 1 SLR 786
      • [2007] 4 SLR(R) 100
  2. Contributory Negligence
    • Outcome: The court found the Plaintiff contributorily negligent and reduced the damages recoverable accordingly.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Failure to take reasonable care for one's own safety
      • Disregard of safety instructions
    • Related Cases:
      • [2016] 2 SLR 944
      • [2007] 1 SLR(R) 148
      • [1993] 3 SLR(R) 377

8. Remedies Sought

  1. General Damages
  2. Special Damages
  3. Interest
  4. Costs
  5. Further Relief

9. Cause of Actions

  • Negligence

10. Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury
  • Workplace Accidents
  • Civil Litigation

11. Industries

  • Manufacturing
  • Metals Industry

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Chen Qiangshi v Hong Fei CDY Construction Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[2014] SGHC 177SingaporeCited for the four-fold test for negligence and the relevance of the Workplace Safety and Health Act in ascertaining the standard of care.
Chandran a/l Subbiah v Dockers Marine Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[2010] 1 SLR 786SingaporeCited for the employer's obligation to take reasonable care for its employees' safety.
Spandeck Engineering (S) Pte Ltd v Defence Science & Technology AgencyCourt of AppealYes[2007] 4 SLR(R) 100SingaporeCited for the principles of duty of care in negligence.
Jurong Primewide Pte Ltd v Moh Seng Cranes Pte Ltd and othersHigh CourtYes[2014] 2 SLR 360SingaporeCited for the relevance of the WSHA framework in ascertaining the appropriate standard of care.
Asnah bte Ab Rahman v Li JianlinHigh CourtYes[2016] 2 SLR 944SingaporeCited for the definition and application of contributory negligence.
Sim Cheng Soon v BT Engineering Pte Ltd and anotherCourt of AppealYes[2007] 1 SLR(R) 148SingaporeCited as an example of contributory negligence in a workplace accident.
Parno v SC Marine Pte LtdCourt of AppealYes[1993] 3 SLR(R) 377SingaporeCited for the employer's duty to protect employees from their own carelessness and the importance of a safe system of work.
Xu Ren Li v Nakano Singapore (Pte) LtdHigh CourtYes[2012] 1 SLR 729SingaporeCited for the principle of equal apportionment of liability when blameworthiness is uncertain.
See Toh Siew Kee v Ho Ah Lam Ferrocement (Pte) Ltd and othersCourt of AppealYes[2013] 3 SLR 284SingaporeCited for the principle of equal apportionment of liability when blameworthiness is uncertain.
Liu Yong Tao v Rich Construction Pte Ltd formerly known as China Construction Builders Pte LtdDistrict CourtYes[2011] SGDC 207SingaporeCited as an example where the defendant was held fully liable in negligence.
Soon Pook Seng Arthur v Oceaneering International Sdn BhdHigh CourtYes[1993] 2 SLR(R) 518SingaporeCited as an example where the defendant was held solely liable in negligence.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Workplace Safety and Health Act (Cap 354A, 2009 Rev Ed)Singapore
Contributory Negligence and Personal Injuries Act (Cap 54, 2002 Rev Ed)Singapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Negligence
  • Contributory Negligence
  • Workplace Accident
  • Duty of Care
  • Safe Work Environment
  • Aluminium Sheets
  • Forklift
  • Safety Rack
  • Balance Stack

15.2 Keywords

  • negligence
  • workplace accident
  • contributory negligence
  • employer liability
  • employee safety
  • Singapore
  • High Court

16. Subjects

  • Tort Law
  • Workplace Safety
  • Negligence Law

17. Areas of Law

  • Tort
  • Negligence
  • Contributory Negligence
  • Workplace Safety and Health Law