BP Singapore v Jurong Aromatics: Set-Off Rights & Receivership in Debt Recovery

In BP Singapore Pte Ltd v Jurong Aromatics Corp Pte Ltd, the Singapore Court of Appeal addressed whether BP Singapore and Glencore Singapore could set off debts owed to them by Jurong Aromatics Corp (JAC) before receivership against debts they owed JAC after receivership. The court dismissed the appeals, holding that the appointment of receivers crystallized the floating charge, preventing set-off due to a lack of mutuality of debts. The court also rejected the claim for equitable set-off.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

Court of Appeal of the Republic of Singapore

1.2 Outcome

Appeals dismissed with costs.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type


1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Singapore Court of Appeal case concerning set-off rights between trading partners and a company in receivership. The court disallowed set-off.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
BP Singapore Pte LtdAppellant, DefendantCorporationAppeal dismissedLostDavinder Singh
Jurong Aromatics Corp Pte Ltd (receivers and managers appointed)Respondent, PlaintiffCorporationAppeal upheldWonLee Eng Beng, Tham Hsu Hsien
Cosimo BorrelliRespondent, PlaintiffIndividualAppeal upheldWonLee Eng Beng, Tham Hsu Hsien
Jason KardachiRespondent, PlaintiffIndividualAppeal upheldWonLee Eng Beng, Tham Hsu Hsien
Glencore Singapore Pte LtdAppellant, DefendantCorporationAppeal dismissedLostDavinder Singh

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Sundaresh MenonChief JusticeNo
Andrew Phang Boon LeongJudge of AppealNo
Judith PrakashJudge of AppealYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Davinder SinghDavinder Singh Chambers LLC
Lee Eng BengRajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Tham Hsu HsienAllen & Gledhill LLP

4. Facts

  1. Jurong Aromatics Corp (JAC) obtained loans from Senior Lenders secured by a debenture.
  2. BP Singapore and Glencore Singapore had trade agreements with JAC.
  3. Receivers and managers were appointed for JAC due to financial difficulties.
  4. BP and Glencore sought to wind up JAC.
  5. A Tolling Agreement was established for BP and Glencore to use JAC's plant.
  6. BP and Glencore claimed set-off against debts owed to JAC after receivership.
  7. The Senior Lenders issued letters of undertaking regarding the Tolling Agreement.

5. Formal Citations

  1. BP Singapore Pte Ltd v Jurong Aromatics Corp Pte Ltd, Civil Appeal No 28 of 2019, [2020] SGCA 09

6. Timeline

Senior Lenders provided loans to JAC.
Debenture entered into between JAC and BNP Paribas.
Operations of the Plant were shut down.
Set-Off Agreement dated.
Receivers and managers of JAC appointed.
Appellants given notice of appointment of Receivers.
Tolling Agreement dated.
ExxonMobil found as purchaser for the Plant.
Transitional Agreement dated.
Transitional Supplemental Agreement dated.
Glencore, with support of BP, instituted winding-up proceedings against JAC.
Appellants paid some US$110m under the Performance Incentive arrangement.
Sale of the Plant to ExxonMobil was completed.
Appellants asserted that the Tolling Fee Debt was subject to insolvency set-off against the JAC indebtedness.
Appellants asserted that the Final Payment Amount was subject to insolvency set-off against the JAC indebtedness.
JAC was ordered to be wound up.
Judgment reserved.
Judgment reserved.

7. Legal Issues

  1. Right of Set-Off
    • Outcome: The court held that the appellants were not entitled to set off the claimed receivables against the JAC indebtedness.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Mutuality of debts
      • Decrystallisation of floating charge
      • Equitable set-off
    • Related Cases:
      • [2020] SGCA 09
      • [2019] SGHC 61
      • [2005] 2 AC 680
  2. Crystallisation of Floating Charge
    • Outcome: The court held that the floating charge had crystallised upon the appointment of the Receivers.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Related Cases:
      • [2020] SGCA 09
      • [1992] 3 SLR(R) 307

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Declarations that the appellants were not entitled to set-off the Tolling Fee Debt and the Final Payment Amount against any debts owed by JAC.

9. Cause of Actions

  • Debt
  • Recovery of Debt

10. Practice Areas

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Insolvency
  • Receivership

11. Industries

  • Commodities Trading
  • Manufacturing
  • Petrochemicals

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Malayan Banking Bhd v ASL Shipyard Pte Ltd and othersHigh CourtYes[2019] SGHC 61SingaporeCited for the principle that the appointment of receivers is a form of intervention by the chargee to take control of the charged assets.
In re Spectrum Plus Ltd (in liquidation)House of LordsYes[2005] 2 AC 680England and WalesCited for the ways by which a charge over book debts attains the character of a fixed charge.
Dresdner Bank AG and others v Ho Mun-Tuke Don and anotherCourt of AppealYes[1992] 3 SLR(R) 307SingaporeCited for the principle that a floating charge becomes a fixed charge upon crystallisation.
In re Emmadart LtdChancery DivisionYes[1979] 1 Ch 540England and WalesCited for the principle that the appointment of a receiver suspends the powers of the directors over the assets.
N W Robbie & Co Ltd v Witney Warehouse Co LtdCourt of Appeal of England and WalesYes[1963] 1 WLR 1324England and WalesCited for the proposition that a trade creditor ought not to be lightly deprived of rights of set-off to which it would have been entitled if the business were being carried on by the company on its own account.
Business Computers Ltd v Anglo-African Leasing LtdHigh CourtYes[1977] 1 WLR 578England and WalesCited for the proposition that a debtor cannot after notice of an assignment of his debt by his creditor improve his position as regards set off by acquiring debts incurred by the assignor creditor to a third party.
Abdul Salam Asanaru Pillai (trading as South Kerala Cashew Exporters) v Nomanbhoy & Sons Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[2007] 2 SLR(R) 856SingaporeCited for the principle that equitable set-off is available only where there is a close and inseparable relationship between the dealings and the transactions which give rise to the respective claims.
Koh Lin Yee v Terrestrial Pte Ltd and another appealCourt of AppealYes[2015] 2 SLR 497SingaporeCited for the principle that parties can agree to contract out of the right of set-off, including the right to assert equitable set-off.
Diablo Fortune Inc v Duncan, Cameron Lindsay and anotherCourt of AppealYes[2018] 2 SLR 129SingaporeCited for the characteristics of assets subject to a floating charge.
Jurong Aromatics Corp Pte Ltd (receivers and managers appointed) and others v BP Singapore Pte Ltd and another matterHigh CourtYes[2018] SGHC 215SingaporeThe decision below, which was upheld on appeal.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
No applicable statutes

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Set-off
  • Receivership
  • Floating charge
  • Crystallisation
  • Decrystallisation
  • Tolling Agreement
  • Debenture
  • Mutuality of debts
  • Equitable set-off
  • Receivables

15.2 Keywords

  • set-off
  • receivership
  • floating charge
  • crystallisation
  • Jurong Aromatics Corp
  • BP Singapore
  • Glencore Singapore
  • Singapore Court of Appeal

16. Subjects

  • Insolvency
  • Commercial Law
  • Debt and Recovery
  • Credit and Security

17. Areas of Law

  • Insolvency Law
  • Debt Recovery
  • Bankruptcy Law
  • Credit and Security Law
  • Commercial Law