PP v Yeduvaka Mali Naidu: WSHA Violation & Untrained Forklift Operation Leading to Fatality

In Public Prosecutor v Yeduvaka Mali Naidu, the High Court of Singapore heard an appeal against the sentence of Yeduvaka Mali Naidu, who pleaded guilty to violating the Workplace Safety and Health Act (WSHA) by allowing an untrained forklift operator to use a forklift with faulty brakes, leading to a co-worker's death. The District Judge sentenced Naidu to seven months' imprisonment. The High Court allowed the appeal, enhancing Naidu's sentence to 11 months' imprisonment, finding that the District Judge had erred in assessing Naidu's culpability as lower than the forklift operator's.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

General Division of the High Court

1.2 Outcome

Appeal Allowed

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type

Ex Tempore Judgment

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Yeduvaka Mali Naidu was sentenced for violating the WSHA by allowing an untrained operator to use a faulty forklift, resulting in a co-worker's death. The High Court enhanced his sentence.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Public ProsecutorAppellantGovernment AgencyAppeal AllowedWonIsaac Tan, Norine Tan
Yeduvaka Mali NaiduRespondentIndividualSentence EnhancedLostSunil Sudheesan, Khoo Hui-Hui Joyce

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Vincent HoongJudge of the High CourtYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Isaac TanAttorney-General’s Chambers
Norine TanAttorney-General’s Chambers
Sunil SudheesanQuahe Woo & Palmer LLP
Khoo Hui-Hui JoyceQuahe Woo & Palmer LLP

4. Facts

  1. The respondent allowed an untrained forklift operator to operate a forklift with faulty brakes.
  2. The forklift operator was not certified, trained, or competent to operate a forklift.
  3. The respondent knew the forklift operator lacked the qualifications to operate a forklift.
  4. The respondent knew that the brakes of the forklift were faulty.
  5. The forklift operator mistakenly stepped on the accelerator, causing the forklift to crash.
  6. The crash resulted in minor injuries to one worker and the death of another.
  7. The respondent had previously allowed the same operator to operate forklifts on multiple occasions.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Public Prosecutor v Yeduvaka Mali Naidu, Magistrate’s Appeal No 9140 of 2022, [2022] SGHC 191
  2. Public Prosecutor v Yeduvaka Mali Naidu, , [2022] SGDC 173

6. Timeline

Yeduvaka Mali Naidu employed by Chye Joo Marine Pte Ltd
Incident at Shipyard resulting in co-worker's death
Appellant’s Submissions dated
Respondent’s Submissions dated
Appellant’s Supplemental Submissions dated
Judgment delivered

7. Legal Issues

  1. Culpability Assessment
    • Outcome: The court found that the District Judge erred in assessing the respondent’s culpability to be lower than Shanmugam’s.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Attenuating a supervisor’s culpability for facilitating a supervisee’s reckless act
  2. Sentencing
    • Outcome: The court enhanced the respondent's sentence from 7 months to 11 months imprisonment.
    • Category: Procedural

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Enhanced Sentence

9. Cause of Actions

  • Violation of Workplace Safety and Health Act

10. Practice Areas

  • Criminal Law
  • Workplace Safety

11. Industries

  • Marine
  • Construction

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Mao Xuezhong v Public Prosecutor and another appealHigh CourtYes[2020] 5 SLR 580SingaporeCited for the two-stage sentencing framework for offences under s 15(3A) of the WSHA involving negligent acts, modified to deal with wilful or reckless acts under s 15(3) of the WSHA.
Nurun Novi Saydur Rahman v Public Prosecutor and another appealHigh CourtYes[2019] 3 SLR 413SingaporeCited for the observation that a supervisor is expected to be responsible for the safety of workers under him and may be found to be of greater culpability when he commits breaches of the WSHA.
Public Prosecutor v Chong Chee Boon Kenneth and other appealsHigh CourtYes[2021] 5 SLR 1434SingaporeCited by the respondent to demonstrate that the culpability of a supervisor can be lower than that of a primary offender, particularly when the supervisor is “more removed” from the harm that eventuated.
Public Prosecutor v Manta Equipment (S) Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[2022] SGHC 157SingaporeCited for the High Court’s provisional view that the two-stage sentencing approach set out in Manta should in principle apply to all Part 4 offences punishable under s 50 of the WSHA.
Jali bin Mohd Yunos v Public ProsecutorHigh CourtYes[2014] 4 SLR 1059SingaporeCited for the principle that wilfulness and recklessness are dichotomous legal concepts but no bright line distinction can be drawn between the two mentes reae in assessing the culpability of an offender at the sentencing stage.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Workplace Safety and Health Act (Cap 354A, 2009 Rev Ed) s 15(3)Singapore
Workplace Safety and Health Act (Cap 354A, 2009 Rev Ed) s 50(a)Singapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Workplace Safety and Health Act
  • Forklift Operation
  • Untrained Operator
  • Faulty Brakes
  • Culpability
  • Supervisor Responsibility
  • Reckless Act

15.2 Keywords

  • Workplace Safety
  • Forklift
  • Accident
  • Negligence
  • Singapore
  • WSHA
  • Sentencing
  • Criminal Law

16. Subjects

  • Workplace Safety
  • Criminal Law
  • Sentencing

17. Areas of Law

  • Criminal Law
  • Criminal Procedure
  • Sentencing
  • Workplace Safety and Health Law