Adrian Wong

Type of Practice
General Practice
Total Cases Handled
37 judgments

Adrian Wong is a legal practitioner in Singapore. With documented cases from 2000 to 2022. The lawyer has handled 37 cases in Singapore's courts. Associated with 8 law firms. The lawyer demonstrates particular expertise in civil practice and trust law. Their track record shows a 53.0% success rate in resolved cases. They have managed 15 complex cases, representing 41% of their total caseload.

Areas of Practice and Expertise

Adrian Wong has demonstrated expertise across 136 primary practice areas, with significant experience in contract law and civil procedure.

Practice AreaCase Volume
Contract Law24 cases
Civil Procedure14 cases
Breach of Contract12 cases
Commercial Disputes8 cases
Arbitration8 cases
Property Law7 cases
Estoppel7 cases
Civil Practice7 cases
Company Law6 cases
Summary Judgement4 cases
Companies Act4 cases
Administrative Law4 cases
Costs3 cases
Damages3 cases
Disclosure of documents3 cases
Trust Law3 cases
Employment Law3 cases
International Commercial Arbitration3 cases
Agency Law2 cases
Construction Law2 cases
Jurisdiction2 cases
Insolvency Law2 cases
Contracts2 cases
Passing Off2 cases
Bankruptcy2 cases
Illegality and public policy2 cases
Defamation2 cases
Corporate Law2 cases
Litigation2 cases
Criminal Law2 cases
Corporate Litigation2 cases
Trademarks2 cases
Duty to Account2 cases
Fiduciary Duties2 cases
Professional Ethics2 cases
Misrepresentation2 cases
Fraud and Deceit2 cases
Commercial Law2 cases
Commercial Litigation2 cases
Banking and Finance2 cases
Property Disputes1 cases
Frustration1 cases
Pre-judgment interest1 cases
Waiver1 cases
Settlement Agreement1 cases
Limitation1 cases
International Commercial Law1 cases
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act1 cases
Duty of Candour1 cases
Legal Profession Act1 cases
Breach of Trust1 cases
Functus Officio1 cases
Illegality1 cases
Judgments and Orders1 cases
Joint Venture1 cases
Legal Aid1 cases
Setting Aside Arbitral Award1 cases
Restraint of Trade1 cases
Evidence1 cases
Falsification of Documents1 cases
Guarantee1 cases
Crossclaims1 cases
Succession Law1 cases
Interpretation of contractual terms1 cases
Conflict of Laws1 cases
Amendments1 cases
Sale of Goods1 cases
Constructive Trust1 cases
Gifts1 cases
International Comity1 cases
Foreign Judgments1 cases
Equity of Redemption1 cases
Mortgage Law1 cases
Collateral Contract1 cases
Criminal Breach of Trust1 cases
Penal Code1 cases
Best Efforts Clause1 cases
Law of Pleadings1 cases
Solicitor's duties1 cases
Seizure of Property1 cases
Legal Ethics1 cases
Taxation of Legal Costs1 cases
Security of Payment1 cases
Joint Venture Agreement1 cases
Commercial Blackmail1 cases
Extortion1 cases
Tortious Interference1 cases
Landlord and Tenant Disputes1 cases
Geomancy Service1 cases
Bribery1 cases
Insurance Policies1 cases
Collusion1 cases
Share Option Schemes1 cases
Secret Commissions1 cases
Undertaking1 cases
Proprietary Rights1 cases
Shipping Agent1 cases
Appellate Practice1 cases
Asset Recovery1 cases
Business Law1 cases
Charitable Giving1 cases
Civil Litigation1 cases
Commercial Fraud1 cases
Commercial Insurance1 cases
Constitutional Law1 cases
Copyrights1 cases
Credit and Security1 cases
Criminal Revision1 cases
Easements1 cases
Insurance1 cases
Insurance Bad Faith1 cases
Investments1 cases
Judicial Management1 cases
Land Law1 cases
Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility1 cases
Legal Malpractice1 cases
Mortgages1 cases
Private International Law1 cases
Security for Costs1 cases
Trusts and Estates1 cases
Winding Up1 cases
Estate Administration1 cases
Inducement of Breach of Contract1 cases
Conspiracy by Unlawful Means1 cases
Evidence Law1 cases
Undue Influence1 cases
Natural justice1 cases
Admissibility of evidence1 cases
Contractual discretions1 cases
Mental Capacity Law1 cases
Criminal Procedure1 cases
Prevention of Corruption Act1 cases
Burden of proof1 cases
Extension of Time1 cases
Liquidated Damages1 cases
Penalties1 cases

Law Firm Affiliations

Adrian Wong has been affiliated with 8 law firms. The most active affiliation involves 21 cases.

Law FirmCases Handled
Rajah & Tann LLP21 cases
Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP4 cases
Rajah and Tann4 cases
Rajah & Tann3 cases
Allen & Gledhill2 cases
Rajah & Tann LLC1 cases
Gateway Law Corportion1 cases
Lee & Lee1 cases

Case Complexity Analysis

Analysis of Adrian Wong's case complexity based on the number of parties involved and case characteristics.

Complexity Overview

Average Parties per Case
Complex Cases
15 (41%)
Cases with more than 3 parties

Complexity by Case Type

Lost133.7 parties avg
Neutral15.0 parties avg
Partial43.4 parties avg
Won203.8 parties avg

Complexity Trends Over Time

200015.0 parties avg
200123.0 parties avg
200445.0 parties avg
200512.0 parties avg
200724.8 parties avg
200823.5 parties avg
200932.3 parties avg
201052.6 parties avg
201172.4 parties avg
201212.0 parties avg
201322.0 parties avg
201435.4 parties avg
201612.0 parties avg
201817.0 parties avg
201914.0 parties avg
202214.0 parties avg

Case Outcome Analytics

Analysis of Adrian Wong's case outcomes, including distribution by type, yearly trends, and monetary outcomes where applicable.

Outcome Distribution

Outcome TypeCases

Monetary Outcomes

SGD275,930.5120 cases

Yearly Outcome Trends

YearTotal Cases

Case History

Displaying all 37 cases

20 Jan 2022
Ethoz Capital Ltd (Applicant)Lost
28 Feb 2019
Lee Chen Seong Jeremy (Petitioner)Won
09 Oct 2018
Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd (Defendant)Won
29 Nov 2016
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (Defendant)Won
14 Oct 2014
KWONG KAI CHUNG (Defendant)Won
14 Oct 2014
Singapore Agro Agricultural Pte Ltd (Defendant)Lost
30 Jul 2014
AKN (Defendant)Lost
04 Sep 2013
Riaz LLC (Applicant)Lost
06 May 2013
Lotusonwater Jadeite Pte Ltd (Plaintiff)Won
08 Jul 2012
Kempinski Hotels SA (Respondent, Appellant)Lost
18 Jul 2011
Kempinski Hotels SA (Applicant)Won
18 Jul 2011
Kempinski Hotels SA (Applicant, Claimant)Won
18 Jul 2011
Kempinski Hotels SA (Applicant, Claimant)Won
07 Jun 2011
ROBERT BOSCH GMBH (Plaintiff, Appellant)Won
28 Apr 2011
Doctor's Associates Inc (Plaintiff)Won
28 Apr 2011
Lee Wee Lick Terence (alias Li Weili Terence) (Defendant, Appellant)Won
24 Apr 2011
Hau Tau Khang (Respondent)Partial
18 Nov 2010
Brunner Hans-Peter (Defendant)Won
10 Nov 2010
Lee Wee Lick Terence @ Li Weili Terence (Defendant)Won
16 Aug 2010
American International Assurance Co, Ltd (Defendant, Respondent)Won
26 May 2010
Goh Kah Heng (alias Shi Ming Yi) (Appellant)Partial
15 Apr 2010
American International Assurance Co, Ltd (Defendant)Won
10 Nov 2009
Premium Automobiles Pte Ltd (Appellant, Plaintiff)Lost
08 Apr 2009
First Grade Agency Pte Ltd (Defendant)Lost
17 Feb 2009
Paul De Fries (Plaintiff, Appellant)Lost
11 Nov 2008
Wiryadi Louise Maria (Respondent)Won
24 Mar 2008
United Engineers (Singapore) Pte Ltd (Defendant, Respondent)Lost
29 Aug 2007
Wiryadi Louise Maria (Respondent)Won
27 Jun 2007
Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd (Plaintiff)Partial
03 Jul 2005
United Engineers (Singapore) Pte Ltd (Respondent)Won
30 Aug 2004
United Engineers (Singapore) Pte Ltd (Plaintiff, Appellant)Lost
05 Aug 2004
United Engineers (Singapore) Pte Ltd (Plaintiff)Lost
20 Jul 2004
United Engineers (Singapore) Pte Ltd (Plaintiff, Applicant)Lost
03 May 2004
Bayerische Landesbank (Defendant, Respondent)Won
30 Oct 2001
PT Kiani Kertas (Plaintiff, Appellant)Partial
08 Apr 2001
Hinckley Singapore Trading Pte Ltd (Applicant)Lost
21 Sep 2000
Lee Siew Choon (Interveners)Won