Nike v Campomar: Res Judicata & Trade Mark Revocation for Non-Use of NIKE in Perfumery

Nike International Ltd and Nike Singapore Pte Ltd (collectively, "Nike") opposed Campomar Sociedad Limitada's ("Campomar") application to register the NIKE trademark and sought to revoke Campomar's existing NIKE trademark registration in Singapore. The High Court dismissed Nike's appeal against the dismissal of its opposition based on res judicata. The court allowed Campomar's appeal against the revocation of its trademark, finding sufficient evidence of genuine use of the NIKE mark in Singapore within the relevant period.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court

1.2 Outcome

Appeal in OM 25 dismissed; appeal in OM 26 allowed.

1.3 Case Type

Intellectual Property

1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Nike's opposition to Campomar's NIKE trademark registration was dismissed due to res judicata. Campomar successfully appealed the revocation of its NIKE trademark.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Nike International LtdAppellant, ApplicantCorporationAppeal dismissedLostChristopher Woo, Clarence Lee
Nike Singapore Pte LtdAppellantCorporationAppeal dismissedLostChristopher Woo, Clarence Lee
Campomar Sociedad LimitadaRespondent, DefendantCorporationAppeal allowedWonPatrick Yap

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Tay Yong KwangJudgeYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Christopher WooHarry Elias Partnership
Clarence LeeHarry Elias Partnership
Patrick YapK L Tan and Associates

4. Facts

  1. Campomar applied to register the NIKE trademark in Class 3 in 1992.
  2. Nike International opposed the application.
  3. The Assistant Registrar directed amendment of the specification.
  4. Nike International applied for leave to appeal out of time, which was dismissed.
  5. Campomar's application with the amended specification was re-advertised.
  6. Nike companies lodged a second notice of opposition.
  7. Nike International applied to revoke Campomar's trade mark registration.
  8. Campomar filed statutory declarations claiming use of the mark.
  9. Nike International filed statutory declarations disputing Campomar's claims.
  10. Campomar obtained leave to file a further affidavit exhibiting a 2001 price list.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Nike International Ltd and Another v Campomar Sociedad Limitada, OM 25/2004, 26/2004, [2005] SGHC 139

6. Timeline

Trade mark registered
Trade mark registration
Campomar applied to register “NIKE” in class 3
NIKE mark used on perfume products
Sale of NIKE perfume products ceased
Campomar’s application was advertised before acceptance
First opposition heard
AR Chua's grounds of decision dated
Campomar restricted the specification by lodging Form TM27
Nike International wrote to AR Chua
Application heard before Kan Ting Chiu J
Nike International wrote to IPOS
Campomar’s application with the amended specification was re-advertised
Nike International filed its application for revocation
The Nike companies lodged a notice of opposition against the re-advertised mark
Second opposition took place
Campomar obtained leave of court from Andrew Ang JC to file a further affidavit by Corrales exhibiting a 2001 price list
Corrales said
Decision Date

7. Legal Issues

  1. Res Judicata
    • Outcome: The court held that res judicata applied, barring the second opposition.
    • Category: Procedural
    • Related Cases:
      • [1988] SLR 921
      • [2001] 1 SLR 591
  2. Trade Mark Revocation
    • Outcome: The court allowed Campomar's appeal, setting aside the revocation of its trade mark, finding sufficient evidence of genuine use.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Related Cases:
      • [1979] RPC 27
      • [1994] 1 SLR 625
      • [2002] FSR 51
      • [1962] RPC 1
      • [2004] WL 2945720
  3. Genuine Use of Trade Mark
    • Outcome: The court found that Campomar had demonstrated genuine use of its mark on perfume products imported into Singapore commercially.
    • Category: Substantive

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Dismissal of Trade Mark Application
  2. Revocation of Trade Mark Registration

9. Cause of Actions

  • Trade Mark Opposition
  • Trade Mark Revocation

10. Practice Areas

  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Trade Mark Opposition
  • Trade Mark Revocation

11. Industries

  • Cosmetics
  • Retail

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Reebok International Ltd v Royal CorpHigh CourtYes[1988] SLR 921SingaporeCited for the essential conditions for res judicata and issue estoppel.
Chia Ah Sng v Hong Leong Finance LimitedHigh CourtYes[2001] 1 SLR 591SingaporeCited for the application of the doctrine of res judicata.
Tiffany & Co v Fabriques de Tabac Reunies SACourt of AppealYes[1999] 3 SLR 147SingaporeCited regarding the determination of rights in trademark cases, specifically whether to consider facts occurring after the date of application.
REVUE Trade MarkN/AYes[1979] RPC 27N/ACited for the principle that promotional materials can constitute use of a mark.
Swanfu Trading Pte Ltd v Beyer Electrical Enterprises Pte LtdCourt of AppealYes[1994] 1 SLR 625SingaporeCited in relation to the meaning of 'bona fide use' in trademark law.
Laboratoire De La Mer Trade MarksN/AYes[2002] FSR 51N/ACited for the principle that the smaller the amount of use of a trademark, the more carefully it must be proved.
“NODOZ” Trade MarkN/AYes[1962] RPC 1N/ACited for the principle that a single use of a trademark can suffice in an appropriate case, but such use should be established by convincing proof.
La Mer Technology Inc v Laboratoires Goemar SAN/AYes[2004] WL 2945720N/ACited for the principle that the use of a mark which is merely internal to the proprietor would be insufficient to constitute “genuine use”

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
r 23 of the Trade Marks Rules (Cap 332, 2000 Rev Ed)

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Trade Marks Act (Cap 332, 1999 Rev Ed)Singapore
s 22(1) of the Trade Marks Act (Cap 332, 1999 Rev Ed)Singapore
s 105 of the Trade Marks Act (Cap 332, 1999 Rev Ed)Singapore
s 22(2) of the Trade Marks Act (Cap 332, 1999 Rev Ed)Singapore
Trade Marks Act (Cap 332, 1992 Rev Ed)Singapore
ss 22(3) and 22(4) of the TMA 1999Singapore
ss 27(4)(c) of the TMA 1999Singapore
ss 18 and 19(1) of the TMA 1992Singapore
s 21 of the TMA 1992Singapore
s 40(1)(b) of the TMA 1992Singapore
s 34(1)(c) of the Supreme Court of Judicature Act (Cap 322, 1999 Rev Ed)Singapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Res Judicata
  • Trade Mark
  • Genuine Use
  • Revocation
  • Opposition
  • Specification
  • Advertisement
  • Proprietor
  • Non-Use
  • Perfume
  • Cosmetics
  • Associated Companies
  • Entrepot Trade

15.2 Keywords

  • Trade Mark
  • NIKE
  • Campomar
  • Res Judicata
  • Revocation
  • Non-Use
  • Perfume
  • Singapore

16. Subjects

  • Trade Marks
  • Intellectual Property
  • Civil Procedure

17. Areas of Law

  • Trade Mark Law
  • Res Judicata
  • Civil Procedure