Wong Ser Wan v Ng Cheong Ling: Division of Matrimonial Assets and Child Maintenance

In Wong Ser Wan v Ng Cheong Ling, the High Court of Singapore addressed ancillary matters arising from the divorce of Mdm Wong Ser Wan and Mr Ng Cheong Ling, including the division of matrimonial assets and claims for maintenance. The court considered agreements made during the marriage regarding property and maintenance, as well as claims for maintenance for children over 21. The court made orders for the division of matrimonial assets and for the maintenance of the wife and children.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court

1.2 Outcome

Orders made for division of matrimonial assets, maintenance for wife and children.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

High Court case concerning division of matrimonial assets, maintenance for wife and children after divorce. Agreements made during marriage.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Wong Ser WanPetitionerIndividualPartial JudgmentPartialAng Cheng Hock, Tan Xeauwei
Ng Cheong LingRespondentIndividualPartial JudgmentPartialLoh Wai Mooi, Neda Namazie

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Judith PrakashJudgeYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Ang Cheng HockAllen and Gledhill
Tan XeauweiAllen and Gledhill
Loh Wai MooiBih Li and Lee
Neda NamazieBih Li and Lee

4. Facts

  1. The parties were married in January 1976 and have three children.
  2. The wife filed for divorce in 1999, which the husband did not contest.
  3. The main issues are the division of matrimonial assets and maintenance for the wife and children.
  4. The parties entered into a Financial Agreement in 1997, outlining gifts from the husband to the wife.
  5. The husband transferred immovable properties to the wife but did not fulfill all financial obligations.
  6. The husband sold the Mountbatten property and NBEH shares, later found to be with intent to defraud the wife.
  7. The parties signed a Deed of Separation in 1999, reaffirming the Financial Agreement.
  8. The husband was made a bankrupt in 2002.
  9. The wife sought a lump sum payment for future maintenance.
  10. The husband applied for a variation of the consent maintenance order.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Wong Ser Wan v Ng Cheong Ling, D 2545/1999, D 2545/1999
  2. Wong Ser Wan v Ng Cheong Ling, MSS 6483/2000, MSS 6483/2000
  3. Wong Ser Wan v Ng Cheong Ling, 6641/2000, 6641/2000
  4. Wong Ser Wan v Ng Cheong Ling, 22/2001, 22/2001
  5. Wong Ser Wan v Ng Cheong Ling, District Court Suit No 600011 of 2001, District Court Suit No 600011 of 2001
  6. Wong Ser Wan v Ng Cheong Ling, High Court Suit No 310 of 2003, High Court Suit No 310 of 2003
  7. Wong Ser Wan v Ng Cheong Ling, Civil Appeal No 87 of 2004, Civil Appeal No 87 of 2004
  8. Aromate v Ng Cheong Ling, High Court Suit No 1396 of 2001, High Court Suit No 1396 of 2001
  9. Wong Ser Wan v Ng Cheong Ling, , [2005] SGHC 218

6. Timeline

Parties married
Ng Ezine born
Ng Eharn born
Ng Ewe born
Wife discovered husband's affair
Wife filed maintenance summons against husband
Wife withdrew maintenance summons after husband's promise
Wife filed fresh maintenance summons
Consent maintenance order agreed
Husband admitted to continuing affair
Wife filed divorce petition grounded on adultery
Financial Agreement signed
Husband sold Mountbatten property to NBEH
Husband sold shares in NBEH to Bian Bee Company Pte Ltd
Deed of separation signed
Wife filed fresh divorce petition
Mareva order granted
Husband's application for downward variation of consent maintenance order dismissed
Decree nisi granted to wife
Husband applied for variation of consent maintenance order to naught
Eharn filed maintenance summons against husband
Wife filed maintenance summons on behalf of Ezine against husband
DC Suit dismissed
Husband made bankrupt
Judgment reserved

7. Legal Issues

  1. Division of Matrimonial Assets
    • Outcome: The court held that the FA assets transferred to the wife before September 2004 may be retained by her as gifts and should not be brought into the pot for division on divorce.
    • Category: Substantive
  2. Maintenance for Child Above 21 Years of Age
    • Outcome: The court ordered the husband to contribute to Ewe's maintenance by paying him $1,000 with effect from September 2004. The court ordered the husband to pay Ezine $278,330.72 as his maintenance during the period that he was at university. The court awarded Eharn $100,557 as her maintenance during her period of tertiary education.
    • Category: Substantive
  3. Agreements Made Between Husband and Wife Regarding Ownership and Division of Matrimonial Assets
    • Outcome: The court held that the Financial Agreement itself was not concluded in contemplation of divorce. The court held that the Deed, in reiterating the husband’s obligations under the Financial Agreement and the consent maintenance order, was not intended to set out the regime for the division of assets in the event of a divorce.
    • Category: Substantive
  4. Gifts from Husband's Father Constituting Matrimonial Assets
    • Outcome: The court concluded that the NBEH shares have, for the purposes of these proceedings, to be treated as if they were the original block given to the husband.
    • Category: Substantive
  5. Gifts from Husband to Wife During Marriage Constituting Matrimonial Assets Divisible on Divorce
    • Outcome: The court held that the express intention of the husband was to transfer the assets listed in the Financial Agreement irrevocably to the wife and to give up all his rights in the same.
    • Category: Substantive

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Division of Matrimonial Assets
  2. Maintenance for Wife
  3. Maintenance for Children
  4. Variation of Consent Maintenance Order

9. Cause of Actions

  • Divorce
  • Breach of Financial Agreement
  • Application for Maintenance

10. Practice Areas

  • Divorce
  • Family Law
  • Matrimonial Assets
  • Child Maintenance

11. Industries

  • No industries specified

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Lee Leh Hua v Yip Kok LeongHigh CourtYes[1999] 3 SLR 506SingaporeCited regarding the court's power to vary vested interests in matrimonial assets, particularly in cases of gifts.
Yeo Gim Tong Michael v TianzonCourt of AppealYes[1996] 2 SLR 1SingaporeCited regarding the court's power to divide gifts made between spouses upon divorce.
Yow Mee Lan v Chen Kai BuanHigh CourtYes[2000] 4 SLR 466SingaporeCited for the principle that the court's power to vary vested interests in matrimonial assets depends on the specific circumstances of the case.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Women's Charter (Cap 353, 1997 Rev Ed)Singapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Matrimonial Assets
  • Financial Agreement
  • Deed of Separation
  • Consent Maintenance Order
  • Bankruptcy
  • Maintenance
  • Gifts
  • NBEH Shares
  • Mountbatten Property
  • Lump Sum Maintenance

15.2 Keywords

  • divorce
  • matrimonial assets
  • maintenance
  • financial agreement
  • child maintenance
  • Singapore
  • family law

16. Subjects

  • Family Law
  • Divorce
  • Matrimonial Assets
  • Maintenance

17. Areas of Law

  • Family Law
  • Maintenance
  • Division of Matrimonial Assets