Ang Cheng Hock

Ang Cheng Hock is a legal practitioner in Singapore. With documented cases from 2000 to 2024. The lawyer has handled 83 cases in Singapore's courts. Associated with 6 law firms. The lawyer demonstrates particular expertise in strata title law and defamation. Their track record shows a 42.0% success rate in resolved cases. They have managed 30 complex cases, representing 36% of their total caseload.

Areas of Practice and Expertise

Ang Cheng Hock has demonstrated expertise across 454 primary practice areas, with significant experience in contract law and company law.

Practice AreaCase Volume
Contract Law63 cases
Company Law33 cases
Civil Procedure22 cases
Property Law21 cases
Breach of Contract20 cases
Corporate Law20 cases
Estoppel17 cases
Commercial Disputes16 cases
Trust Law15 cases
Fiduciary Duties13 cases
Administrative Law11 cases
Fraud and Deceit8 cases
Bankruptcy7 cases
Banking and Finance7 cases
Damages7 cases
Misrepresentation7 cases
Criminal Law6 cases
Agency Law6 cases
Civil Practice6 cases
Arbitration6 cases
Strata Title Law5 cases
Defamation5 cases
Winding Up5 cases
Criminal Procedure5 cases
Costs4 cases
Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility4 cases
Professional Ethics4 cases
Jurisdiction4 cases
Injunctions4 cases
Trademarks4 cases
Wills and Probate4 cases
Corporate Governance4 cases
Minority Oppression3 cases
Legal Malpractice3 cases
Negligence3 cases
Mortgage Law3 cases
Commercial Leasing3 cases
En Bloc Sales3 cases
Wealth Management3 cases
Constitutional Law3 cases
Evidence3 cases
Shareholders Agreement3 cases
Summary Judgement3 cases
Succession Law3 cases
Inducement of Breach of Contract3 cases
Conspiracy by Unlawful Means3 cases
Contracts3 cases
Constructive Trust3 cases
Corporate Litigation3 cases
Family Law3 cases
Judgments and Orders2 cases
Margin Call2 cases
Disciplinary Proceedings2 cases
Sham Contract2 cases
Warranties2 cases
Litigation2 cases
Construction Law2 cases
Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act2 cases
Director's Duties2 cases
Springboard injunction2 cases
Banking Law2 cases
Matrimonial Assets2 cases
Non-solicitation2 cases
Estate Administration2 cases
Conflict of Laws2 cases
Tort of conspiracy to injure2 cases
Breach of Duty of Care2 cases
Guarantees and indemnities2 cases
Charitable Giving2 cases
Anti-suit injunction2 cases
Legal Ethics2 cases
Employment Law2 cases
Land Law2 cases
Fraudulent Conveyance2 cases
Will Validity2 cases
Lease Agreement2 cases
Reverse Piercing2 cases
Remedial Constructive Trust2 cases
Express trusts2 cases
Family Trusts2 cases
Chancery and Equity2 cases
Business Litigation2 cases
Relief Against Forfeiture2 cases
Evidence Law2 cases
Minority Shareholders Rights2 cases
Undue Influence2 cases
Matrimonial Assets Division2 cases
Delegation of Duties2 cases
Appellate Practice2 cases
Share Pledge2 cases
Banking Litigation2 cases
Asset Recovery2 cases
Club Law2 cases
Collective Sale2 cases
Commercial Litigation2 cases
Specific performance2 cases
Mistake2 cases
Partnership Law2 cases
Restraint of Trade2 cases
Passing Off2 cases
Companies Act2 cases
Family Companies2 cases
Bunker Fuel2 cases
Trust Receipts2 cases
Private Banking2 cases
Interim Maintenance1 cases
Deeds of Undertaking1 cases
Guarantor1 cases
Reputational Loss1 cases
Diminution in Share Value1 cases
Abuse of Trust1 cases
Ostensible Authority1 cases
Actual Authority1 cases
Law of Pleadings1 cases
Variation of Order1 cases
Locus Standi1 cases
Compulsory Acquisition1 cases
Trustees1 cases
Restructuring and Insolvency1 cases
Unlawful trusts1 cases
Trustees in Bankruptcy1 cases
Letter of undertaking1 cases
Piercing corporate veil1 cases
Breach1 cases
Breach of condition1 cases
Requirements for waiver by election1 cases
Communication of choice to affirm contract in clear and unequivocal terms1 cases
Brokerage Agreement1 cases
Novation1 cases
Tracing1 cases
Financial Products1 cases
Proper Law of Contract1 cases
Purchase Price Resulting Trust1 cases
Implied authority of agent1 cases
Reinstatement to Roll of Advocates and Solicitors1 cases
Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation1 cases
Privity of contract1 cases
Maintenance of Wife1 cases
Interpretation of trust deeds1 cases
Express trustee’s duty1 cases
Maintenance of children1 cases
Delivery of cargo against presentation of bills of lading1 cases
Management Deadlock1 cases
Assignments1 cases
Agency Agreements1 cases
Contracts of indemnity1 cases
Sufficiency of consideration1 cases
Indemnity1 cases
Advancement1 cases
Estoppel in defiance of statute1 cases
Bars to rescission1 cases
Corporate Governance Disputes1 cases
Corporate Guarantees1 cases
Quasi-partnerships1 cases
Separate legal personality1 cases
Right of first refusal1 cases
Fiduciary Law1 cases
Family Justice Courts1 cases
Proprietary Claim1 cases
Inducement1 cases
Unregistered charges1 cases
Lien over sub-freights and sub-hires1 cases
Fraudulent1 cases
Fuel Oil Supply1 cases
Invoice Financing1 cases
Oral agreements1 cases
Indian Contract Act1 cases
Directors' Liabilities1 cases
Effect of Illegality of Related Contract1 cases
Unconscionable transactions1 cases
Voyage charterparties1 cases
Variation of Contract1 cases
Matrimonial Consent Order1 cases
Fraudulent Non-Disclosure1 cases
Postal Rule1 cases
Family Compact1 cases
Terms1 cases
Ground for termination of contract1 cases
Marine Collision Regulations1 cases
Admiralty Jurisdiction1 cases
Interest Rates1 cases
Formalities1 cases
Memorandum and articles of association1 cases
Effect1 cases
Marine Engineering1 cases
Business Trust1 cases
Commodities Trading1 cases
Disposition in writing1 cases
Equitable Interest1 cases
Lien over sub-freights and sub-hire1 cases
Non-registration of charges1 cases
Extension of time to register1 cases
Arbitrability1 cases
Commercial Transactions1 cases
Principal1 cases
Voluntariness of Statements1 cases
Guarantees and bonds1 cases
Purchaser's Lien1 cases
Charitable purpose trusts1 cases
Beneficiary principle1 cases
Construction of undertaking1 cases
Court’s powers over release of security after final award1 cases
Ship Repair1 cases
Warranty1 cases
Marine Logistics1 cases
Nominee's duties1 cases
Debtor's duties1 cases
Obligation of confidentiality1 cases
Matrimonial cases1 cases
Pledges and Pawns1 cases
Admissions of fact1 cases
Validity of arbitral award1 cases
Rights of agent1 cases
Absolute Privilege1 cases
Qualified Privilege1 cases
Justification1 cases
Formation1 cases
Effect of counterclaim1 cases
Shareholder Agreements1 cases
Charterparty1 cases
Presumption of Knowledge1 cases
Guarantees1 cases
Document Examination1 cases
Settlement Negotiations1 cases
Quantum of Liability1 cases
Letter of Demand1 cases
Implied Admission1 cases
Forfeiture1 cases
Separability Doctrine1 cases
Ancillary Proceedings1 cases
Desertion1 cases
International Commercial Transactions1 cases
Legal Costs1 cases
Promissory Notes1 cases
Moneylending Business1 cases
Trustee de son tort1 cases
Implied contracts1 cases
Licensing Regime1 cases
Shareholder's Meeting1 cases
Director's Resolution1 cases
Blanket Authorisation1 cases
Restitution for wrongs1 cases
Design and build contract1 cases
Offshore Trusts1 cases
Wealth Protection1 cases
Agency by estoppel1 cases
Oral undertaking1 cases
Derivative Actions1 cases
Privileges1 cases
Rules of natural justice1 cases
Pre-incorporation contracts1 cases
Shipbuilding1 cases
Writ in rem1 cases
Wakaf1 cases
Banking Facilities1 cases
Factoring1 cases
Deeds of Variation1 cases
Contractual Lien1 cases
Breach of Guarantee1 cases
Insurance Law1 cases
Profit Sharing Agreement1 cases
Assessment of Profits1 cases
Brokerage Fee1 cases
Related Party Transaction1 cases
Mezzanine Loan1 cases
Hire-Purchase Agreement1 cases
Consent Judgement1 cases
Procurement Agreement1 cases
Implied Retainer1 cases
Negligent Advice1 cases
Reasonableness of Settlement1 cases
Benevolence Principle1 cases
Allotment Agreement1 cases
Scheme of Arrangement1 cases
Common Interest Privilege1 cases
Enforcement of Judgments1 cases
Carriage of Goods1 cases
Duty to provide reasons1 cases
Marine Bunker Fuel1 cases
Convertible Loan Agreements1 cases
Cross-Default1 cases
Freight1 cases
Exclusive Jurisdiction Agreement1 cases
Bunker Supply1 cases
In Rem Proceedings1 cases
Family Assets Distribution1 cases
Shareholding Disputes1 cases
Market Manipulation1 cases
Derivatives Trading1 cases
Prenuptial Agreement1 cases
Family Dispute Resolution1 cases
Dissolution of Marriage1 cases
Financial Derivatives1 cases
Deeds of Separation1 cases
Saunders v Vautier rule1 cases
Ancillary Matters1 cases
Tertiary Education Expenses1 cases
Non-charitable purpose trust1 cases
Trustee's right of indemnity1 cases
Foreign Exchange1 cases
Inter-spousal Gift1 cases
Rent Review1 cases
Business Acquisition1 cases
Share Acquisition1 cases
Purchase Money Resulting Trust1 cases
Matrimonial Property1 cases
Ancillary Orders1 cases
Lump Sum Maintenance1 cases
Homemaker Contributions1 cases
Gifts in Matrimonial Context1 cases
Ademption1 cases
Trust for Sale1 cases
Postnuptial Agreement1 cases
Forensic Accounting1 cases
Succession1 cases
Religious Law1 cases
Nullity of Marriage1 cases
Voidable Marriage1 cases
Family Arrangement1 cases
Division of Matrimonial Home1 cases
Nuncupative Will1 cases
Care and Control of Children1 cases
Enforcement of Court Orders1 cases
Share Options1 cases
Agreements to stifle prosecution1 cases
Abuse of Court Process1 cases
Share Sale1 cases
Administration of Estates1 cases
FX Trading1 cases
Scheme of Arrangement and Compromise1 cases
Cash Back Arrangement1 cases
False Claim1 cases
Family Court1 cases
Marital Abuse1 cases
Prenuptial Agreements1 cases
Illegitimate pressure1 cases
Related Party Transactions1 cases
Deeds of Consent1 cases
Spousal Abuse1 cases
Pledge of Shares1 cases
Duty of Pledgee1 cases
Undervalue Sale1 cases
Reflective Loss1 cases
Want of probity1 cases
Investment Management Agreement1 cases
Apportionment of assets1 cases
Maintenance of Stepchildren1 cases
Share Forfeiture1 cases
Accountants Liability1 cases
Equitable Relief Against Forfeiture1 cases
Admiralty and Maritime Law1 cases
Architects and Engineers Liability1 cases
Business Law1 cases
Commercial Fraud1 cases
Commercial Law1 cases
Credit and Security1 cases
Defamation Law1 cases
Divorce1 cases
International Arbitration1 cases
Investments1 cases
Landlord and Tenant Law1 cases
Personal Injury1 cases
Pleadings1 cases
Real Estate1 cases
Securities1 cases
Shareholder Disputes1 cases
Striking Out Applications1 cases
Summary Judgment1 cases
Torts1 cases
Warranty Law1 cases
Insolvency Law1 cases
Unconscionability1 cases
Testamentary Capacity1 cases
Maintenance1 cases
Measure of Damages1 cases
Minority Shareholder Rights1 cases
Transfer of Cases1 cases
International Commercial Arbitration1 cases
Sentencing1 cases
Natural justice1 cases
Natural forum1 cases
Comity1 cases
Knowing Receipt1 cases
Malicious Falsehood1 cases
Assessment of Legal Costs1 cases
International Arbitration Act1 cases
Abuse of Process1 cases
Burden of proof1 cases
Shipping Law1 cases
Extension of Time1 cases
Confidentiality1 cases
Implied Terms1 cases
Statutory obligations1 cases
Limitation1 cases
Duress1 cases
Legal Profession Act1 cases
Remedies1 cases
Breach of Trust1 cases
Functus Officio1 cases
Auditing Standards1 cases
Interpretation1 cases
Lifting corporate veil1 cases
Rescission1 cases
Interlocutory injunction1 cases
Shares1 cases
Liquidation1 cases
Children's Welfare1 cases
Duty to Account1 cases
Division of Assets1 cases
Professional Misconduct1 cases
Professional Negligence1 cases
Division of Matrimonial Property1 cases
Appeal1 cases
Contractual Interpretation1 cases
Charitable Trust1 cases
Sale of Goods1 cases
Bank Guarantee1 cases
Affidavits1 cases
Bills of Lading1 cases
Accounting1 cases
Resulting Trust1 cases
Trust Assets1 cases
Financial resources1 cases
Earning capacity1 cases
Breach of Solicitors' Accounts Rules1 cases
International Trade Law1 cases
Share Transfer1 cases
Express Trust1 cases
Sham Trust1 cases
Joinder1 cases
Unincorporated Associations1 cases
Marine Insurance1 cases
Matrimonial Proceedings1 cases
Trusts — Constructive trusts1 cases
Trusts — Express trusts1 cases
Assignment1 cases
Equity of Redemption1 cases
Quistclose trust1 cases
Division of Family Assets1 cases
Beneficiaries Rights1 cases
Equitable Duties1 cases
Recipient liability1 cases
Quasi-partnership1 cases
Letter of Indemnity1 cases
Estate Law1 cases
Professional Conduct Rules1 cases
Valuation Law1 cases
Enforcement of Guarantee1 cases
Administration of Assets1 cases
Financial Relief1 cases
Women’s Charter1 cases
Derivative Proceedings1 cases
Division of Property1 cases
Inducing Breach of Contract1 cases

Law Firm Affiliations

Ang Cheng Hock has been affiliated with 6 law firms. The most active affiliation involves 63 cases.

Law FirmCases Handled
Allen & Gledhill LLP63 cases
Allen & Gledhill9 cases
Allen and Gledhill7 cases
Attorney-General’s Chambers2 cases
Allen and Gledhill LLP1 cases
Allen & Geldhill LLP1 cases

Case Complexity Analysis

Analysis of Ang Cheng Hock's case complexity based on the number of parties involved and case characteristics.

Complexity Overview

Average Parties per Case
Complex Cases
30 (36%)
Cases with more than 3 parties

Complexity by Case Type

Dismissed32.0 parties avg
Lost294.0 parties avg
Neutral57.9 parties avg
Partial113.2 parties avg
Won354.1 parties avg

Complexity Trends Over Time

200022.0 parties avg
200112.0 parties avg
200312.0 parties avg
200446.0 parties avg
200532.3 parties avg
200775.4 parties avg
2008114.2 parties avg
200974.0 parties avg
2010133.3 parties avg
201163.3 parties avg
2012103.3 parties avg
201335.6 parties avg
201435.0 parties avg
201542.5 parties avg
201632.3 parties avg
201712.0 parties avg
201829.7 parties avg
202422.0 parties avg

Case Outcome Analytics

Analysis of Ang Cheng Hock's case outcomes, including distribution by type, yearly trends, and monetary outcomes where applicable.

Outcome Distribution

Outcome TypeCases

Monetary Outcomes

SGD668,886.7146 cases
USD832,475.555 cases

Yearly Outcome Trends

YearTotal Cases

Case History

Displaying all 83 cases

28 Oct 2024
Public Prosecutor (Applicant)Won
08 Sep 2024
Public Prosecutor (Respondent)Won
16 Apr 2018
Jhaveri Darsan Jitendra (Defendant, Respondent)Won
30 Jan 2018
Capital Glory Investments Pte Ltd (Plaintiff)Won
05 Jul 2017
Ngee Ann Development Pte Ltd (Appellant)Lost
12 Sep 2016
Ngee Ann Development Pte Ltd (Plaintiff)Dismissed
03 Jul 2016
28 Mar 2016
OWNER OF THE VESSEL(S) “BUNGA MELATI 5” (Respondent, Defendant)Won
02 Aug 2015
Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pte Ltd (Plaintiff)Partial
21 Jul 2015
25 May 2015
Guy Neale (Appellant)Won
26 Mar 2015
Furama Pte Ltd (Defendant)Won
21 Dec 2014
White Horses Investments Limited (Appellant)Won
14 Apr 2014
ADI (Defendant)Won
03 Mar 2014
Chia (Defendant)Won
17 Nov 2013
Aki Kotzamichalis (Plaintiff)Lost
17 Nov 2013
Guy Neale (Plaintiff)Dismissed
18 Sep 2013
Deutsche Bank AG (Appellant, Respondent)Partial
10 Dec 2012
Deutsche Bank AG (Plaintiff, Defendant)Lost
20 Nov 2012
Nathan Edmund (Applicant)Won
01 Nov 2012
Centillion Environment & Recycling Ltd (formerly known as Citiraya Industries Ltd) (Appellant, Respondent)Partial
30 Oct 2012
Raffles Town Club Pte Ltd (Appellant, Plaintiff)Lost
03 Sep 2012
Deutsche Bank AG (Defendant, Respondent)Lost
24 Jul 2012
Khoo Jeffrey (Appellant)Neutral
15 May 2012
PricewaterhouseCoopers (Defendant)Won
19 Apr 2012
Tay Choon Leng, John (Respondent)Lost
08 Apr 2012
Gurchran J Singh s/o Amer Singh (Plaintiff)Lost
12 Jan 2012
HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Ltd (trustee of Starhill Global Real Estate Investment Trust) (Plaintiff)Lost
17 Nov 2011
Chia Quee Khee (Respondent)Lost
01 Nov 2011
Berger Paints Singapore Pte Ltd (Respondent, Appellant)Lost
14 Sep 2011
Centillion Environment & Recycling Ltd (formerly known as Citiraya Industries Ltd) (Applicant)Partial
13 Sep 2011
PricewaterhouseCoopers (Defendant)Partial
22 Aug 2011
Newport Mining Ltd (Respondent, Appellant)Won
25 Apr 2011
Khoo Jeffrey (Appellant)Won
19 Dec 2010
Deutsche Bank AG (Respondent)Won
30 Nov 2010
Deutsche Bank AG (Respondent)Lost
29 Sep 2010
Raffles Town Club Pte Ltd (Plaintiff)Lost
23 Sep 2010
Deutsche Bank AG (Defendant, Appellant)Won
24 Aug 2010
Drydocks World LLC (formerly known as Dubai Drydocks World LLC) (Plaintiff)Dismissed
03 Aug 2010
Chee Mu Lin Muriel (Appellant)Lost
27 Jul 2010
Lin Jian Wei (Respondent)Lost
29 Jun 2010
Khoo Eng Teck Jeffrey (Defendant, Plaintiff)Lost
09 Jun 2010
Singapore Island Country Club (Defendant)Won
06 May 2010
Newport Mining Ltd (Defendant)Won
09 Feb 2010
Deutsche Bank AG (Defendant)Won
19 Jan 2010
Bachoo Mohan Singh (Appellant)Won
19 Jan 2010
Tam Tak Chuen (Plaintiff)Won
03 Dec 2009
Bachoo Mohan Singh (Appellant, Applicant, Respondent)Partial
07 Oct 2009
Lin Jian Wei (Respondent)Lost
17 Sep 2009
Eng Gee Seng (Plaintiff)Won
13 Jul 2009
Associated Development Pte Ltd (Plaintiff)Won
06 Jul 2009
Horizon Partners Pte Ltd (Intervener)Lost
24 May 2009
Bachoo Mohan Singh (Appellant)Lost
04 Jan 2009
Eng Foong Ho (Appellant)Lost
29 Dec 2008
Tam Tak Chuen (Plaintiff)Won
30 Nov 2008
Over & Over Ltd (Plaintiff)Lost
17 Sep 2008
Allgreen Properties Ltd (Defendant, Plaintiff)Won
12 Aug 2008
Chow Kwok Chuen (Appellant)Lost
30 Jul 2008
Go Go Delicacy Pte Ltd (Respondent)Lost
16 Jul 2008
Horizon Partners Pte Ltd (Intervener)Neutral
25 Jun 2008
Chow Kwok Chuen (Defendant)Partial
29 May 2008
Teo Seng Kee Bob (Plaintiff)Won
08 May 2008
Eng Foong Ho (Plaintiff)Lost
13 Apr 2008
MMI Holdings Ltd (Defendant)Won
11 Mar 2008
Singapore Island Country Club (Respondent)Lost
21 Nov 2007
Chow Kwok Chuen (Respondent)Lost
10 Oct 2007
Horizon Partners Pte Ltd (First Intervener)Neutral
30 Sep 2007
Horizon Partners Pte Ltd (Applicant)Neutral
27 Sep 2007
Singapore Island Country Club (Defendant)Won
20 Sep 2007
Deutsche Bank AG (Defendant)Lost
29 Aug 2007
PlanAssure PAC (formerly known as Patrick Lee PAC) (Appellant)Partial
19 Apr 2007
Shankar’s Emporium Pte Ltd (Defendant)Partial
27 Nov 2005
Wong Ser Wan (Petitioner)Partial
16 May 2005
Chin Bay Ching (Appellant)Won
27 Apr 2005
Wong Ser Wan (Respondent)Won
05 Sep 2004
Wong Ser Wan (Plaintiff)Won
02 Sep 2004
Sakura Merchant Bank (S) Ltd (Respondent)Neutral
18 Aug 2004
Wong Ser Wan (Plaintiff)Won
02 Aug 2004
Allied Domecq Spirits and Wine (Singapore) Ltd (Defendant)Won
20 Oct 2003
Allied Domecq Spirits & Wine (Singapore) Ltd (Respondent, Defendant)Won
30 May 2001
Nomura Regionalisation Venture Fund Ltd (Plaintiff, Respondent)Lost
14 Aug 2000
Nomura Regionalisation Venture Fund Ltd (Appellant)Lost
12 Mar 2000
Nomura Regionalisation Venture Fund Ltd (Plaintiff)Partial