Jagbir Singh v Lim Keh Thye: Deemed Discontinuance & Notice of Change of Solicitors

In Jagbir Singh s/o Baldhiraj Singh v Lim Keh Thye and Another, the High Court of Singapore addressed whether a notice of change of solicitors constitutes a step or proceeding under O 21 r 2(6) of the Rules of Court, which concerns deemed discontinuance of actions. The plaintiff, Jagbir Singh, filed a claim against the defendants, Lim Keh Thye and The Society for the Physically Disabled L.K.A The Society for Aid to the Paralysed, following a road accident. The defendants appealed the Assistant Registrar's decision that their notice of change of solicitors was a step or proceeding, preventing deemed discontinuance. Kan Ting Chiu J dismissed the appeal, holding that the notice of change of solicitors was indeed a step or proceeding under the rule.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court

1.2 Outcome

Appeal dismissed with costs.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

The High Court held that filing a notice of change of solicitors is a step or proceeding under O 21 r 2(6) of the Rules of Court.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Jagbir Singh s/o Baldhiraj SinghPlaintiffIndividualLostLostSubir Singh Panoo
Lim Keh ThyeDefendant, RespondentIndividualWonWonTeo Weng Kie
The Society for the Physically Disabled L.K.A The Society for Aid to the ParalysedDefendant, RespondentAssociationWonWonTeo Weng Kie

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Kan Ting ChiuJudgeYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Subir Singh PanooSim Mong Teck & Partners
Teo Weng KieTan Kok Quan Partnership

4. Facts

  1. Plaintiff filed a claim against the defendants on 30 May 2005.
  2. Interlocutory judgment was entered against the defendants on 7 August 2006.
  3. On 5 July 2007, a notice of change of solicitors was filed on behalf of the defendants.
  4. On 18 July 2007, the plaintiff tendered payment of $600 to the defendants for costs.
  5. On 16 May 2008, an application was filed by the solicitors for the defendants for a declaration that the action be deemed discontinued.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Jagbir Singh s/o Baldhiraj Singh v Lim Keh Thye and Another, Suit 372/2005, RA 281/2008, [2009] SGHC 166

6. Timeline

Plaintiff filed a claim against the defendants.
Interlocutory judgment was entered against the defendants with damages to be assessed.
Plaintiff was ordered to pay costs to the defendants.
Notice of change of solicitors was filed on behalf of the defendants.
Plaintiff tendered payment of $600 to the defendants for costs.
Application was filed by the solicitors for the defendants for a declaration that the action be deemed discontinued.
Judgment reserved.

7. Legal Issues

  1. Deemed Discontinuance
    • Outcome: The court held that filing a notice of change of solicitors is a step or proceeding under O 21 r 2(6) of the Rules of Court, preventing deemed discontinuance.
    • Category: Procedural
    • Related Cases:
      • [1965] 1 MLJ 256
      • [2003] 4 SLR 575
      • [2004] 1 SLR 181
      • [2008] 3 SLR 43
      • [2004] 4 SLR 7
      • [2003] 4 SLR 429
      • [1946] 2 All ER 41

8. Remedies Sought

  1. No remedies sought

9. Cause of Actions

  • No cause of actions

10. Practice Areas

  • Litigation

11. Industries

  • No industries specified

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Gian Singh & Co Ltd v Super ServicesUnknownYes[1965] 1 MLJ 256SingaporeCited as authority that a notice of change of solicitors is a proceeding.
The “Melati”UnknownYes[2003] 4 SLR 575SingaporeCited Gian Singh as authority that a notice of change of solicitors is a proceeding.
Tan Kim Seng v Ibrahim Victor AdamCourt of AppealYes[2004] 1 SLR 181SingaporeDiscusses the application of r 2(6) to proceedings after an interlocutory judgment is entered.
Woon Tek Seng v V Jayaraman a/l V A VellasamyUnknownYes[2008] 3 SLR 43SingaporeDeals with a party’s right to commence a fresh action after an action has been deemed discontinued.
The “Melati”Court of AppealYes[2004] 4 SLR 7SingaporeCourt held that an entry in the court’s records was a step or proceeding even if it did not on its own bring the action forward.
Moguntia-Est Epices SA v Sea-Hawk Freight Pte LtdUnknownYes[2003] 4 SLR 429SingaporeHeld that it was the “filing” and not the “service” which ought to be reckoned with.
Barclay Davit Co., Ltd. v. Taylor & SonsUnknownYes[1946] 2 All ER 41EnglandDiscusses what constitutes a 'proceeding' in the context of discontinuance.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Rules of Court (Cap 322, R5, 2006 Rev Ed) O 21 r 2(6)Singapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Deemed discontinuance
  • Notice of change of solicitors
  • Step or proceeding
  • Rules of Court
  • Interlocutory judgment

15.2 Keywords

  • Civil Procedure
  • Litigation
  • Singapore
  • High Court
  • Deemed Discontinuance
  • Rules of Court
  • Notice of Change of Solicitors

16. Subjects

  • Civil Procedure
  • Litigation

17. Areas of Law

  • Civil Procedure
  • Rules of Court
  • Deemed Discontinuance