RecordTV v MediaCorp: Copyright Infringement, Groundless Threats, and Time-Shifting

RecordTV Pte Ltd, owner of an Internet-based service, sued MediaCorp TV Singapore Pte Ltd and others for groundless threats of copyright infringement. MediaCorp counterclaimed copyright infringement. The High Court of Singapore, presided over by Justice Andrew Ang, ruled against RecordTV, finding them liable for authorising copyright infringement by allowing users to record and view MediaCorp's broadcasts and films. The court granted interlocutory judgment to MediaCorp, with damages to be assessed.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court

1.2 Outcome

Interlocutory judgment granted to the defendants with damages to be assessed by the registrar. The plaintiff's claim against the defendants for groundless threats of copyright infringement fails.

1.3 Case Type

Intellectual Property

1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

RecordTV sued MediaCorp for groundless threats of copyright infringement. MediaCorp counterclaimed, alleging copyright infringement. The court found RecordTV liable.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
RecordTV Pte LtdPlaintiffCorporationClaim DismissedLostKoh Chia Ling, Ang Kai Hsiang
MediaCorp TV Singapore Pte LtdDefendantCorporationCounterclaim AllowedWonDavinder Singh SC, Gill Dedar Singh, Paul Teo, Roe Yun Song
Mediacorp TV 12 Singapore Pte LtdDefendantCorporationCounterclaim AllowedWonDavinder Singh SC, Gill Dedar Singh, Paul Teo, Roe Yun Song
Mediacorp News Pte LtdDefendantCorporationCounterclaim AllowedWonDavinder Singh SC, Gill Dedar Singh, Paul Teo, Roe Yun Song
Mediacorp Studios Pte LtdDefendantCorporationCounterclaim AllowedWonDavinder Singh SC, Gill Dedar Singh, Paul Teo, Roe Yun Song

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Andrew AngJudgeYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Koh Chia LingATMD Bird & Bird LLP
Ang Kai HsiangATMD Bird & Bird LLP
Davinder Singh SCDrew & Napier LLC
Gill Dedar SinghDrew & Napier LLC
Paul TeoDrew & Napier LLC
Roe Yun SongDrew & Napier LLC

4. Facts

  1. RecordTV operated a service allowing users to record free-to-air broadcasts.
  2. MediaCorp alleged RecordTV infringed copyright by copying and communicating broadcasts.
  3. RecordTV claimed users, not RecordTV, made the copies.
  4. RecordTV's system evolved from single-copy to multiple-copy storage.
  5. RecordTV claimed to have consulted with authorities and obtained necessary licenses.
  6. RecordTV's website stated it had obtained all necessary regulatory licenses from the Government of Singapore.
  7. RecordTV's system used streaming, preventing users from permanently downloading content.

5. Formal Citations

  1. RecordTV Pte Ltd v MediaCorp TV Singapore Pte Ltd and Others, Suit 615/2007, [2009] SGHC 287

6. Timeline

RecordTV launched
Defendants issued cease and desist letter to the plaintiff
Defendants issued cease and desist letter to the plaintiff
RecordTV system operated in a hybrid mode
Plaintiff commenced an action for groundless threats of copyright infringement and conspiracy against the defendants
Defendants requested further discovery of certain documents from the plaintiff
Court order granted permitting the defendants access to the Operational and Current Copies
Additional Copies began to be made
RecordTV system was reconfigured to make individual copies for each and every requesting end-user
Plaintiff explained that it had not itself created any copies of the television programmes in the defendants’ channels and films
Additional Copies began to be made
Mr Carlos Nicholas Fernandes cross-examined
Mr Fernandes conceded that if the plaintiff were not in the picture, the user would not be able to use the system
Judgment reserved

7. Legal Issues

  1. Copyright Infringement
    • Outcome: The court found the plaintiff liable for authorising copyright infringement and communicating copyrighted material to the public.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Authorisation of infringement
      • Communication to the public
      • Fair dealing
  2. Groundless Threats of Copyright Infringement
    • Outcome: The court ruled against the plaintiff's claim for groundless threats of copyright infringement.
    • Category: Substantive
  3. Fair Dealing
    • Outcome: The court found that the plaintiff did not qualify for the fair dealing defense.
    • Category: Substantive

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Damages
  2. Injunction

9. Cause of Actions

  • Copyright Infringement
  • Groundless Threats of Copyright Infringement

10. Practice Areas

  • Copyright Infringement
  • Intellectual Property Litigation

11. Industries

  • Media
  • Technology

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Cartoon Network LP v CSC Holdings IncUS Court of Appeals for the Second CircuitYesCartoon Network LP v CSC Holdings Inc 536 F 3d 121 (2nd Cir 2008)United StatesCited to argue that the end-user of the Offending Website is the maker of the copies, not the plaintiff.
Sony Music Entertainment (UK) Ltd v EasyInternetCafe LtdHigh CourtYesSony Music Entertainment (UK) Ltd v EasyInternetCafe Ltd [2003] FSR 48United KingdomCited to argue that automation does not change liability where copying is initiated via voluntary human agency.
CBS Songs Ltd v Amstrad Consumer Electronics PlcHouse of LordsYesCBS Songs Ltd v Amstrad Consumer Electronics Plc [1988] 1 AC 1013United KingdomCited for the formulation of 'authorisation' in copyright infringement.
Ong Seow Pheng v Lotus Development CorpCourt of AppealYesOng Seow Pheng v Lotus Development Corp [1997] 3 SLR 137SingaporeCited to define 'authorisation' of copyright infringement and the requirement of control over the infringing act.
Shetland Times Limited v Dr Jonathan WillsCourt of SessionYesShetland Times Limited v Dr Jonathan Wills [1997] FSR 604ScotlandCited to support the argument that a website can be considered a 'cable programme service'.
Sony Corporation of America v Universal City Studios, IncSupreme CourtYesSony Corporation of America v Universal City Studios, Inc 464 US 417 (1984 Sup Ct)United StatesCited to argue that time-shifting is fair use.
Princeton University Press v Michigan Document Services IncSixth Circuit Court of AppealYesPrinceton University Press v Michigan Document Services Inc 99 F 3d 1381 (6th Cir 1996)United StatesCited to support the proposition that a service provider cannot rely on its customers' fair dealing to exculpate its own culpable behavior.
MCA, Inc v WilsonUnited States Court of AppealsYesMCA, Inc v Wilson 677 F 2d 180United StatesCited to argue that the court may consider whether the alleged infringing use was primarily for public benefit or for private commercial gain.
Triad Systems Corporation v Southeastern Express CoUnited States District Court for the Northern District of CaliforniaYesTriad Systems Corporation v Southeastern Express Co 31 USPQ 2d 1239, 1243 (BNA) (ND Cal)United StatesCited to support the argument that the copyright law is not so much concerned with the temporal ‘duration’ of a copy as it is with what that copy does, and what it is capable of doing, while it exists.
MAI Systems Corporation v Peak Computer, IncUnited States Court of Appeals for the Ninth CircuitYesMAI Systems Corporation v Peak Computer, Inc 991 F 2d 511 (9th Cir 1993)United StatesCited to support the argument that copies of electronic material loaded into the RAM (random access memory) of a computer constituted bona fide copies under the US Copyright Act.
Religious Technology Center v Netcom On-Line Communication Serivces IncUnited States District Court for the Northern District of CaliforniaYesReligious Technology Center v Netcom On-Line Communication Serivces Inc 907 F Supp 1361 (ND Cal, 1995)United StatesCited generally regarding contributory infringement.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Copyright Act (Cap 63, 2006 Rev Ed)Singapore
Copyright Act (Cap 63, 2006 Rev Ed) s 200(1)Singapore
Copyright Act (Cap 63, 2006 Rev Ed) s 103(1)Singapore
Copyright Act (Cap 63, 2006 Rev Ed) s 83Singapore
Copyright Act (Cap 63, 2006 Rev Ed) s 84Singapore
Copyright Act (Cap 63, 2006 Rev Ed) s 114Singapore
Copyright Act (Cap 63, 2006 Rev Ed) s 109Singapore
Copyright Act (Cap 63, 2006 Rev Ed) s 193ASingapore
Copyright Act (Cap 63, 2006 Rev Ed) s 193BSingapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Copyright infringement
  • Time-shifting
  • Authorisation
  • Communication to the public
  • Fair dealing
  • Network service provider
  • Groundless threats
  • iDVR
  • SIS Mode
  • Multiple Copy Mode
  • MediaCorp Broadcasts
  • MediaCorp Films

15.2 Keywords

  • Copyright
  • Infringement
  • Time-shifting
  • Internet
  • MediaCorp
  • RecordTV

16. Subjects

  • Copyright
  • Internet Services
  • Broadcasting

17. Areas of Law

  • Copyright Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Internet Law