Law Society of Singapore v Andre Arul: Disciplinary Action for Gross Overcharging

In Law Society of Singapore v Andre Ravindran Saravanapavan Arul, the High Court of Singapore addressed an application by the Law Society concerning Andre Arul, who was found guilty of grossly overcharging his client, MCST 1886. The court imposed a fine of $50,000 and censured Arul, emphasizing the importance of fair billing practices and the integrity of the legal profession. The court considered the absence of dishonesty but highlighted the excessive charges compared to the actual work done.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court

1.2 Outcome

The Respondent was fined $50,000 and censured for gross overcharging.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

The High Court addressed disciplinary action against Andre Arul for grossly overcharging a client, emphasizing the importance of fair billing practices.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Law Society of SingaporeApplicantStatutory BoardApplication grantedWonPhilip Fong, Vikneswari d/o Muthiah
Andre Ravindran Saravanapavan ArulRespondentIndividualSanctionedLostFrancis Xavier, Mohammed Reza, Avinash Pradhan, Shashi Nathan, Tania Chin

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Chan Sek KeongChief JusticeYes
Andrew Phang Boon LeongJustice of the Court of AppealNo
V K RajahJustice of the Court of AppealNo

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Philip FongHarry Elias Partnership LLP
Vikneswari d/o MuthiahHarry Elias Partnership LLP
Francis XavierRajah & Tann LLP
Mohammed RezaRajah & Tann LLP
Avinash PradhanRajah & Tann LLP
Shashi NathanInca Law LLC
Tania ChinInca Law LLC

4. Facts

  1. The Respondent charged MCST 1886 a total fee of $226,308.12 for work done.
  2. The Disciplinary Tribunal found the Respondent guilty of overcharging.
  3. The Respondent accepted the Disciplinary Tribunal’s decision on the amended primary charge.
  4. The Respondent did not offer to have his bills taxed.
  5. The Law Society’s expert witness assessed a reasonable fee to be around $75,000.
  6. The Respondent employed a paralegal, Kho, and charged $350 per hour for his work.
  7. MCST 1886 discharged the Respondent due to slow progress and high charges.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Law Society of Singapore v Andre Ravindran Saravanapavan Arul, Originating Summons No 170 of 2011, [2011] SGHC 224

6. Timeline

Chew Swee Siong confessed to misappropriating funds.
Respondent recommended to Mr. Hassan.
MCST 1886 signed the Respondent’s warrant to act.
Respondent rendered first bill to MCST 1886.
MCST 1886 discharged the Respondent as its solicitor.
Respondent rendered ninth bill to MCST 1886.
MCST 1886 complained to the Law Society.
Mr Hassan’s Affidavit of Evidence-in-Chief was dated.
DT hearing began.
DT hearing concluded.
Respondent’s oral outline was dated.
Judgment reserved.

7. Legal Issues

  1. Gross Overcharging
    • Outcome: The court found the respondent guilty of gross overcharging.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Related Cases:
      • [2011] SGDT 2
      • [1992] 2 SLR(R) 186
      • [1993] 1 SLR(R) 135
      • [2009] 1 SLR(R) 802

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Disciplinary Action
  2. Fine
  3. Censure

9. Cause of Actions

  • Breach of Legal Profession Act
  • Breach of Legal Profession (Professional Conduct) Rules

10. Practice Areas

  • Disciplinary Proceedings
  • Professional Responsibility

11. Industries

  • Legal Services

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
The Law Society of Singapore v Andre Ravindran Saravanapavan ArulDisciplinary TribunalYes[2011] SGDT 2SingaporeThe judgment refers to the findings of the disciplinary tribunal regarding the Respondent's guilt of overcharging.
Re Lau Liat MengCourt of Three JudgesYes[1992] 2 SLR(R) 186SingaporeCited as a precedent where a solicitor was suspended for gross overcharging, but reconsidered in light of the new punishment regime under the LPA.
Re Han Ngiap JuanCourt of Three JudgesYes[1993] 1 SLR(R) 135SingaporeCited as a precedent where a solicitor was suspended for gross overcharging, but reconsidered in light of the new punishment regime under the LPA.
Law Society of Singapore v Low Yong SenCourt of Three JudgesYes[2009] 1 SLR(R) 802SingaporeCited as a precedent where a solicitor was suspended for gross overcharging, but reconsidered in light of the new punishment regime under the LPA.
D’Alessandro v Legal Practitioners Complaints CommitteeHigh Court of AustraliaYesD’Alessandro v Legal Practitioners Complaints Committee P9/1996 [1996] HCA Trans 300AustraliaCited to contrast the legal position in Singapore with that of Australia regarding overcharging of legal fees.
Lin Jian Wei and another v Lim Eng Hock PeterCourt of AppealYes[2011] 3 SLR 1052SingaporeCited for the legal position in Singapore regarding the court's power to cancel unfair or unreasonable agreements on costs.
The Law Society of Singapore v Tan Thian ChuaSingapore District CourtYes[1994] SGDSC 11SingaporeCited to show that offering taxation can remedy or ameliorate potential professional misconduct in the form of overcharging.
Wee Soon Kim Anthony v Law Society of SingaporeHigh CourtYes[2007] 1 SLR(R) 482SingaporeCited to show that the Law Society should advise or require the aggrieved party to have the bill taxed first.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
Rules of Court (Cap 322, R 5, 2006 Rev Ed)

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Legal Profession Act (Cap 161, 2001 Rev Ed) s 98(1)Singapore
Legal Profession Act (Cap 161, 2001 Rev Ed) s 83(1)Singapore
Legal Profession Act (Cap 161, 2001 Rev Ed) s 83(2)(b)Singapore
Legal Profession Act (Cap 161, 2001 Rev Ed) s 83(2)(h)Singapore
Legal Profession Act s 109Singapore
Legal Profession Act s 111Singapore
Legal Profession Act s 113Singapore
Legal Profession Act s 83(1)Singapore
Legal Profession (Amendment) Act 2008 (Act 19 of 2008)Singapore
Legal Profession Act s 83Singapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Gross Overcharging
  • Legal Profession Act
  • Disciplinary Tribunal
  • Professional Conduct
  • Taxation of Costs
  • Paralegal
  • Warrant to Act

15.2 Keywords

  • Overcharging
  • Legal Profession
  • Disciplinary Action
  • Singapore
  • Ethics
  • Professional Conduct

16. Subjects

  • Legal Ethics
  • Professional Misconduct
  • Overcharging

17. Areas of Law

  • Legal Profession
  • Professional Conduct
  • Regulatory Law