Goh Yng Yng Karen v Goh Yong Chiang Kelvin: Mental Capacity & Undue Influence in Power of Attorney
In Goh Yng Yng Karen (executrix of the estate of Liew Khoon Fong, deceased) v Goh Yong Chiang Kelvin, the Singapore High Court addressed the validity of two powers of attorney granted by Mdm Liew Khoon Fong to her son, Kelvin Goh. Karen Goh, Mdm Liew's daughter, initiated the suit, arguing that Mdm Liew lacked the mental capacity to execute the POAs and that Kelvin had exerted undue influence. The court declared the POAs void, citing Mdm Liew's lack of mental capacity and undue influence by the defendant.
1. Case Overview
1.1 Court
High Court of the Republic of Singapore1.2 Outcome
Declaration that the Powers of Attorney are void.
1.3 Case Type
1.4 Judgment Type
1.5 Jurisdiction
1.6 Description
Singapore High Court case regarding the validity of powers of attorney executed by an elderly woman, focusing on mental capacity and undue influence.
1.7 Decision Date
2. Parties and Outcomes
Party Name | Role | Type | Outcome | Outcome Type | Counsels |
Goh Yng Yng Karen (executrix of the estate of Liew Khoon Fong (alias Liew Fong), deceased) | Plaintiff | Individual | Declaration Granted | Won | Kang Kim Yang, Mary Leong Sut San, Ang Jian Xiang |
Goh Yong Chiang Kelvin | Defendant | Individual | Declaration of Void Powers of Attorney | Lost | Tan Teck San Kelvin, Chng Hu Ping |
3. Judges
Judge Name | Title | Delivered Judgment |
Ang Cheng Hock | Judge | Yes |
4. Counsels
Counsel Name | Organization |
Kang Kim Yang | Templars Law LLC |
Mary Leong Sut San | Templars Law LLC |
Ang Jian Xiang | Templars Law LLC |
Tan Teck San Kelvin | Drew & Napier LLC |
Chng Hu Ping | Drew & Napier LLC |
4. Facts
- Mdm Liew executed two powers of attorney in favor of her son, Kelvin.
- The first POA authorized Kelvin to sell Mdm Liew's house and pay the proceeds to her grandson.
- The second POA authorized Kelvin to purchase a condominium in the joint names of Mdm Liew and her grandson.
- Karen, Mdm Liew's daughter, challenged the validity of the POAs, alleging Mdm Liew lacked mental capacity.
- Karen also alleged that Kelvin exercised undue influence over Mdm Liew.
- Mdm Liew was diagnosed with moderate to severe dementia after the POAs were executed.
- Mdm Liew had a close relationship with Karen, who held her Lasting Power of Attorney.
5. Formal Citations
- Goh Yng Yng Karen (executrix of the estate of Liew Khoon Fong (alias Liew Fong), deceased) v Goh Yong Chiang Kelvin, Suit No 45 of 2018, [2020] SGHC 195
6. Timeline
Date | Event |
Mr. Goh passed away. | |
Mdm Liew sold the Siglap Bank property. | |
Mdm Liew moved to Melbourne, Australia. | |
Mdm Liew moved back to Singapore. | |
Lasting Power of Attorney registered. | |
Karen noticed Mdm Liew behaving oddly. | |
Mdm Liew saw neurologist, Dr. Ho King Hee. | |
Mdm Liew executed the Powers of Attorney. | |
Defendant granted an option to purchase the Namly property. | |
Mdm Liew moved out of the Namly property. | |
Option to purchase exercised. | |
Karen discovered purchaser's caveat. | |
Lasting Power of Attorney came into effect. | |
Mdm Liew was hospitalised at Mount Elizabeth Hospital. | |
Injunction preventing sale of Namly property refused. | |
Mdm Liew admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital. | |
Mdm Liew discharged from Tan Tock Seng Hospital. | |
Trial began. | |
Trial concluded. | |
Mdm Liew passed away. | |
Grant of Probate issued to Karen. | |
Leave granted for Karen to continue proceedings. | |
Judgment reserved. |
7. Legal Issues
- Mental Capacity
- Outcome: The court found that Mdm Liew lacked the mental capacity to execute the Powers of Attorney.
- Category: Substantive
- Sub-Issues:
- Impairment of mind
- Inability to understand information
- Inability to retain information
- Inability to use information
- Inability to communicate decision
- Undue Influence
- Outcome: The court found that the Powers of Attorney were vitiated by reason of undue influence.
- Category: Substantive
- Sub-Issues:
- Actual undue influence
- Presumed undue influence
- Relationship of trust and confidence
- Transaction calling for explanation
- Rebuttal of presumption
8. Remedies Sought
- Declaration that the Powers of Attorney are null and void
- Pre-judgment interest as damages
- Punitive damages
9. Cause of Actions
- Lack of Mental Capacity
- Undue Influence
10. Practice Areas
- Civil Litigation
- Estate Law
11. Industries
- No industries specified
12. Cited Cases
Case Name | Court | Affirmed | Citation | Jurisdiction | Significance |
Re BKR | Court of Appeal | Yes | [2015] 4 SLR 81 | Singapore | Cited for the test for capacity in section 4(1) of the Mental Capacity Act, having a functional and clinical component. |
BUV v BUU and another and another matter | High Court | Yes | [2020] 3 SLR 1041 | Singapore | Cited for the principle that the court's assessment as to mental capacity should be made holistically. |
BOM v BOK and another appeal | Court of Appeal | Yes | [2019] 1 SLR 349 | Singapore | Cited for the analytical framework for undue influence and the categorization of classes of undue influence. |
Moh Tai Siang v Moh Tai Tong and another | High Court | Yes | [2018] SGHC 280 | Singapore | Cited for the principle that what amounts to a transaction that calls for an explanation is a fact-sensitive inquiry. |
Royal Bank of Scotland plc v Etridge (No 2) | House of Lords | Yes | [2002] 2 AC 773 | England and Wales | Cited for the principle that a transaction calls for an explanation where it cannot be reasonably accounted for on ordinary motives. |
Allcard v Skinner | Court of Appeal | Yes | (1887) 36 Ch D 145 | England and Wales | Cited for the principle that a transaction calls for an explanation where it cannot be reasonably accounted for on ordinary motives. |
Chee Mu Lin Muriel v Chee Ka Lin Caroline (Chee Ping Chian Alexander and another, interveners) | Court of Appeal | Yes | [2010] 4 SLR 373 | Singapore | Cited for the standard expected of solicitors in discharging their duties to their clients when preparing wills. |
Low Ah Cheow and others v Ng Hock Guan | Court of Appeal | Yes | [2009] 3 SLR(R) 1079 | Singapore | Cited for the serious professional responsibilities involved in preparing a will and the need for solicitors to avoid conflicts of interest. |
The Oriental Insurance Co Ltd v Reliance National Asia Re Pte Ltd | Court of Appeal | Yes | [2009] 2 SLR(R) 385 | Singapore | Cited for the distinction between the power to grant interest on damages and interest as damages. |
ACB v Thomson Medical Pte Ltd and others | Court of Appeal | Yes | [2017] 1 SLR 918 | Singapore | Cited for the principle that punitive damages may be awarded in tort where the defendant's conduct is outrageous. |
UKM v Attorney-General | Court of Appeal | Yes | [2019] 3 SLR 874 | Singapore | Cited for the role of public policy considerations in court decisions. |
Aries Telecoms (M) Bhd v ViewQwest Pte Ltd (Fiberail Sdn Bhd, third party) | Court of Appeal | Yes | [2020] 3 SLR 750 | Singapore | Cited for the interchangeable use of the terms 'exemplary damages' and 'punitive damages'. |
13. Applicable Rules
Rule Name |
Rules of Court (Cap 322, 2014 Rev Ed, R 5) |
14. Applicable Statutes
Statute Name | Jurisdiction |
Mental Capacity Act (Cap 177A, 2010 Rev Ed) | Singapore |
Mental Capacity Act (Cap 177A, 2010 Rev Ed) | Singapore |
Supreme Court of Judicature Act (Cap 322, 2007 Rev Ed) | Singapore |
Civil Law Act (Cap 43, 1999 Rev Ed) | Singapore |
15. Key Terms and Keywords
15.1 Key Terms
- Power of Attorney
- Mental Capacity
- Undue Influence
- Lasting Power of Attorney
- Dementia
- Joint Tenancy
- Irrevocable
- Executrix
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Lucid Interval
15.2 Keywords
- Mental Capacity Act
- Undue Influence
- Power of Attorney
- Dementia
- Elderly Abuse
- Singapore Law
- Estate
- Property
16. Subjects
- Mental Capacity
- Undue Influence
- Powers of Attorney
- Estate Planning
17. Areas of Law
- Mental Capacity Law
- Agency Law
- Power of Attorney
- Undue Influence