Zuraimi v Zulkarnine: Fraudulent Misrepresentation & Investment Losses in Halal F&B Companies

Zuraimi bin Mohamed Dahlan and Elly Sabrina binte Ismail sued Zulkarnine B Hafiz and Masmunah bte Abdullah in the High Court of Singapore, alleging fraudulent misrepresentations that induced them to invest $1 million in the defendants' halal food and beverage companies. The plaintiffs claimed the defendants misrepresented the companies' valuation, debt status, and future prospects. Justice Chan Seng Onn dismissed the suit, finding that the plaintiffs failed to prove fraudulent misrepresentation or a viable claim under the Misrepresentation Act.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court of the Republic of Singapore

1.2 Outcome

Suit dismissed with costs to the defendants.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type


1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Plaintiffs sued for $1M investment losses, alleging fraudulent misrepresentations by defendants in halal F&B companies. The court dismissed the suit.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Zuraimi bin Mohamed DahlanPlaintiffIndividualClaim DismissedLostValliappan Subramaniam
Elly Sabrina binte IsmailPlaintiffIndividualClaim DismissedLostValliappan Subramaniam
Zulkarnine B HafizDefendantIndividualJudgment for DefendantWonSuhaimi bin Lazim, Abdul Rohim bin Sarip
Masmunah bte AbdullahDefendantIndividualJudgment for DefendantWonSuhaimi bin Lazim, Abdul Rohim bin Sarip

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Chan Seng OnnJudgeYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Valliappan SubramaniamVeritas Law Corporation
Suhaimi bin LazimMirandah Law LLP
Abdul Rohim bin SaripA. Rohim Noor Lila LLP

4. Facts

  1. Plaintiffs invested $1 million in companies owned/run by the defendants.
  2. The companies were in the halal food and beverage industry.
  3. Plaintiffs alleged seven distinct misrepresentations by the defendants.
  4. The alleged misrepresentations induced the plaintiffs to make their investments.
  5. The businesses of Beta, Kedai and Fig & Olive suffered after opening.
  6. Operations at 76 Shenton Way were shut on or about 27 September 2017.
  7. Plaintiffs requested the defendants to transfer their shares in Beta, Kedai and Fig & Olive to Mamanda.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Zuraimi bin Mohamed Dahlan and another v Zulkarnine B Hafiz and another, Suit No 1151 of 2017, [2020] SGHC 219

6. Timeline

Plaintiffs first became acquainted with the defendants during a dinner at Mamanda Restaurant.
Plaintiffs approached the defendants, proposing that Fig & Olive be one of the sponsors of the plaintiffs’ “Geng Sihat” activities.
Defendants had several meetings with the plaintiffs to raise capital for the Companies.
Defendants had several meetings with the plaintiffs to raise capital for the Companies.
Second plaintiff paid $100,000 to Mamanda via cheque.
First plaintiff paid $100,000 to Mamanda via cheque.
Plaintiffs paid $300,000 to Fig & Olive via two cheques.
Plaintiffs paid $300,000 to Kedai via two cheques.
Plaintiffs paid $200,000 to Beta via two cheques.
Business opened at 76 Shenton Way.
Beta Bakerie Pte Ltd ceased operations.
Operations at 76 Shenton Way were shut.
Plaintiffs’ solicitors sent the defendants a letter of demand, asking for repayment of the sum of $1m.
Statement of Claim dated.
Defence dated.
Second defendant’s AEIC dated.
First plaintiff’s AEIC dated.
Trial began.
Plaintiffs’ Closing Submissions dated.
Defendants’ Closing Submissions dated.
Judgment reserved.
Judgment issued.

7. Legal Issues

  1. Fraudulent Misrepresentation
    • Outcome: The court found that the plaintiffs failed to prove that the defendants made fraudulent misrepresentations.
    • Category: Substantive
  2. Breach of Contract
    • Outcome: The court noted that a claim for breach of contract was not pleaded.
    • Category: Substantive

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Monetary Damages

9. Cause of Actions

  • Fraudulent Misrepresentation
  • Breach of Contract

10. Practice Areas

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Investment Disputes

11. Industries

  • Food and Beverage

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Panatron Pte Ltd and another v Lee Cheow Lee and anotherCourt of AppealYes[2001] 2 SLR(R) 435SingaporeCited for the elements required to prove fraudulent misrepresentation.
Wee Chiaw Sek Anna v Ng Li-Ann Genevieve (sole executrix of the estate of Ng Hock Seng, deceased) and anotherCourt of AppealYes[2013] 3 SLR 801SingaporeCited to emphasize the importance of the representor’s subjective belief in cases of fraudulent misrepresentation.
Kong Chee Chui and others v Soh Ghee HongHigh CourtYes[2014] SGHC 8SingaporeCited for the definition of 'mere puff' in the context of representations.
Tan Chin Seng and others v Raffles Town Club Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[2002] SGHC 278SingaporeCited for the definition of 'mere puff' in the context of representations.
Bestland Development Pte Ltd v Thasin Development Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[1991] SGHC 27SingaporeCited for the general rule that statements of opinion do not constitute actionable misrepresentations.
Goldrich Venture Pte Ltd and another v Halcyon Offshore Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[2015] 3 SLR 990SingaporeCited for the general rule that statements of opinion do not constitute actionable misrepresentations.
Tan Chin Seng and others v Raffles Town Club Pte LtdCourt of AppealYes[2003] 3 SLR(R) 307SingaporeCited for the principle that actionable misrepresentations cannot bear elements of futurity.
Deutsche Bank AG v Chang Tse WenHigh CourtYes[2013] 1 SLR 1310SingaporeCited for the principle that actionable misrepresentations cannot bear elements of futurity.
Poh Fu Tek and others v Lee Shung Guan and othersHigh CourtYes[2018] 4 SLR 425SingaporeCited for the principle that 'hindsight information' ought not to be relied upon in company valuation.
RBC Properties Pte Ltd v Defu Furniture Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[2015] 1 SLR 997SingaporeCited for the elements of a statutory action under the Misrepresentation Act.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Misrepresentation ActSingapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Halal food and beverage
  • Misrepresentation
  • Investment
  • Valuation
  • Debt
  • Dividends
  • Prospectus
  • Investor agreements

15.2 Keywords

  • Fraudulent Misrepresentation
  • Investment Losses
  • Halal F&B Companies
  • Singapore High Court

16. Subjects

  • Contract Law
  • Fraud
  • Company Law
  • Investment Law

17. Areas of Law

  • Contract Law
  • Misrepresentation
  • Fraud
  • Companies Law