WBI v WBJ: Division of Matrimonial Assets and Child Maintenance Dispute

In the Family Justice Courts of Singapore, the appeal of WBI (Wife) against the decision of the District Judge regarding the division of matrimonial assets and child maintenance was partially dismissed. The court upheld the original asset division, directing the matrimonial flat's sale proceeds to be split 67.3% to the Husband (WBJ) and the remainder to the Wife, with CPF refunds made from gross proceeds. The court adjusted the income ratio for child maintenance to 57:43, favoring the Husband, and ordered him to pay 57% of the children's monthly expenses commencing December 1, 2021. The court did not find fault with the District Judge's consideration of the Wife's change of mind regarding a prior agreement during mediation when determining costs.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

General Division of the High Court (Family Division)

1.2 Outcome

Appeal dismissed in part.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Appeal concerning the division of matrimonial assets and child maintenance. The court upheld the division of assets and adjusted the income ratio for child maintenance.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
WBIAppellantIndividualAppeal dismissed in partPartialSamuel Ang Rong En
WBJRespondentIndividualOrders upheld with variationPartialTan Anamah Nee Nagalingam

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Choo Han TeckJudge of the High CourtYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Samuel Ang Rong EnSureshan LLC
Tan Anamah Nee NagalingamAnn Tan & Associates

4. Facts

  1. The parties married on 2 December 2014 and divorce proceedings commenced on 1 July 2020.
  2. The Husband is a 42-year-old Singapore Citizen, and the Wife is a 39-year-old Malaysian Citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident.
  3. Both parties are teachers by profession and have two children, aged six and four.
  4. The District Judge ordered the matrimonial flat to be sold and the net proceeds divided 67.3% to the Husband and the remainder to the Wife.
  5. The District Judge ordered the Husband to pay the Wife $1,400 monthly for child maintenance.
  6. The Wife appealed the District Judge's decision on the division of assets and child maintenance.
  7. The court found that the parties received considerable assistance in caring for the children.

5. Formal Citations

  1. WBI v WBJ, District Court Appeal No 164 of 2021, [2022] SGHCF 22

6. Timeline

Parties married
Divorce proceedings commenced
Interim judgment granted
Orders regarding the ancillary matters were made
Child maintenance payments commence
Hearing date
Hearing date
Judgment date

7. Legal Issues

  1. Division of Matrimonial Assets
    • Outcome: The court upheld the District Judge's decision regarding the division of matrimonial assets, ordering the matrimonial flat to be sold and the proceeds divided 67.3% to the Husband and the remainder to the Wife, with CPF refunds made from gross proceeds.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Related Cases:
      • [2015] 4 SLR 1043
      • [2019] 3 SLR 178
      • [1999] 2 SLR(R) 385
  2. Child Maintenance
    • Outcome: The court adjusted the income ratio for child maintenance to 57:43, favoring the Husband, and ordered him to pay 57% of the children's monthly expenses commencing December 1, 2021.
    • Category: Substantive
  3. Costs of Proceedings
    • Outcome: The court upheld the District Judge's decision to award costs against the Wife, considering her change of mind regarding a prior agreement during mediation.
    • Category: Procedural

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Appeal against the District Judge's decision on the division of matrimonial assets
  2. Appeal against the District Judge's decision on child maintenance
  3. Reversal of the order for the Wife to bear the costs of the proceedings

9. Cause of Actions

  • No cause of actions

10. Practice Areas

  • Divorce
  • Family Law
  • Appeals

11. Industries

  • Education

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
ANJ v ANKN/AYes[2015] 4 SLR 1043SingaporeCited regarding the court's discretion to determine the relative importance of direct and indirect contributions.
UJF v UJGN/AYes[2019] 3 SLR 178SingaporeCited regarding the weightage of direct and indirect contributions, but distinguished due to the marriage length and absence of children.
Tay Sin Tor v Tan Chay EngN/AYes[1999] 2 SLR(R) 385SingaporeCited regarding whether CPF monies withdrawn should be refunded before or after a division is made of sale proceeds, but disagreed with the reasoning.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Women’s Charter (Cap 353, 2009 Rev Ed) Section 112(2)Singapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Matrimonial Assets
  • Division of Assets
  • Child Maintenance
  • CPF Refunds
  • Direct Contributions
  • Indirect Contributions
  • Income Ratio
  • Gross Sales Proceeds
  • Net Sale Proceeds

15.2 Keywords

  • Divorce
  • Matrimonial Assets
  • Child Maintenance
  • Singapore
  • Family Law

16. Subjects

  • Family Law
  • Divorce
  • Matrimonial Assets
  • Child Maintenance

17. Areas of Law

  • Family Law
  • Matrimonial Assets
  • Division of Matrimonial Assets
  • Child Maintenance