Ang Wee Jian

Ang Wee Jian is a legal practitioner in Singapore. With documented cases from 2014 to 2023. The lawyer has handled 6 cases in Singapore's courts. Associated with 1 law firm. The lawyer demonstrates particular expertise in contract law and breach of contract. Their track record shows a 50.0% success rate in resolved cases.

Areas of Practice and Expertise

Ang Wee Jian has demonstrated expertise across 140 primary practice areas, with significant experience in contract law and civil procedure.

Practice AreaCase Volume
Contract Law6 cases
Civil Procedure4 cases
Arbitration3 cases
Breach of Contract3 cases
Estoppel3 cases
Damages2 cases
Evidence2 cases
Contra Proferentem Rule2 cases
Costs2 cases
Agency Law2 cases
Construction Law2 cases
Fundamental Change of Circumstances2 cases
Trust Law1 cases
Mistake1 cases
Offer to Settle1 cases
Company Law1 cases
Without Prejudice Privilege1 cases
Performance of Contract1 cases
Variation1 cases
Interest1 cases
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act1 cases
Condition Precedent1 cases
Constructive Trust1 cases
Express trusts1 cases
Construction of Contract1 cases
Interpretation of Contract1 cases
Construction of Contracts1 cases
Equity1 cases
Assignment1 cases
Repudiation of contract1 cases
Interpretation of Contracts1 cases
Economic Duress1 cases
Entire Agreement Clause1 cases
Offer and Acceptance1 cases
Repudiatory breach1 cases
Rectification1 cases
Estoppel by Convention1 cases
Unfair Contract Terms Act1 cases
Inducing Breach of Contract1 cases
Common Law Rectification1 cases
Equitable Rectification1 cases
Best Efforts Clause1 cases
Part Performance1 cases
Intention of Parties1 cases
Ostensible Authority1 cases
Actual Authority1 cases
Sham Transaction1 cases
Deeds1 cases
Incorporation of main contract terms1 cases
Contractual Remedies1 cases
Incorporation of Terms1 cases
Consideration1 cases
Breach1 cases
Breach of condition1 cases
Requirements for waiver by election1 cases
Communication of choice to affirm contract in clear and unequivocal terms1 cases
Novation1 cases
Proper Law of Contract1 cases
Contractual Variation1 cases
Implied authority of agent1 cases
Privity of contract1 cases
Contractual estoppel1 cases
Implied contract1 cases
Unilateral mistake1 cases
Contracts of indemnity1 cases
Sufficiency of consideration1 cases
Indemnity1 cases
Estoppel in defiance of statute1 cases
Bars to rescission1 cases
Mashed Potato Agreement1 cases
Architectural Engineering1 cases
Fire Safety Engineering1 cases
Inducement1 cases
Incorporation of companies1 cases
Oral agreements1 cases
Indian Contract Act1 cases
Variation of Contract1 cases
Super priority1 cases
Postal Rule1 cases
Terms1 cases
Ground for termination of contract1 cases
Formalities1 cases
Construction of undertaking1 cases
Formation1 cases
Effect of counterclaim1 cases
Implied Admission1 cases
Separability Doctrine1 cases
Implied contracts1 cases
Licensing Regime1 cases
Design and build contract1 cases
Agency by estoppel1 cases
Oral undertaking1 cases
Pre-incorporation contracts1 cases
Breach of Guarantee1 cases
Hire-Purchase Agreement1 cases
Consent Judgement1 cases
Implied Retainer1 cases
Benevolence Principle1 cases
Allotment Agreement1 cases
Scheme of Arrangement1 cases
Testamentary Intentions1 cases
Convertible Loan Agreements1 cases
Cross-Default1 cases
Exclusive Jurisdiction Agreement1 cases
Joint Venture Agreement1 cases
Impossibility of Performance1 cases
Non-reliance clause1 cases
Shareholder Liability1 cases
Construction Contract1 cases
Financing Agreement1 cases
Employment Agreement1 cases
Indemnification1 cases
Option to Purchase1 cases
Franchise Agreements1 cases
Assignment of Contractual Rights1 cases
No-Assignment Clause1 cases
Non-Compete Clause1 cases
Non-Solicitation Clause1 cases
Confidentiality Clause1 cases
Oral Variation of Contract1 cases
Deed of Settlement1 cases
Tortious Interference1 cases
Landlord and Tenant Disputes1 cases
Liquidated Sum1 cases
Rectification of Contracts1 cases
Bunker Supply Agreement1 cases
Vehicle Sales Agreement1 cases
Encumbrances1 cases
Good and Marketable Title1 cases
Business Litigation1 cases
Construction Litigation1 cases
Injunctions1 cases
Commercial Disputes1 cases
Measure of Damages1 cases
Construction1 cases
Contractual terms1 cases
Equity and limitation of actions1 cases
Limitation1 cases
Res Judicata1 cases
Quantum meruit1 cases

Law Firm Affiliations

Ang Wee Jian has been affiliated with 1 law firm. The most active affiliation involves 6 cases.

Case Complexity Analysis

Analysis of Ang Wee Jian's case complexity based on the number of parties involved and case characteristics.

Complexity Overview

Average Parties per Case
Complex Cases
0 (0%)
Cases with more than 3 parties

Complexity by Case Type

Dismissed13.0 parties avg
Lost22.7 parties avg
Won32.3 parties avg

Complexity Trends Over Time

201422.0 parties avg
201522.7 parties avg
201813.0 parties avg
202313.0 parties avg

Case Outcome Analytics

Analysis of Ang Wee Jian's case outcomes, including distribution by type, yearly trends, and monetary outcomes where applicable.

Outcome Distribution

Outcome TypeCases

Monetary Outcomes

SGD649,166.504 cases

Yearly Outcome Trends

YearTotal Cases

Case History

Displaying all 6 cases

07 Feb 2023
CSP (Defendant, Respondent)Won
28 Jun 2018
Kalzip Asia Pte Ltd (Plaintiff)Dismissed
29 Jan 2015
First Alverstone Capital Ltd (Defendant)Lost
22 Jan 2015
Ong & Ong Pte Ltd (Appellant)Lost
17 Mar 2014
Ong & Ong Pte Ltd (Plaintiff)Won
19 Jan 2014
Ong & Ong Pte Ltd (Respondent, Appellant)Won