PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia v Magma Nusantara Ltd: Arbitration Agreement & Tribunal Jurisdiction Dispute

In PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia v Magma Nusantara Ltd, the Singapore High Court addressed an application by PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia ('PT Tugu') under Article 16(3) of the UNCITRAL Model Law, challenging the jurisdiction of an arbitral tribunal in a dispute with Magma Nusantara Limited ('MNL') over the limit of liability under an insurance policy. PT Tugu sought a declaration that the tribunal lacked jurisdiction and an order setting aside the interim award. The High Court dismissed the application, except for setting aside the costs order, ruling that the tribunal exceeded its jurisdiction in awarding costs contrary to the policy's arbitration clause. The applicant was ordered to pay the respondent's costs for the proceedings.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court

1.2 Outcome

Application dismissed except for the order on costs, which was set aside. The applicant shall pay the respondent its costs of these proceedings.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Singapore High Court judgment regarding the jurisdiction of an arbitral tribunal in a dispute over an insurance policy's liability limit.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
PT Tugu Pratama IndonesiaApplicantCorporationApplication dismissed in partPartialKenneth Tan, Wang Wei Chi
Magma Nusantara LtdRespondentCorporationCosts awardedWonMichael Hwang, Ernest Wee

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Judith PrakashJudgeYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Kenneth TanKenneth Tan Partnership
Wang Wei ChiKenneth Tan Partnership
Michael HwangMichael Hwang SC
Ernest WeeMichael Hwang SC

4. Facts

  1. PT Tugu issued an insurance policy to MNL covering Onshore Well Control.
  2. A geothermal well blowout caused MNL to suffer a loss of over US$12.5 million.
  3. MNL claimed US$10 million under the policy.
  4. PT Tugu paid MNL US$2 million, claiming the policy limit was US$2.5 million.
  5. MNL disputed the policy limit, asserting it was US$10 million.
  6. MNL served PT Tugu with a 'Notice of Arbitration'.
  7. PT Tugu replied, accepting arbitration in Singapore subject to SIAC Rules but proposing a formal 'Submission to Arbitration'.

5. Formal Citations

  1. PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia v Magma Nusantara Ltd, OM 9/2003, [2003] SGHC 204

6. Timeline

Insurance policy issued by PT Tugu covering MNL for Onshore Well Control, effective from January 1, 1998, to December 31, 1998.
One of MNL’s geothermal wells blew out, causing MNL to suffer a loss of more than US$12.5 million.
MNL first notified PT Tugu of its claim under the insurance policy.
PT Tugu paid MNL US$2 million towards settlement of its claim.
MNL served PT Tugu with a 'Notice of Arbitration'.
PT Tugu replied to MNL's 'Notice of Arbitration'.
PT Tugu revoked the proposal contained in its October 1999 letter.
MNL’s solicitors responded, stating that the Submission to Arbitration had been signed by MNL; MNL sent a request for arbitration to the Singapore International Arbitration Centre.
Tribunal issued directions that three preliminary issues were to be determined first.
Hearing took place and the experts gave oral evidence and were cross-examined.
Award on the preliminary issues was made.
Decision Date

7. Legal Issues

  1. Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunal
    • Outcome: The court held that the arbitral tribunal had jurisdiction over the dispute, based on the interpretation of the arbitration clause in the insurance policy and the parties' subsequent correspondence.
    • Category: Jurisdictional
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Scope of arbitration agreement
      • Interpretation of arbitration clause
      • Validity of arbitration agreement
  2. Interpretation of Contractual Clauses
    • Outcome: The court interpreted the arbitration clause broadly, finding it applicable to the dispute over the policy's liability limit. The court also addressed the effect of the time-bar clause and the application of the contra proferentum principle.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Interpretation of 'any matter arising under this Policy'
      • Effect of time-bar clause on arbitration proceedings
      • Application of contra proferentum principle
  3. Costs in Arbitration
    • Outcome: The court held that the tribunal exceeded its jurisdiction in awarding costs contrary to the specific costs provision in the arbitration clause. The costs order was set aside.
    • Category: Procedural
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Tribunal's power to award costs
      • Interpretation of costs provision in arbitration clause
      • Application of SIAC Rules on costs

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Declaration that the arbitral tribunal has no jurisdiction
  2. Order setting aside the Interim Award
  3. Monetary compensation

9. Cause of Actions

  • Breach of Contract
  • Dispute over Insurance Policy Coverage

10. Practice Areas

  • Arbitration
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Insurance Dispute Resolution

11. Industries

  • Insurance
  • Energy

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
The Benja BhumSingapore High CourtYes[1994] 1 SLR 88SingaporeCited for the principle that where parties are still negotiating the terms of any reference to arbitration, there can be no valid agreement to arbitrate.
Star Trans Far East Pte Ltd v Norske-Tech Ltd & OrsSingapore High CourtYes[1996] 2 SLR 409SingaporeCited for the principle that where parties are still negotiating the terms of any reference to arbitration, there can be no valid agreement to arbitrate.
Society of Lloyds v TwinnEnglish Court of AppealYes[2000] EWHC Admin 308England and WalesDemonstrates the situation that arose in this case of having to construe when an agreement had been concluded is far from unusual. The judgment of the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Richard Scott, is instructive on the approach that the courts take when faced with such issues.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Law No. 30 of 1999Indonesia
International Arbitration Act 1994 (Cap 143A)Singapore
Article 1349 of the Indonesian Civil CodeIndonesia

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Arbitration Agreement
  • Arbitral Tribunal
  • Jurisdiction
  • Insurance Policy
  • Appraiser
  • Interim Award
  • UNCITRAL Model Law
  • SIAC Rules
  • Change of Seat
  • Contra Proferentum

15.2 Keywords

  • arbitration agreement
  • jurisdiction
  • insurance policy
  • arbitral tribunal
  • Singapore
  • SIAC
  • costs
  • appraisal

16. Subjects

  • Arbitration
  • Insurance
  • Contract Law
  • Civil Procedure

17. Areas of Law

  • Arbitration Law
  • Insurance Law
  • Contract Law