Thio Keng Poon v Thio Syn Pyn: Breach of Fiduciary Duty & Removal from Company Directorship

In Thio Keng Poon v Thio Syn Pyn, the High Court of Singapore heard a case brought by Thio Keng Poon against his family and family companies, challenging his removal from the offices of Director, Chairman, and Managing-Director. Thio Keng Poon claimed oppression, breach of contract, and breach of an understanding. The court, after the Plaintiff closed his case and the defendants elected to not give evidence, dismissed the Plaintiff's claims in both suits and granted interlocutory judgment to Malaysia Dairy Industries Private Limited on its counterclaim against the Plaintiff.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

High Court

1.2 Outcome

Plaintiff's claims dismissed; Interlocutory judgment for the Ninth Defendant on its counterclaim.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type

Grounds of Decision

1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Thio Keng Poon sued his family over his removal from company directorships. The court dismissed his claims, finding no oppression or breach of contract.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Thio Keng PoonPlaintiffIndividualClaims DismissedLostVinodh Coomaraswamy, Arvind Daas Naaidu
Thio Syn PynDefendantIndividualJudgment for DefendantWonDavinder Singh, Adrian Tan
Thio Syn WeeDefendantIndividualJudgment for DefendantWonDavinder Singh, Adrian Tan
Thio Syn Kym WendyDefendantIndividualJudgment for DefendantWonDavinder Singh, Adrian Tan
Thio Syn GheeDefendantIndividualJudgment for DefendantWonDavinder Singh, Adrian Tan
Thio Syn San SereneDefendantIndividualJudgment for DefendantWonDavinder Singh, Adrian Tan
Vicki Thio Syn LuanDefendantIndividualJudgment for DefendantWonDavinder Singh, Adrian Tan
Kwik Poh LengDefendantIndividualJudgment for DefendantWonDavinder Singh, Adrian Tan
Thio Holdings (Private) LimitedDefendantCorporationJudgment for DefendantWonDavinder Singh, Adrian Tan
Malaysia Dairy Industries Private LimitedDefendantCorporationJudgment for Defendant, Interlocutory judgment for the Ninth Defendant against the Plaintiff for an inquiry to be taken for the sum of S$45,529.64 and/or all sums claimed by the Ninth Defendant from the Plaintiff in breach of the Plaintiff’s fiduciary duties with the costs of the inquiry to be reserved to the Registrar having conduct of the inquiry.Won, PartialDavinder Singh, Adrian Tan
Modern Dairy International Pte LtdDefendantCorporationJudgment for DefendantWonDavinder Singh, Adrian Tan
United Realty (Singapore) Private LimitedDefendantCorporationJudgment for DefendantWonDavinder Singh, Adrian Tan

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Lai Siu ChiuJudgeYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Vinodh CoomaraswamyShook Lin & Bok LLP
Arvind Daas NaaiduShook Lin & Bok LLP
Davinder SinghDrew & Napier LLC
Adrian TanDrew & Napier LLC

4. Facts

  1. The Plaintiff sued his six children, his wife, and four family companies over his removal from the offices of Director, Chairman and Managing-Director.
  2. The Plaintiff was removed from his positions in Malaysia Dairy Industries Pte Ltd and Modern Dairy International Pte Ltd.
  3. The Plaintiff claimed oppression, breach of contract, and breach of an understanding and assurance.
  4. The Plaintiff transferred shares in the Thio Group companies to his family members over the years.
  5. The Plaintiff made improper double claims on his travel expenses from MDI and Cotra.
  6. The Plaintiff failed to produce hotel invoices relating to the double claims.
  7. The Plaintiff was removed as an authorised bank signatory, a Director, Managing Director and Chairman of Modern Dairy with immediate effect from 21 November 2007.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Thio Keng Poon v Thio Syn Pyn and Others and Another Suit, Suit 734/2008, 10/2008, [2009] SGHC 135

6. Timeline

Plaintiff removed as Director, Managing-Director and Chairman of Malaysia Dairy Industries Pte Ltd.
Plaintiff removed as an authorised bank signatory, a Director, Managing Director and Chairman of Modern Dairy.
Plaintiff removed from his offices as Director of Thio Holdings and United Realty.
Plaintiff’s privileges which attached to his three offices were removed.
Plaintiff barred from the premises of Malaysia Dairy Industries Pte Ltd.
Trial started.
Judgment issued.

7. Legal Issues

  1. Breach of Fiduciary Duty
    • Outcome: The court found that the Plaintiff had breached his fiduciary duties to MDI by double claiming travel expenses.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Sub-Issues:
      • Double claiming of travel expenses
  2. Oppression
    • Outcome: The court held that the Plaintiff had no standing to invoke s 216 of the Act to object to his removal as a Director, Managing Director and Chairman of MDI and Modern Dairy because the acts complained of in this case affected the Plaintiff in his capacity as a member of the board, not as a member of the company.
    • Category: Substantive
  3. Breach of Contract
    • Outcome: The court found no implied contract as to matters covered by an express contract.
    • Category: Substantive
  4. Procedural Irregularities
    • Outcome: The court concluded that there was no substantial injustice to the Plaintiff since there was nothing to stop the defendants from removing the Plaintiff from his positions in MDI and Modern Dairy by complying with the requisite procedural requirements even if he was reinstated.
    • Category: Procedural

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Declaration that the resolution of the directors of MDI passed on 20 November 2007 deeming him to have vacated his office as Director, Managing Director and Chairman of MDI with effect from 20 November 2007 was null and void and not binding on the Plaintiff
  2. Declaration that the resolution of the members of MDI passed at the 44th AGM of MDI on 21 November 2007 purporting to confirm and ratify his removal as a director of MDI was null and void and not binding on the Plaintiff
  3. Declaration that nothing which occurred at the AGM of Modern Dairy deemed to have taken place on 21 November 2007 affected the Plaintiff’s position as a Director, the Managing Director and Chairman of Modern Dairy
  4. Declaration that the Plaintiff was still a Director, the Managing Director and Chairman of MDI
  5. Declaration that the Understanding bound the defendants
  6. Order that he be reinstated as Director, Managing-Director and Chairman of MDI and Modern Dairy
  7. Injunction to restrain the defendants, whether by themselves or their servants and agents howsoever, from removing him from his offices and positions as Director, Chairman and Managing-Director of Thio Holdings, MDI and their subsidiaries
  8. That MDI pay his arrears of salary to be assessed

9. Cause of Actions

  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty
  • Oppression
  • Breach of Contract

10. Practice Areas

  • Commercial Litigation

11. Industries

  • Dairy Industry

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
Lim Swee Khiang v Borden Co (Pte) LtdHigh CourtYes[2006] 4 SLR 745SingaporeCited for the principle that he who asserts must prove and therefore a defendant is entitled to put the plaintiff to strict proof of everything he is alleging, without having to respond in any way to the allegations.
Relfo Ltd (in liquidation) v Bhimji Velji Jadva VarsaniHigh CourtYes[2008] 4 SLR 657SingaporeCited for the test of no case to answer is whether the plaintiff’s evidence at face value establishes a case in law or whether the evidence led by the plaintiff was so unsatisfactory or unreliable that its burden of proof had not been discharged.
Bansal Hermant Govindprasad v Central Bank of IndiaHigh CourtYes[2003] 2 SLR 33SingaporeCited for the test of whether there is no case to answer.
Re Tri-Circle Investment Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[1993] 2 SLR 523SingaporeCited as an example of courts being slow to intervene in the management of the affairs of companies.
Re Kong Thai Sawmill (Miri) Sdn BhdFederal Court of MalaysiaYes[1978] 2 MLJ 227MalaysiaCited for the principle that the court must examine the conduct of majority shareholders to determine whether they have departed from the proper standard of commercial fairness.
In re Five Minute Car Wash Service LtdChancery DivisionYes[1966] 1 WLR 745England and WalesCited for the principle that the director had to have acted unscrupulously, unfairly or with any lack of probity.
Re HR Harmer LtdCourt of AppealYes[1958] 3 All ER 689England and WalesCited for the principle that the acts complained of must affect the member in his capacity as a member.
Re A Co (No 000477 of 1986)High CourtYes[1986] BCLC 376England and WalesCited for the principle that a member’s interest as a member who invested his capital in the company’s business may include a legitimate expectation that he would continue to be employed as a director.
Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon Pte LtdCourt of AppealYes[1995] 2 SLR 297SingaporeCited for the principle that a breach of the pre-emptive provisions of the company’s articles of association did not amount to oppressive conduct.
Rabiah Bee Bte Mohamed Ibrahim v Salem IbrahimHigh CourtYes[2007] 2 SLR 655SingaporeCited for the principle that there can be no implied contract as to matters covered by an express contract.
Steven v Bromley & SonCourt of AppealYes[1919] 2 KB 722England and WalesCited for the principle that there can be no implied contract as to matters covered by an express contract until the express contract is displaced.
Bentley –Stevens v JonesHigh CourtYes[1974] 1 DPP 638England and WalesCited for the principle that a claim for reinstatement should not be granted where it would be futile.
Browne v. La TrinidadCourt of AppealYes(1887) 37 Ch.D. 1England and WalesCited for the principle that the court should not interfere for the purpose of forcing companies to conduct their business according to the strictest rules, where the irregularity complained of can be set right at any moment.
Golden Harvest Films Distribution (Pte) Ltd v Golden Village Multiplex Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[2007] 1 SLR 940SingaporeCited for the principle that a meeting of the board of directors was a proceeding under s 392(2) of the Act.
Re Caysand No 64 Pty LtdSupreme Court of QueenslandYes[1994] 2 Qd R 467AustraliaCited for the principle that the onus lay upon the party attacking the validity of a proceeding to satisfy the court of substantial injustice that cannot be remedied by the court.
The Oriental Insurance Co Ltd v Reliance National Asia Re Pte LtdCourt of AppealYes[2008] 3 SLR 121SingaporeCited for the principle that “substantial injustice” in s 392(6)(c) amounts to something greater than just ordinary prejudice.
SMS Pte Ltd v Power & Energy Pte LtdHigh CourtYes[1996] 1 SLR 767SingaporeCited for the principle that where the order breached is not an ‘unless’ order then the court will only strike out a defence if in all the circumstances there is a serious risk that a fair trial would not be possible by reason of the defendants’ breach.
Star News Shops v Stafford Refrigeration LtdCourt of AppealYes[1998] 4 All ER 408England and WalesCited for the principle that it was a misuse of the court’s powers under the equivalent provision in the English Rules of Court to strike out the defence for non-compliance with a non-peremptory order of the court because it had the effect of debarring the party from advancing an arguable defence.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
Rules of Court (2006 Rev Ed)

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
Companies Act (Cap 50, 2006 Rev Ed)Singapore
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap 53B)Singapore
Evidence Act (Cap 97, 1997 Rev Ed)Singapore

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Thio Group
  • Deed of Settlement
  • Understanding
  • Assurance
  • Double Claim
  • Fiduciary Duty
  • Oppression
  • Best Corporate Practices

15.2 Keywords

  • Company Directorship
  • Fiduciary Duty
  • Oppression
  • Family Business
  • Singapore
  • Corporate Governance

16. Subjects

  • Company Law
  • Fiduciary Duties
  • Corporate Governance

17. Areas of Law

  • Company Law
  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty
  • Civil Procedure