Showing 5 judgments
No. | Title | Court | Decision Date |
1 | HT S.R.L. v Wee Shuo Woon: Legal Privilege, Confidentiality, and Admissibility of Hacked Communications | High Court of the Republic of Singapore | 15 Feb 2016 |
2 | Lim Giok Boon v Lim Geok Cheng: Sisters' Dispute over Business Ownership, Joint Account, and Loans | High Court | 5 Aug 2015 |
3 | Equatorial Marine v. Bunga Melati 5: Agency, Bunker Supply, & Shipowner Liability | High Court | 21 Jul 2015 |
4 | - | 28 May 2015 | |
5 | Public Prosecutor v Sollihin bin Anhar: Revocation of Bail and Standard of Proof | Court of Appeal | 29 Mar 2015 |