CBX v CBZ: Setting Aside Arbitration Awards for Exceeding Jurisdiction and Public Policy

CBX and CBY, the Plaintiffs, applied to the Singapore International Commercial Court to set aside parts of two Partial Awards and a Final Award (Costs) by the same tribunal against CBZ, CCA, and CCB, the Defendants. The Plaintiffs argued that the tribunal exceeded its jurisdiction, failed to provide a reasonable opportunity to present their case, and contravened Singapore public policy regarding the Remaining Amounts and Compound Interest Orders. Anselmo Reyes IJ dismissed the setting aside applications, finding that the payment of Remaining Amounts was in issue, there was no unfair prejudice, and no denial of natural justice. The court also found no contravention of Singapore public policy regarding the Compound Interest Orders. The challenge to the Costs Award also failed.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

Singapore International Commercial Court

1.2 Outcome

Plaintiffs' setting aside applications are dismissed.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type


1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Singapore court dismisses application to set aside arbitration awards, finding no excess of jurisdiction or violation of public policy.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
CBXPlaintiffCorporationApplication DismissedLostAlvin Yeo, Lin Weiqi Wendy, Chong Wan Yee Monica, Huang Meizhen Margaret, Kara Quek Tze-Min
CBYPlaintiffCorporationApplication DismissedLostAlvin Yeo, Lin Weiqi Wendy, Chong Wan Yee Monica, Huang Meizhen Margaret, Kara Quek Tze-Min
CBZDefendantCorporationJudgment upheldWonFrancis Xavier, Disa Sim, David Isidore Tan Huang Loong, Kristin Ng
CCADefendantCorporationJudgment upheldWonFrancis Xavier, Disa Sim, David Isidore Tan Huang Loong, Kristin Ng
CCBDefendantCorporationJudgment upheldWonFrancis Xavier, Disa Sim, David Isidore Tan Huang Loong, Kristin Ng

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Anselmo ReyesInternational JudgeYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Alvin YeoWongPartnership LLP
Lin Weiqi WendyWongPartnership LLP
Chong Wan Yee MonicaWongPartnership LLP
Huang Meizhen MargaretWongPartnership LLP
Kara Quek Tze-MinWongPartnership LLP
Francis XavierRajah & Tann LLP
Disa SimRajah & Tann LLP
David Isidore Tan Huang LoongRajah & Tann LLP
Kristin NgRajah & Tann LLP

4. Facts

  1. CBX and CBY entered into Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPAs) with CBZ, CCA, and CCB to buy shares of AAA.
  2. The SPAs were governed by Thai law and provided for ICC arbitration in Singapore.
  3. Disputes arose regarding payment of the first installments and Remaining Amounts under the SPAs.
  4. The Defendants commenced arbitration against the Plaintiffs, claiming default and seeking accelerated payment.
  5. The Plaintiffs raised set-offs and counterclaims for damages arising from the Defendants’ actions.
  6. The Tribunal issued Phase I Partial Awards and later Phase II Partial Awards and a Costs Award.
  7. The Plaintiffs applied to set aside parts of the Phase II Partial Awards and the Costs Award.

5. Formal Citations

  1. CBX and another v CBZ and others, Originating Summons No 1 of 2020, [2020] SGHC(I) 17

6. Timeline

Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPAs) signed between Plaintiffs and Defendants.
Closing date of the CBY SPA.
Closing date of the CBX SPA.
Original deadline for the first instalment under the CBY SPA.
Original deadline for the first instalment under the CBX SPA.
CBY paid part of the first instalment under the CBY SPA.
CBY paid part of the first instalment under the CBY SPA.
CBZ commenced arbitration against CBX.
CCA and CCB instituted proceedings against CBY.
Thai court ruling issued regarding misuse of ALRO-leased land.
Thailand’s National Council for Peace and Order passed Order No. 31/2560.
Tribunal issued Phase I Partial Awards.
Ministerial regulations issued.
BBB applied for new leases.
Phase II substantive hearing took place.
Phase II substantive hearing took place.
Phase II substantive hearing took place.
Phase II substantive hearing took place.
A2 reached Commercial Operation Date.
A3 reached Commercial Operation Date.
Plaintiffs commenced ALRO arbitration.
Plaintiffs’ Phase II Post-Hearing Reply.
A1 reached Commercial Operation Date.
A5 reached Commercial Operation Date.
A4 reached Commercial Operation Date.
Phase II formally closed.
Tribunal issued the Phase II Partial Awards.
Defendants applied to the Tribunal for a correction of the Compound Interest Orders.
Tribunal issued Correction Decision.
Tribunal issued the Costs Award.
Judgment reserved.
Judgment date.

7. Legal Issues

  1. Excess of Jurisdiction
    • Outcome: The court found that the Tribunal did not exceed its jurisdiction in making the Remaining Amounts Orders.
    • Category: Jurisdictional
  2. Denial of Natural Justice
    • Outcome: The court disagreed that there had been a denial of natural justice.
    • Category: Procedural
  3. Contravention of Public Policy
    • Outcome: The court disagreed that allowing the Compound Interest Orders to stand would be repugnant to Singapore public policy.
    • Category: Substantive

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Setting aside of arbitration awards
  2. Order for Defendants to pay 100% of Plaintiffs’ costs of the arbitration proceedings

9. Cause of Actions

  • Breach of Contract

10. Practice Areas

  • Arbitration
  • Commercial Litigation

11. Industries

  • No industries specified

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
AKN and another v ALC and others and other appealsCourt of AppealYes[2016] 1 SLR 966SingaporeCited regarding the 'extended' doctrine of res judicata and preclusion of re-opening matters that could and should have been raised in earlier proceedings.
Lesotho Highlands Development Authority v Impregilo SpA and othersN/AYes[2006] 1 AC 221N/ACited to distinguish between a tribunal purporting to exercise a power it did not have and erroneously exercising a power it did have.
Soleimany v SoleimanyCourt of AppealYes[1999] QB 785EnglandCited regarding the enforcement of arbitration awards and the consideration of illegality of the underlying contract.
AJU v AJTCourt of AppealYes[2011] 4 SLR 739SingaporeCited regarding setting aside an interim award on the ground that the tribunal had wrongly held that a Concluding Agreement was legal and enforceable.
Westacre Investments Inc. v. Jugoimport-SPDR Holding Co. Ltd.N/AYes[1999] QB 740N/ACited regarding the principle of 'palpable and indisputable illegality' in the context of enforcing contracts.
Omnium de Traitement et de Valorisation SA v Hilmarton LtdN/AYes[1999] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 222N/ACited to distinguish Soleimany, noting that Soleimany involved an illicit enterprise for smuggling carpets.
PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) v Dexia Bank SAN/AYes[2007] 1 SLR(R) 597N/ACited regarding the narrow scope of 'public policy' in the New York Convention and the Model Law.
Company A and others v Company D and othersN/AYes[2019] HKCFI 367Hong KongCited as an example of enforcement of awards in other jurisdictions.
Amaltal Corporation Ltd v Maruha (NZ) Corporation LtdN/AYes[2004] 2 NZLR 614New ZealandCited regarding the setting aside of awards contrary to New Zealand 'public policy'.
GD Midea Air Conditioning Equipment Co Ltd v Tornado Consumer Goods Ltd and another matterN/AYes[2018] 4 SLR 271SingaporeCited regarding the setting aside of other parts of an award where part of an award has been set aside.
Kingdom of Lesotho v Swissbourgh Diamond Mines (Pty) Ltd and othersN/AYes[2019] 3 SLR 12SingaporeCited regarding the power to award costs of an arbitration.
CRW Joint Operation v PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) TBKCourt of AppealYes[2011] 4 SLR 305SingaporeCited regarding the direction of costs and disbursements incurred in arbitration.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Arbitration 2012

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
International Arbitration Act (Cap 143A, 2002 Rev Ed)Singapore
Agricultural Land Reform Act B.E. 2518 (1975)Thailand

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Sale and Purchase Agreement
  • Arbitration
  • Remaining Amounts
  • Compound Interest
  • Commercial Operation Date
  • Agricultural Land Reform Office
  • Thai court ruling
  • ALRO arbitration
  • Res judicata

15.2 Keywords

  • arbitration
  • setting aside
  • jurisdiction
  • public policy
  • contract law
  • Singapore International Commercial Court

16. Subjects

  • Arbitration
  • Contract Law
  • Civil Procedure

17. Areas of Law

  • Arbitration Law
  • Contract Law
  • Civil Procedure