Epoch Minerals v Raffles Asset Management: Conspiracy, Dishonest Assistance, and Misrepresentation in US$10M Loan Agreement

In Epoch Minerals Pte Ltd v Raffles Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd and others, the High Court of Singapore heard a case involving Epoch Minerals' claim against Raffles Asset Management (RAM), AKS Consultants Pte Ltd, Kamil bin Jumat, and Gangadhara Brhmendra Srikanth Maroju for conspiracy, dishonest assistance, and misrepresentation related to a failed US$10 million loan agreement. The court found the second, third, and fourth defendants liable for conspiracy to injure and providing dishonest assistance in aid of the breach of trust by AKS, ordering them to pay US$700,000 to the plaintiff.

1. Case Overview

1.1 Court

General Division of the High Court

1.2 Outcome

Judgment against the second, third, and fourth defendants for a total of US$700,000.

1.3 Case Type


1.4 Judgment Type


1.5 Jurisdiction


1.6 Description

Epoch Minerals sues Raffles Asset Management for conspiracy and misrepresentation related to a failed US$10M loan, alleging fraudulent inducement and breach of trust.

1.7 Decision Date

2. Parties and Outcomes

Party NameRoleTypeOutcomeOutcome TypeCounsels
Epoch Minerals Pte LtdPlaintiffCorporationJudgment for PlaintiffWonJeremy Gan Eng Tong, Kevin Tan Eu Shan, Glenna Liew Min Yi
Raffles Asset Management (S) Pte LtdDefendantCorporationAction not pursuedNeutral
AKS Consultants Pte LtdDefendantCorporationJudgment against DefendantLostGoh Kim Thong Andrew
Kamil bin JumatDefendantIndividualJudgment against DefendantLostDerek Kang Yu Hsien, Ashok Kumar Rai
Gangadhara Brhmendra Srikanth MarojuDefendantIndividualJudgment against DefendantLostChristopher Chong Chi Chuin, Tan Lee Jane, Calvin Lee Boon Hui, Josh Tan

3. Judges

Judge NameTitleDelivered Judgment
Choo Han TeckJudge of the High CourtYes

4. Counsels

Counsel NameOrganization
Jeremy Gan Eng TongRajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Kevin Tan Eu ShanRajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Glenna Liew Min YiRajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Goh Kim Thong AndrewDe Souza Lim & Goh LLP
Derek Kang Yu HsienCairnhill Law LLC
Ashok Kumar RaiCairnhill Law LLC
Christopher Chong Chi ChuinDrew & Napier LLC
Tan Lee JaneDrew & Napier LLC
Calvin Lee Boon HuiDrew & Napier LLC
Josh TanDrew & Napier LLC

4. Facts

  1. Mr. Maroju told Mr. Sharma that RAM could invest US$5m in Lotus Group's coal mining business.
  2. Epoch Minerals was incorporated at the suggestion of Mr. Maroju for receiving the loan.
  3. Mr. Maroju represented that the investor was willing to increase the loan to US$10m.
  4. Mr. Sharma had to pay US$100,000 as commission and US$500,000 as a deposit of good faith.
  5. The payments amounting to US$700,000 were made between 4 October 2016 and 3 November 2016.
  6. Mr. Kamil visited Lotus Indonesia’s offices in Jakarta on the pretext of conducting due diligence.
  7. The margin money was transferred from Schiff to Schaffer around January 2017 without the plaintiff's knowledge.

5. Formal Citations

  1. Epoch Minerals Pte Ltd v Raffles Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd and others, Suit No 79 of 2018, [2021] SGHC 288

6. Timeline

Epoch Minerals Pte Ltd incorporated in Singapore.
Payments amounting to US$700,000 made to RAM and Mr Maroju.
Payments amounting to US$700,000 made to RAM and Mr Maroju.
AKS signed off on the Humanitarian Contract on behalf of AKS.
Monies transferred from ASK to Schiff.
Mr Maroju told Mr Sharma that he was unable to obtain the US$10m by the end of the year.
Mr Sharma wrote to Mr Maroju telling him to find a confirmed loan by 19 December.
Term Sheet dated.
Mr Amarpreet signed the Term Sheet.
Mr Kamil visited Lotus Indonesia’s offices in Jakarta.
Mr Kamil visited Lotus Indonesia’s offices in Jakarta.
Mr Sharma asked Mr Maroju to cancel the purported funding promised under the Term Sheet and demanded for a refund of the margin money.
Mr Kamil informed Mr Amarpreet that they were unable to proceed with the investment.
Mr Kamil claimed that the principal was an iron ore mining company operating in Switzerland.
Suit No 79 of 2018 filed.
Trial began.
Judgment reserved.

7. Legal Issues

  1. Conspiracy to defraud
    • Outcome: The court found that the defendants conspired to induce the plaintiff to transfer a total sum of US$700,000.
    • Category: Substantive
    • Related Cases:
      • [2014] 1 SLR 860
  2. Breach of Trust
    • Outcome: The court found that AKS acted in breach of trust.
    • Category: Substantive
  3. Dishonest Assistance
    • Outcome: The court found the defendants provided dishonest assistance in aid of the breach of trust by AKS.
    • Category: Substantive
  4. Fraudulent Misrepresentation
    • Outcome: The court found that a fraud had been committed.
    • Category: Substantive

8. Remedies Sought

  1. Monetary Damages

9. Cause of Actions

  • Conspiracy to defraud
  • Fraudulent misrepresentations
  • Breach of trust
  • Dishonest assistance

10. Practice Areas

  • Commercial Litigation

11. Industries

  • Finance
  • Mining

12. Cited Cases

Case NameCourtAffirmedCitationJurisdictionSignificance
EFT Holdings, Inc and another v Marinteknik Shipbuilders (S) Pte Ltd and anotherHigh CourtYes[2014] 1 SLR 860SingaporeCited for the elements required to prove a conspiracy to defraud.

13. Applicable Rules

Rule Name
No applicable rules

14. Applicable Statutes

Statute NameJurisdiction
No applicable statutes

15. Key Terms and Keywords

15.1 Key Terms

  • Margin money
  • Term Sheet
  • Due diligence
  • Escrow agent
  • Humanitarian Project Program
  • Investment Agreement

15.2 Keywords

  • Conspiracy
  • Fraud
  • Breach of Trust
  • Loan Agreement
  • Singapore
  • High Court

16. Subjects

  • Conspiracy
  • Fraud
  • Breach of Trust
  • Financial Transactions

17. Areas of Law

  • Tort
  • Conspiracy
  • Dishonest assistance
  • Misrepresentation
  • Fraud and deceit