Familial Rape
Showing 6 judgments
No. | Title | Court | Decision Date |
1 | PP v AHB: Familial Rape, Sexual Assault, and Films Act Offences | High Court | 4 May 2010 |
2 | Public Prosecutor v UI: Sentencing for Rape of a Minor & Use of Sentencing Precedents | Court of Appeal of the Republic of Singapore | 4 Aug 2008 |
3 | TV v TW: Division of Matrimonial Assets, Child Custody & Maintenance | High Court | 16 Jul 2007 |
4 | PP v NF: Sentencing for Father's Rape of Daughter - Deterrence & Mitigation | High Court | 20 Sept 2006 |
5 | Public Prosecutor v Akbar Late Md Hossain Howlader: Rape under Penal Code s 376(1) | High Court | 14 Jun 2004 |
6 | Public Prosecutor v MW: Rape of Daughter Under 14 - Sentencing | High Court | 11 Jul 2002 |