Drug Possession
Showing 7 judgments
No. | Title | Court | Decision Date |
1 | Liew Zheng Yang v Public Prosecutor: Sentencing for Attempted Drug Possession | High Court of the Republic of Singapore | 12 Oct 2017 |
2 | Koh Chee Tong v Public Prosecutor: Appeal Against 12-Week Imprisonment for Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act Offences | High Court of the Republic of Singapore | 8 Sept 2016 |
3 | Sivakumar v PP: Sexual Assault, Impersonation, and Consent | Court of Appeal | 12 Mar 2014 |
4 | Choi Byeongkuk v Public Prosecutor: Drug Possession - Misuse of Drugs Act | High Court | 10 Jan 2011 |
5 | Mohamad Noor Bin Abdullah v Public Prosecutor: Trafficking, Defence of Personal Consumption | Court of Appeal | 10 Sept 2001 |
6 | PP v Yap Ah Chuan: Trafficking of Diamorphine, Misuse of Drugs Act | High Court | 6 Aug 2001 |
7 | PP v Chia Jin Hock: Criminal Intimidation with Firearm & Arms Offences Act Violation | High Court | 19 Apr 2000 |