Securities Law
Showing 5 judgments
No. | Title | Court | Decision Date |
1 | The Enterprise Fund II Ltd v Jong Hee Sen: Breach of Contract & Mitigation of Damages | High Court of the Republic of Singapore | 28 Mar 2019 |
2 | PP v Ng Sae Kiat: Securities Fraud & CFD Manipulation Appeal | High Court | 29 Jul 2015 |
3 | Kim Eng Securities v Goh Teng Poh: Dealer's Indemnity for Client Losses | High Court | 6 Sept 2011 |
4 | Shapy Khan v PP: Criminal Breach of Trust & Securities Industry Act Violation | High Court | 25 May 2003 |
5 | AMS Securities v Thio Gwan Choon: Stockbroking Losses & CEO Liability | High Court | 22 Feb 2001 |