Financial Products
Showing 8 judgments
No. | Title | Court | Decision Date |
1 | Toh Fong Peng v Excelsior Capital Finance: Breach of Contract in Network Marketing Scheme | High Court of the Republic of Singapore | 10 Mar 2020 |
2 | Koh Kim Teck v Credit Suisse: Negligence, Duty of Care & Banking | High Court of Singapore | 24 Mar 2019 |
3 | Deutsche Bank v Chang: Negligence, Fiduciary Duty & Misrepresentation in Accumulator Investments | Court of Appeal | 18 Sept 2013 |
4 | Lee Chang-Rung v Leonard Loo LLP: Negligence, Breach of Contract & Lost Chance in Structured Product Misrepresentation Claim | High Court | 28 Aug 2012 |
5 | ALS Memasa v UBS AG: Striking Out Claim for Account of Transactions & Damages | High Court | 8 Feb 2012 |
6 | Soon Kok Tiang v DBS Bank: Credit-Linked Notes, High Notes 5, Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy | Court of Appeal | 1 Nov 2011 |
7 | Teo Wai Cheong v Crédit Industriel et Commercial: Dispute over Unauthorized Accumulator Trades | Court of Appeal | 10 Apr 2011 |
8 | Crédit Industriel v Teo Wai Cheong: Accumulator Agreements & Private Banking | High Court | 19 May 2010 |